May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

124 Chapter 124 : My girlfriend

Vivian paced the room her and Maria had been sharing nervously, Zander had sent word that he would come and pick her up so they could go to his house in a few minutes and she was incredibly nervous. When the door suddenly flew opened she jumped and shrieked.

“Geeze what’s got your panties in a twist?” Maria questioned Vivian. She placed a beautiful purple ball gown on the bed and admired it.

“Where did you get the gown?” Vivian asked her friend

“Oh, Ivan purchased it for me, I’ll be attending the ball with him,” Maria responded as she dusted the beautiful gown.

“Ivan?” Vivian asked with a chuckle, “I thought the two of you hated each other’s guts.”

“Yes his entrails do in fact make me want to gag, but we’re on a mission,” Maria explained and inched closer to Vivian, “anything can happen at this so called ball, Ivan wants to keep a close eye on Gareth and I have to watch the princess. And since you and Zander will probably be too distracted trying to hide your abominable feelings towards each other, Ivan and I have taken it upon ourselves,”

“Feelings??” Vivina rasped with her face as red as a cherry.

“Abominable?” a deep sensual voice echoed around the room, “well that’s not a very nice thing to say.”

The two women turned to look at the door and there stood Zander with a sheepish grin on his face. “May I come in?”


“You may!”

“You may not!”

Vivian glared at Maria and gave her a warning look, “please do come in Zander.”

“I’m actually here to pick you up,” Zander spoke as he took a few steps into the room, “I’ve spoken to my sisters and they’re ecstatic about the whole thing, so are you ready to go? We still have a few hours till the ball.”

Vivian nodded, “yes I’m ready.” As she was about to move, Maria grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close.

“I see what you’re doing with that elf Vivian,” she whispered, “I want to remind you that we’re here on a mission and not to play happily ever after with their kind.”

Vivina pulled her hand away and turned, “I know what I’m doing.” And with that she walked towards Zander who gave her his hand which Vivian nervously took.


Back in Melissa’s chambers Finwe was sitting leisurely on a chair watching the royal tailor take her measurements with much interest. “Is there a problem sir?” Finwe questioned the man who seemed to be taking longer than usual to take measurements.

The elderly elven tailor took a step away from Melissa and shook his head. A faint blush painted his cheeks which made Finwe a bit uneasy. “I’m so sorry your grace it’s just...” the man nervously scratched the back of his head before continuing speaking, “well in all my life of tailoring I have never come across someone with such errr... well.. perfect figure. I just got a little carried away.”

The tailor circled Melissa and admired her like she was a priceless peice of art on display, “your waist is so tiny yet your hips are very wide,” he explained as he placed the measuring tape around her hips, “and your shoulders fall at just the perfect angle, also the distance from your neck to your breas-” josei

A hand grabbed the tailor’s arm before he could place the measuring tape around Melissa’s breasts. “I understand you’re passionate about your work, but please do keep it as professional as possible,” Finwe spoke in a calm yet firm voice.

“O- of course your grace,” the tailor muttered, the blush on his face only deepening.

Finwe released the man and stood close by, he didn’t understand why suddenly he’d become protective of his sister in law, maybe it was instinct. Might explain why his brother was glued to her side like that.

“Any color preferences?” The tailor asked, breaking the little trance Finwe was in.

“Light blue please,” he responded as he pointed at his shirt, “if we are going to the ball together then we’re going to have to match.”

“Is light blue okay with you my lady?” The tailor questioned Melissa.

“I guess so,” Melissa responded softly.

The tailor took out a spool of light blue thread and stood in front of Melissa, he chanted a few words and the clothes she was wearing started fading away, in their place blue fabric appeared until the redhead was completely clothed in a beautiful blue gown embroidered with crystals on it’s seems and low V-shaped neckline. The upper back of the dress was slightly sheer, elegantly showing her arched back. The tailor topped the outfit off with a pair of sheer white gloves and glass sandals for her pretty little feet.

Finwe walked towards Melissa and smiled, “you look perfect, blue is a beautiful color on you,” he commented, “Gareth will lose his mind I can assure you that.” Finwe then turned to the door and called in a maid who rushe in and curtsied respectfully, “tend to the princess’ makeup and hair.”

The woman nodded and led Melissa to a chair. The maid pushed the hair from Melissa’s face and froze for a brief moment, the princess was so beautiful that she looked like she was already wearing makeup, in fact, the maid worried that adding makeup would only ruin everything. The woman chanted a few words before stepping aside and showing Finwe her work.

“Forgive me your grace,” the maid spoke, “I only added a little blush and eyeshadow, my lady doesn’t really need much make up.”

Finwe walked up to Melissa and halted in his steps when he saw her, now that her hair was tied up in a perfect bun he was able to see her facial features fully. “If Gareth hadn’t gotten to you first I would have..” he whispered

“What?” Melissa asked the man

“Nothing,” Finwe responded with a chuckle, “you look lovely sister in law.”


Vivian pulled her hood tightly over her head as her and Zander walked towards the carriage, she didn’t want to risk anyone seeing her and knowing she wasn’t an elf. The blonde elf opened the carriage door for her and sat next to her after he closed the door.

“Are you cold?” He asked and gently put his arm over her.

With a heavy blush, Vivian shook her head, “no, my kind don’t get cold easily.”

“Oh I see,” Zander responded but still kept his arm around her, “then why are you covering yourself with a cloak like that?”

“Well I... we’re in Ervelon,” Vivian explained and pulled the hood even further, “I just don’t want to cause you trouble by letting people know I’m a nosferatu.”

“hmm I see.” Without warning the blonde elf yanked the hood off Vivian’s face causing her to yelp. “Life is so boring without a little trouble,” he spoke with a sly grin on his face, “and besides, I love looking into your eyes when we speak.”

Vivian looked up at Zander who was smiling down at her. “You have beautiful eyes Vivian,” Zander spoke, “it would be a shame depriving the world of such a wonder.”

“Zander I...”

The carriage hit into a pothole and the jerk threw Vivian into the air landed her ontop of Zander. She moved her hair from her face and looked up at the man who had his arms wrapped protectively around her.

“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry, I didn’t-”

Zanded cupped Vivian’s cheek with one hand and gazed into her beautiful blue eyes that glimmered in the light sipping through the carriage window. “Vivian..” Zander whispered.

“Zander..” she whispered back, her heart was beating wildly and her face was hot and red.

“Lord Zander we have arrived!” Came a call from the outside after the carriage had stopped.

“Looks like we’re here,” Vivian spoke softly while trying her best to control her heartbeat and raged breathing.

“Looks like it,” Zander whispered as he stroked her cheek with his thumb.

“We should-”

Before Vivian could complete her sentence Zander crushed his lips onto hers and kissed her passionately. Vivian’s eyes bulged right before she closed them and melted into his kiss. She clutched onto his chest and followed the movement of his tongue and lips like it was second nature to her. Never in her life had she ever kissed a man quite like this before, it felt so right, like her lips were meant to kiss him.

Zara, the youngest of Zander’s sisters rushed out of the castle and jumped up and down when she saw the carriage parked outside. She hadn’t seen her big brother in years and was so excited to see him. “Zander!” She shrieked and ran towards the carriage door. “What’s taking you so long, get out of there and-”

When Zara yanked the door open she found Zander and a beautiful woman sitting side by side awkwardly. Both their faces were red and Zander’s lips were smudged with red lipstick.

Zara’s eyes widened and her mouth opened in an excited grin.

“Zara no..” Zander tried to shush her, “Zara don’t you dare-”

“Zander has a girlfriend!!!” Zara shrieked at the top of her lungs. And almost immediately, beautiful blonde heads began popping up from everywhere. From the door of the castle, the shrubs in the garden, from behind a tree, from a window and from a balcony on the second floor of the castle.

“Oh great,” Zander sighed. He hopped off the carriage and helped Vivian down to introduce her to the six blonde beautiful women who had gathered excitedly around the carriage.

“Viv, welcome to my home, and these are my six sisters,” he spoke, “this is Zara, Zelda, Zuri, Zoey, Zainab and Zora.”

Vivian nervously smiled at the identical looking women whose names she knew she’d never remember and gave them a slight wave, “hi..”

“Girls, this is Vivian,” he spoke as he intertwined his hand in hers, “my girlfriend...”

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