May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

125 Chapter 125 : Love knows no bounds

“Oh wow she’s so beautiful..”

“Her eyes are so blue and vivid..”

“How do you keep your skin so nice..?”

“I don’t buy it, she’s not your girlfriend..”

“Yeah there’s no way you can bag a woman like her Zander tell us the truth!”

“Did he pay you to pose as his girlfriend?..”

“What do you mean I can’t bag a woman like her, what do you take me for?!” Zander yelled with his face red with embarrassment and irritation.

“Well honestly you’re a bit of a stick in the mad Zander no offense,” Zara responded.

“Do you even know how to talk to girls?” Zelda added on


Zander was boiling mad, couldn’t his sisters at least behave for one second and not completely embarrass him in front of Vivian. He turned to the dark haired nosferatu woman who he noticed was giggling. Vivian leaned on Zander’s side and wrapped her arms around his bicep lovingly.

“No, Zander didn’t pay me to be here,” Vivian responded with a chuckle, “though I’d be lying if I said he didn’t bribe me with a dress.” She got on her tiptoes and kissed Zander’s cheek much to everyone’s surprise. “I am indeed Zander’s girlfriend.”

“You are?!!” They all asked in shock.

“Why are YOU surprised?” Zora asked her brother who had also reacted to Vivian’s statement with shock.

“I err.. well sometimes I fail to believe that she’s truly mine,” he responded nervously.

Zainab, the oldest of the six sisters took Vivian’s hand and began pulling her towards the castle, “you two are going to the ball right?”

Feeling a little conscious that Zainab would notice how cold her skin was, Vivian gently pulled her hand away and smiled warmly. “Yes we are,” she responded.

“Well then come on,” she spoke and took Vivian’s hand again and dragged her towards the castle, “we should get you dressed as soon as possible.”

“I call dibs on doing her hair!” Zara sqealed excitedly.

“I call makeup!”

“No fair I wanted to do her makeup!”

“Be gentle with her!” Zander called out as his sisters dragged Vivian away. He smiled and a faint blush tinted his cheeks as his thumb grazed his lower lip that Vivian had kissed so passionately. “Girlfriend huh..” he muttered to himself. “Well then this changes everything.”


Ronda tiptoed quietly down the hallway towards queen Tauriel’s room, she was aware that the queen was preparing for the ball in there and it was the perfect opportunity to anonymously slip her little note for her to read. Ronda stopped at the entrance of the queen’s chambers and placed her ear on the doorway and could hear the queen instructing her handmaidens to do her hair and and make up. She crouched down and was about to slip the note underneath the door when a deep voice spoke behind her.


The elven woman stood up abruptly and turned towards the voice. The air in her lungs gushed out when her eyes met Gareth’s.

“My prince!” She muttered, “what are you doing here?”

“I have something I wish to discuss with the queen,” he responded as he scanned the woman’s guilty looking face, “what are YOU doing here?”

“I umm, well I was just helping queen Tauriel prepare for the ball,” Ronda responded nervously, “and she’s almost ready now so I’ll be leaving.”

The woman turned and practically ran from Gareth. The handsome elf shrugged and turned to knock on his mother’s door when he saw a peice of paper that Ronda had dropped without realizing. “Hey you forgot..” but Ronda was already gone.

Out of curiosity Gareth opened the note and read it’s contents. His eyebrows creased as he went over each word, it was note telling the queen that Gareth was planning to propose at the ball and mentioned that Melissa was already married to king Elric. “That traitor!” Gareth grumbled in anger, “and to think I trusted her!”

“Trusted who?”

The eleven prince looked up and found Tauriel looking down at him.

“The ball is about to start Gareth, we should take our seats to await our guests,” she spoke. She grabbed the note from him and tucked it away into the pocket of her dress, “you can read your little note later, come on.”

Gareth’s throat went dry, if the queen read that note all his plans would go up in flames and he couldn’t let that happen. He had to propose to Melissa tonight, Elric was on his way to try and take her away and he couldn’t afford to lose her to that lying bastard a second time.

The eleven prince hurried to his mother’s side and cleared his throat, “can I maybe have my note back now, it’s very important.”

“I will give to you later,” the queen spoke as she pushed the large double doors of the ballroom open, “I don’t want you getting distracted tonight.” She pulled her son and made him take a sit on her right hand side.


“Shush Gareth whatever it is can wait,” Tauriel interrupted him, “tonight you’ll will meet your people, your family... you will be king one day, you must show the people that you are poised enough for the job.” She turned to him and tapped his chin up with her finger, “don’t slouch.”


“Your majesty, status report.”

“Go ahead,” Elric responded to the lycan general who was bowing respectfully in front of him.

“There are many soldiers gaurding the entrance to Ervelon your majesty,” the general spoke, “it seems there is something going on within, a ball of some sort. Sources say it’s about the eleven prince from Gavaria.”

Elric crushed the cup he was holding with his bare hands when the words spoken by the lycan general reached his ears, “a ball? Are you sure of this?”

“Yes your majesty, our sources are quite credible.”

Why would that elven bastard be throwing a ball? Was it some form of coronation? Or worse, was that bastard wedding his wife?! The silver haired lycan tossed the crushed cup aside and rose to his feet, “kill all the gaurds, infiltrate the kingdom and put an end to that ball!!”

“Yes your majesty, right away.” The general walked to his men and started yelling out instructions, “prepare to attack!”



Zara carefully pinned two braids of Vivian’s dark hair at the back of her head with an emerald blue hair clip and took a step back to admire her work. “Wow..!” She cooed in awe, “you must be the prettiest woman in the world..”

Vivian blushed at the compliment, “thank you err Zara?”

“Don’t worry you’ll get all our names right eventually,” Zara spoke with a chuckle, “give it it a couple of months.”


“Oh come on Zara Vivian is a smart woman,” Zoey added on, “she can knock it out in a couple of weeks.”

“But that will depend on how often Zander will bring her here,” Zainab explained as she put the finishing touches on Vivian’s makeup, “he looks like the possessive kind, obviously he will want to keep her all to himself.”

“Wait!” Vivian interrupted the blonde women who were bickering amongst themselves. “Why do you all sound like you expect to see more of me?”

“Cause we do duh,” Zora responded

“I mean of course we’ll give you and Zander space to be alone but we really want to get to know you more Viv,” Zara added on

Vivian lowered her gaze and sighed, “I’m sorry girls but I don’t think you’ll see much of me anytime soon.”

“Why?” Zelda asked, “are you guys breaking up?”

“He fucked up didn’t he?” Zainab asked the dark haired woman, “I’ll give him a peice of my mind!”

Vivian waved her hands in front of her nervously, “no he didn’t fuck up at all,” she responded, “and we’re not breaking up!”

“Then what’s up?”

Vivian shifted nervously in her seat, “well I can’t stay here because... well you see..” Vivian took a deep breath and looked at the matching sets of brown eyes eagerly looking at her, “I don’t know how you’ll take this but.. I’m not an elf, I’m a nosferatu.” josei

There was a silence that enveloped the room and it made Vivian’s heart race, they were probably disappointed and upset about this news. She would understand if they kicked her out of their home right that minute.

“Yeah and so?” Zoey questioned Vivian whose eyes bulged in shock.

“Aren’t you upset about the fact that I’m not one of you?”

The ladies all chuckled in unison.

“Oh Viv we already knew that!” Zara spoke with a smile

“And honestly we couldn’t give a rat’s ass,” Zainab added on, “as long as you make Zander happy then you’re alright in our book.”

“Our brother is a bit of a loner,” Zelda spoke, “so when he started mentioning you in his letters a few weeks back we were all ecstatic that he had found someone who got him so excited about life.”


“Yeah, he couldn’t right a single letter without mentioning you,” Zoey spoke and began to imitate her brother, “she has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen, her laughter haunts my dreams every moment I close my eyes.”

The girls all laughed except for Vivian who was blushing and had become misty eyed. So Zander had been in love with her all this time, and to top it all off he had told his family everything? She felt moved.

“Hey no crying you’ll ruin the makeup!” Zainab complained as she handed Vivian a tissue.

“I’m sorry,” Vivian responded as she dubbed her eyes and sniffled happily. It was in that moment Vivian realized she was utterly in love with an elven man named Zander.

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