May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

126 Chapter 126 : Deja vu

Gareth sighed and leaned back on his chair, how the hell was he going to get that note back now, guests were already pouring in and he didn’t want to cause a scene. His only hope was that his mother would drop the note during the course of the ball or she would just forget about it entirely. The handsome prince’s little reverie was shaken when someone sat incredibly close to him. He turned and saw Ronda’s green eyes gazing up at him.

“I didn’t notice how handsome you look your grace,” she cooed, “the color purple suits you.”

Gareth was wearing a pair of grey trousers, black boots, a silk purple shirt that somewhat matched the color of his eyes and a grey jacket.

“Thank you,” the handsome prince responded flatly. He was trying his best to keep himself from frowning as he spoke. Gareth considered himself a very calm and tolerant man, but when it came to his beautiful Melissa, you mess up and you’re dead to him. And that was exactly what Ronda was, dead to him.

“And how do I look your grace,” the elven woman spoke, shamelessly fishing for compliments. On any other day Gareth would have probably told her she looked nice out of curtesy but this vile woman didn’t even deserve that.

“Did you get the ring?” The prince spoke, completely ignoring her previous question.

Ronda sighed and dug in the pocket of her dress, she pulled out a simple silver ring and handed it to Gareth. The prince glance at the peice of jewelry and shoved it back into her hand, “you know very well that Mel can’t wear silver!” Gareth spoke in hushed tones so his mother couldn’t hear him.

“She can’t?” Ronda responded with a fake surprised tone in her voice, “but why not? It’s the purest metal. Elven women would be-”

“You know what just forget it!” Gareth shushed the woman. It seemed everyone was against him being with Melissa, even the people he thought he could trust. Everyone here was just the same, a bunch of racist, cold hearted hypocrites.


Ronda tucked the ring back in her pocket and looked up at Gareth with a flirty smile, “you still haven’t complimented my-”

“Prince Finwe, second of his name, and his lovely guest princess Melissa!”

When the announcement of Finwe’s arrival was made every eye went to the door, mostly because people wanted to know who this princess Melissa was, they didn’t know a princess would be attending the ball. Where was she from? When the two walked into the ball room there was a deafening silence.

Finwe was walking slowy with a proud and smug look on his face as he led Melissa who had her hand on his arm. The minute the nosferatu princess lifted her head and flattered her beautiful blue eyes, oohs and aahs filled the room. She was wearing a beautiful blue dress that matched her eyes, her ears and neck adorned with crystals that matched her shoes, and her hair was tied in a beautiful bun with large blue flower fitted into it, she looked like a beautiful fairy.

Gareth’s jaw dropped as he gazed at the woman walking into the ballroom, he had become so acquainted with seeing her in slacks and cloaks that he had almost forgotten how utterly breathtaking she looked in a dress.

Ronda and queen Tauriel on the other hand were far from happy. Neither of them expected the princess to even show up for the ball, later on show up with Finwe! What was this woman trying to prove?!

The two walked to the high table and bowed and curtsied to it’s occupants.

“Mother..” Finwe spoke with a bow


“Your majesty..” Melissa spoke with a curtsy


The nosferatu princess looked up at the queen and smiled tauntingly at her, “forgive my presumption your majesty, but it’s PRINCESS Melissa.” She curtsied again and walked to greet the rest of the table occupants, leaving the queen gnashing her teeth in anger.


“Finwe..” Gareth responded without taking his eyes off where his hand and Melissa’s interlocked.

“Your grace..” Melissa greeted Gareth with a curtsy


“You and your date look lovely your grace,” she spoke as she shifted her eyes from Gareth to Ronda.

The prince immediately put some distance between Ronda and him, “she’s not my date! The queen just asked her-”

“Enjoy your evening prince Gareth,” Melissa spoke with a taunting smile and pulled Finwe to walk with her.

Finwe and Melissa moved further down the table, walking right past Ronda without giving her a second glance. They sat on a separate table across from Gareth, still hand in hand.

“Who is she?” Whispers came from the crowds that had gathered.

“I don’t know but she’s gorgeous.”

“Is she prince Finwe’s betrothed?”

“She has to be, I mean just look at how good they look together..” josei

The whispers didn’t miss Gareth’s ears and they were making him feel odd and uncomfortable. He looked up at Melissa and Finwe and they were chatting and giggling among themselves. Melissa wasn’t supposed to be giggling with Finwe, she was supposed to be giggling with him. Gods, was Gareth getting jealous of his own brother?

~Get a grip Gareth, Finwe is doing this for you~

He took a deep breath and looked up at Melissa again and saw her whispering something in Finwe’s ear, making the man chuckle. The dark haired prince rose from his seat abruptly, even though this was all a rouze there was only so much Gareth could take.

“Gareth!” His mother chided him, “what’s gotten into you?”

“I.. I need to stretch my legs,” he responded, “why don’t I open the dance floor?” As he was about to make his way to Melissa and ask her to dance with him, a hand latched onto his and redirected him to the dance floor.

“Ronda let me go.”

“Calm down my prince people are watching,” she spoke as she swayed with him to the music, “you wouldn’t want to cause a scene and risk everyone knowing of Melissa’s true identity now would you?”

Melissa looked up at Gareth and Ronda whispering and dancing and pouted.

“Trust me, Ronda would never hold a candle to you in my brother’s heart,” Finwe assured her. “Did you see how he was about to come and kick my ass just now?”

“Hmm, well he certainly looks like he’s enjoying himself,” Melissa responded and crossed her arms over her chest.

Finwe stood up and reached for Melissa’s hand, “come on, let’s join them on the dance floor so we can ‘accidentally’ bump into them.”

Melissa chuckled and took Finwe’s hand in hers, “I like how you think Finwe.” They walked to the dance floor were a few other couples had joined in and swayed to the music.


Zander took out his pocket watch from his jacket for the fourth time and shoved it back in with a sigh. The ball had probably already started and he and Vivian were running late, what on earth were his sisters still doing to her?

“Anytime today!” He called out

“Hold your horses we’re done!” Zara’s voice came from up the stairs. She walked down halfway and dramatically bowed, “presenting... the lovely and beautiful Vivian!”

Zander rolled his eyes and was about to scold his sister when the site of Vivian walking down the stairs made him forget every word he had ever learnt.

“Oh sweet mother of mercy..” were the words he managed to put together after minutes of his brain short circuiting.

The lacy black off shoulder dress that perfect shaped Vivian’s body was enough to give any man a run for his money. Her hair was curled up and loosely fell down her shoulders and back, and the way the faint makeup highlighted her already beautiful facial features made Zander gulp and tug his collar. He suddenly felt like he was running out of hair.

When Vivian reached the bottom of the stairs and stood in front of the blonde elf, he had to resist the urge to peel off her dress with his teeth and take her right there at the foot of the stairs.

“Sorry we took so long,” Vivian apologized, “How do I look?”

“No need to look amazing, you apologize Viv.”

Vivian creased her brows in confusion and Zander’s sisters facepalmed in unison.


“I.. i mean no need to apologize Viv,” he corrected himself with an embarrassed chuckle. He then inched closer and took her hand in his. “You look amazing, like the the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.”

“Careful Zander,” Vivian responded as she trailed her finger up the buttons of his shirt. She leaned towards his ear and whispered, “flattery will get you EVERYWHERE.”

“Eww other people live here you know!” Zara screamed making the couple chuckle.

Zander offered his arm to the woman and Vivian took it without hesitation. “We should go before we miss all the fun.”

Vivina nodded and followed the blonde elf towards the door, only turning to wave at the six beautiful women who had helped her dress up.

“Have fun..!”

“We’ll catch up with you a bit later!”



“Oh yeah nothing like a nice cold cup of ale to put you in the festive mood,” one elven gaurd spoke merrily. He handed a cup to his friend who shook his head and declined the offer.

“Come on mate there’s a party why don’t you take a swig,” he spoke in an attempt to persuade his friend.

“I have a bit of bad history with drinking on duty,” he spoke. He remembered a long time ago when his friend was killed while drinking on duty.

“Oh come on now what are the odds of something happening right now? Lighten up-”

The elven gaurd lunged at his friend all of a sudden pushing him out of the way of an arrow that was shot in his direction.

“Bloody hell!”

“You were saying..?” The elven gaurd rose to his feet and saw a group of Lycans and nosferatu soldiers charging towards them, the whole scene looked like a terrible repetitive nightmare, he had been in this situation before and he knew it wasn’t going to be pretty.

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