May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 224

Chapter 224

224 Chapter 224 : Stay away from my grandchild

Ronda was sitting in her room worried sick, she prayed that no one discovered that the ichor was poisoned, and if they did she at least hopped that they had not known that she was the one responsible for it. If they got suspicious of her it would be a lot harder to get close to the nosferatu princess and do away with her.

The door to Ronda’s chambers opened and queen Tauriel walked in, her face displaying a mix of emotions. She looked angry yet disappointed, confused yet drained. The queen walked to a small chair near the bed where the young elf was sitting and took a seat.

After a few seconds of silence Tauriel finally turned her head to Ronda, this was a woman she had raised from a very young age, and even though what she had done warranted a capital punishment Tauriel couldn’t just have her beheaded or hanged, Ronda was like a daughter to her.

“Ronda dear..”

The elven woman nervously nibbled the inside of her lip and dropped her eyes to the ground. Whatever the queen was going to say would tell how much everyone else knew about the situation at hand, and in turn this would determine Ronda’s next move.

“Yes your highness..”

“Tell me what happened today,” the queen spoke, “and as usual don’t dare lie to me.”

Ronda did not expect this line of questioning, she wouldn’t be able to know how much the queen knew this way, she had been trapped, her highness really did know her well.

“And once you’re through with that,” the queen continued, “tell me why you decided to invite yourself to the wedding when I gave you specific instructions not to attend.”

Now the green eyed elf was in a fix, she wasn’t planning on being caught here, all she had wanted to do was to administer the first phase of her plan and leave, everything else she had planned to deal with later.


“Your highness you know how I feel about Gareth,” Ronda mumbled in the most pitiful voice she could muster. “How could I stay away when the only man I have ever loved was getting married to another woman?!”

“Does that give you the right to poison Melissa’s drink?”

Ronda gulped and instinctively clasped her neck, “I..” she didn’t think the queen would know that the drink was poisoned, later on know that she was the one responsible.

The queen gave Ronda a very serious look, never in the young woman’s life had she seen her so angry. “Listen, I tolerated your little obsession with Gareth yes I admit, and I’m sorry if I led you to believe that you were the woman meant to be with my son. What you should realize dear is that at the end of the day no matter what I say, the choice of who to love is his.”

Ronda felt tears sting her emerald green eyes and her lips quivered, “but that’s not fair! I have been working hard for years to be the perfect woman for Gareth, and now you’re just going to let some woman who isn’t even an elf waltz in here and be queen?!”

Tauriel took Ronda’s hand and pulled her in for a hug, she felt guilty for letting the poor girl engross herself so much in the idea of being with Gareth. “I’m so sorry Ronda,” she whispered while stroking the shaking girl’s hair. “Gareth is just one man, you’re a beautiful and very smart woman, you will find someone who will love you in no time at all. But you have to let go of this bedeviled love for another woman’s husband.”

The elven queen pulled away and wiped a stray tear drop that had tricked down Ronda’s cheek, “I’m so sorry dear, take heart.” Her consoling eyes then turned menacing as she uttered the next words to Ronda, “but if you ever try to harm my grandchild ever again I will have your pretty little head on a pike.”

The words the queen uttered were used in a neutral tone of voice, but the way in which she said them was a clear threat.

The queen stood up and gave Ronda one last nod before exiting the room, yes she loved the young woman like her own, but she would not compromise on blood.


Melissa took Gareth’s hand after hugging her parents goodbye. The Morrells were heading back to Greenhill, while Marceline and Kaiser Stefan were heading back to the Snowlands.

“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Asked Marceline. “You know our doors are always open to you, and I really could use the company”.

Melissa glanced at Gareth before turning back to her mother and nodding, “I’m sure mother, Gareth and I are married after all, I trust him and I know he will take good care of the baby and I.”

Marceline smiled and her daughter, “very well, if you need anything don’t hesitate to reach out.”

“Of course mother,” Melissa responded and gave the woman a wave. She also turned to look at the carriages carrying the Morrells and gave them a wave as well, she already missed all of them even if they had promised to visit when the baby was born.

When the all the carriages pulled away to different directions, Melissa and Gareth walked back towards the palace hand in hand. Gareth felt relieved that his wife had decided not to leave, he didn’t ever say it but he was really clingy when it came to Melissa, being without her was a lot harder for him than he let on. All he wanted was to be cuddled up next to her all day, feeling her hand stroking his hair and hearing her voice speaking to him constantly even when all he said in response was ‘that sounds lovely my love’. He generally just wanted her in his space and that was it, just knowing she was within his reach was enough for him.

Estle had a sullen look on her face as she watched the couple approach them, she had gotten so used to Melissa being around the place, having another woman around other than her mother made the place feel more cozy, but now Melissa had to go back to Gavaria.

“Why don’t you leave tomorrow?” Estel whined and immediately took Melissa’s hand in hers. “Please, you really want to leave me here with these men?”

“We can hear you you know,” Aiden spoke with a playful tone, “if you want another woman around the house you can just ask nicely and I can give you a daughter.” josei

“Father please..” Damien who was standing behind his parents sighed. He had not fully gotten used to his parents openly showing their affection like this. In fact, Damien and his father weren’t really in good books because he still felt his father had abandoned them, but after his mother’s plea, he agreed to be civil with the man and refer to him as his father

“Watch what you say Aiden that’s my sister you’re talking about,” Gareth jockingly threatened the red haired man.

“And that’s my little sister you got pregnant but here you are still alive and breathing.” Aiden fired back with a sly smile.

“You see what I mean?” Estel complained making Melissa chuckle.

“I would love to stay here Estel, really I would, but I think my husband is very eager to have me all to himself finally after a long time,” Melissa responded, the nosferatu woman wrapped her arms around Gateth’s bicep and cuddled up next to him. “Besides you three need some time alone to catch up as well.”

Estel pulled Melissa into a tight hug, “I can’t wait to see the baby..” she put a gentle hand on Melissa’s belly and smiled, “gosh she is going to be so beautiful.”

“She?!” Gareth and Melissa both gasped in unison.

Estel covered her mouth realizing she had made a mistake, “I’m sorry did you not know? I’m assuming Finwe already told you.”

“Finwe didn’t even tell me my wife was pregnant even though he was the first to find out,” Gareth responded. “You really expected him to relay an important peice of information like this, it’s Finwe.”

“Why am I always walking in on people bad mouthing me?” Finwe spoke casually as he walked up the steps towards the palace.

Gareth turned to his brother and gave him a disappointed look. “You didn’t feel the need to tell me that I was having a daughter Finwe?”

“I didn’t tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise,” Finwe responded before taking Melissa’s hand and kissing it, “I’m assuming Estel has ruined it.”

Melissa’s face immediately beamed with excitement, she was so excited about having a girl, she could already picture all the things her and her daughter could do together, all the moments they could share.

Gareth on the other hand was a cross between anxious and terrified, he was having a girl?! Good gods, girls were so delicate and needed constant watching and care. And what if she grew up to be as beautiful as Melissa or more? Gareth would have to be walking around with a sword to make sure no man came close to his little girl.

“Isn’t this great news?!” Melissa squealed excitedly.

Gareth nodded slowly, “yes.. great news.”

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