May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 225

Chapter 225

225 Chapter 225 : Your wife is in labor

Gareth was sitting in the meeting hall with his council members back in the kingdom of Gavaria, counting the minutes until he could leave and go back to his wife who he had left in bed unwell.

Four months had passed since Gareth and Melissa’s wedding and it was a four months that Gareth enjoyed for the most part. He most of all really enjoyed her heightened libido, she was all over him every night and Gareth loved it. Going to bed was actually one of his favorite times of day because of the very same.

There were some days when Melissa was very emotional, and sometimes her emotions would fluctuate, she would be happy one minute, angry at him the next and wanting to rip his clothes off another. At first it was all so confusing for the man because he had never dealt with a pregnant woman before, but in time he adjusted and actually enjoyed being by her side when she was being emotional.

Today though, Melissa had woken up feeling unwell, she complained of back pains and she felt tired. Had he overdone it the previous night during their lovemaking and hurt her? He felt guilty about it but he couldn’t help it. It was already hard enough to resist his beautiful wife before, but now she had all these new curves that could drive any man mad.

The elf king awoke from his musing and looked up at the council members who were still failing to come to a conclusion about appointing a governor to oversee the running of Baiviles. This was a relatively simple matter but his council always loved to prolong these meetings, most likely to stay away longer from their wives. Well Gareth wanted to go back to his, unlike other men, he actually enjoyed spending time with his wife.

Gareth was about end the whole meeting and announce his final ruling when Maria threw the doors open and rushed into the room. The council members gasped at the intrusion, how dare someone just walk into a session as important as this unannounced? And a woman at that!

“Your majesty-”

“Hold it right there!” One of the council members rose to his feet and gave Maria a disapproving glare. “How dare you barge in here?! This is the king’s council!”

“But her highness!” Maria yelled in a jittery tone but was cut off with the swing of the man’s hand.


“Enough! Leave before we have you escorted out.”

Gareth’s ears perked up when he heard Maria mention his wife. He got up and took a step away from the table, “stop!” He yelled at the council member who was about to have Maria escorted out. “Maria.. what’s happening? Is Mel okay?”

The woman walked passed the sulking council member and curtsied in front of Gareth. “Your majesty, Melissa is in labor!”

“Labor?” It was like Gareth’s brain had stopped working for a quick second because what Maria had just said shut down all sense of reason. It was not until Zander grabbed Gareth’s shoulder and urged him to move forward did he register what was going on.

“Your majesty your wife is having the baby right now, we need to go!” Zander yelled making Gareth rush out of the room faster than a gush of wind.


Melissa was taking heavy gasps of air while some midwives ran about the room bringing in hot water, towels, and different things they would need to receive the king’s baby. This was going to be a very delicate delivery because not only did king Gareth love this woman to death, but she was having a hybrid baby and none of the midwives had delivered a half elf half nosferatu child before. They had to take every precaution to ensure everything went smoothly, they didn’t even want to think about what would be done to them if anything happened to Melissa.

The head midwife walked to Melissa’s side and took her hand, “I need to check for the baby now your highness.”

Check for the baby? What did she mean she needed to check for the baby?

“This will be a little uncomfortable but we need to know how close the baby is before you begin to push.”

Melissa gnashed her teeth when a bolt of pain struck hee back and stomach, with the amount of pain she was going through, she didn’t even care what the woman was planning to do to her now, all she wanted was to get the baby out.

“Do it!” Melissa yelled before groaning in pain.

The head midwife walked to Melissa’s front and pulled up the white sheet that was covering her legs, embarrassment was the feeling Melissa was supposed to feel but she was in too much pain to consider it. All she wanted was to have this baby and end it all.

Melissa’s eyes circled when the woman put her fingers in her private area, was that what she meant by checking the baby?! Good gods that felt very uncomfortable.

“She’s ready!” The head midwife called out, “get the water and towels ready.” She turned to Melissa and gave her an assuring nod, “get ready to push your highness, soon you will see your beautiful little baby.”

Melissa was releaved, she had been enduring contractions for the past six hours and all the midwives kept telling her was that she was not ready yet, she was so frustrated and in pain she had almost sat up and pull the baby out herself.

“Alright your highness, just take deep breaths, this will be over before you know it. The king will be here any minute.”

“The king?!” Why did these women feel the need to call Gareth in a time like this?! She didn’t want her husband to see in such a compromising state, it was embarrassing. “Please don’t let him in..” Melissa hissed as another painful contraction riddled her abdominal muscles. Just in the moment she heard her husband’s voice, he was asking where she was frantically and sounded like he was heading this way. “Don’t let him in!” Melissa yelled and clenched the sheets beneath her, “that’s an order!”

The head midwife looked to one of her assistants and nodded her head, “do as she says, we need her highness as comfortable as possible.”

The midwife nodded and rushed out of the room, in the hall was the king who was demanding to be told where his wife was, how on earth was she going to keep the king from going into the room.

Gareth caught sight of the midwife who was standing at a door not to far from him. He pushed the guard he had been asking away and walked towards the door, “my wife is in there isn’t she?”

The midwife gulped and curtsied, “yes your majesty, but I have been urged to keep you here while her highness delivers.”

Gareth knitted his eyebrows at the woman not understanding what she was trying to say, “you have been urged to keep me out? You want me to miss the birth of my own child?!”

The midwife winced at the king’s tone.

Gareth took a step forward, “please step aside..” josei

“I can’t your majesty it was an order..” the midwife quivered.

“Well now I’m giving you an order as well! Move!”

Zander grabbed Gareth’s shoulder and urged him to calm down. The elf king took a deep breath and looked back at the midwife with a more composed demeanor. “Who gave the order to keep me from seeing my wife?”

“it was her highness herself who gave the order,” she responded.

Gareth jolted his head back in surprise, why wouldn’t she want him to be there when their baby was born? Gareth’s thought process was cut short when he heard his wife scream from the other side of the door. In that moment his body moved on its own without a thought, he shoved the midwife aside and rushed into the room, what had happened to his wife. “Mel!”

Melissa screamed again and the elven king froze in his tracks. There was blood where she lay, a lot of it. A peice of cloth had been placed in Melissa’s mouth probably to stop her from biting her own tongue, but it didn’t do anything to stop her screams of pain, the screams that sent shivers down Gareth’s spine.

Gareth stood in place for a very long time unable to move, his eyes were fixated on the blood on the bed and the popped out veins on Melissa’s arms and forehead. She looked like she was in a lot of pain, was all this his fault? Was she suffering like this because of his baby?

The cloth that was in the redhead’s mouth fell out and Melissa cried out in pain making the man walk towards her.

“Your majesty!” The head midwife exclaimed in shock, “you’re not supposed to be here.”

“Move.” Gareth took his wife’s hand and looked down at her beautiful face, it was drenched in sweat and her hair was dump as well. He squeezed her hand gently before leaning down and giving her hand a kiss, he was scared, his wife looked like she had lost a lot of blood and he could feel that she was shivering. When her eyes opened and met his, he felt his heart sink, her blue eyes looked tired and wary and this worried him even more.

“I’m here Mel..” he whispered and kissed her hand again. “You can do this, and I’ll be here for you every step of the way.”

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