May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 229

Chapter 229

229 Chapter 229 : Lord Jacob

“You need to stop pushing him to do these things Zander, I’ve told you time and time again that our Zhelimir is not a fighter!”

“I know you’re worried about him my love but you have to understand,” Zander tried to explain to his furious wife. “There’s potential in him, a potential I want to harness!” josei

“Will you stop it with that potential nonsense!” Vivian yelled back. “Today he comes home with a bruise, tomorrow he will return with a broken arm.. are you still going to try and harness his potential then?!”

“If you hadn’t spoiled him so much maybe I wouldn’t have to push him!”

Vivian arched her eyebrows at her husband before knitting them in fury, “what do you mean I’ve spoiled him?!”

“These ridiculous things you have him doing like planting flowers and baking!” Zander pointed out, “a man should not be doing those things!”

“Well he is not a man Zander he is a child! And until you can see that you can make yourself comfortable in the guest room!”

Zhelimir covered his ears and curled himself up on the bed like a ball trying hard not to hear the argument between his parents in the next room. Every time he would get hurt his parents would fight, it was all his fault, if he was a better fighter and a little less timid.. if maybe he could be a little more like Eira, he could protect himself from being hurt and his parents wouldn’t fight so much.

The blonde boy winced when the door of his room opened, he kept his eyes shut and his head covered with his pillow, he just wanted all the violence and arguing to end.



His mother’s sweet voice reached his ears making him lower the pillow and look up at her. Vivian walked to her son’s bed and sat down on the edge of it before cupping his chin gently. “My sweet baby boy are you okay?”

The boy shook his head right before throwing himself into his mother’s arms and burying his face in her chest.

Vivian gently stroked her son’s hair and held him close, “I’m sorry my baby, does your cheek hurt?”

The boy shook his head once more, “it doesn’t hurt, I wasn’t hurt mother it’s just a bruise.”

Zhelimir was his mother’s little boy, even if Zander had spoken out of line, the truth was that Vivian had indeed spoiled him rotten, not just materialistically but emotionally as well. She showered him with so much love and care that he ran to her at any slight inconvenience.

“Sweetie you don’t have to try and act tough around me,” Vivian cooed her son. “It’s alright to feel pain.”

“I don’t want to feel pain anymore!” Zhelimir yelled with his face still buried in his mother’s chest and his little hands clenching her gown tightly. “I don’t want to be scared anymore, I don’t want to get hurt so easily!” He looked up at his mother while still holding her tight. “I want to be strong so you and father won’t fight so much.”

The words that left her son’s mouth broke Vivian’s heart. She had thought that in his room Zhelimir would not be able to hear her conversations with her husband, but it turns out he had heard everything. Vivian pulled her son back into her arms and kissed the top of his head.

“You’re already strong enough sweetie, you have a strong heart and character, that’s good enough for me and it should be good enough for everyone.” She kissed his forehead again before cupping his face in her palms, “and your father and I are not fighting honey, we just had a little disagreement. But regardless of all that, you should never feel the need to do something because of the sake of others, it’s alright to put yourself first too.”

The nosferatu woman helped her son into bed and tucked him in, “I love you sweetheart, and so does your father, don’t you ever think you’re not perfect just the way you are.”

Zhelimir nodded before laying down and making himself comfortable.

“Besides, tomorrow we’ll be expecting some very important guests here in Gavaria, and they will be coming here with their children. Having some friends around will help you get your mind off today’s happenings.”

“Where are these guests coming from?”

“They’re special guests from Ervelon, you’re going to absolutely love them, they’re very good friends of your father.” Vivian gave her son a kiss on the forehead before blowing out all the candles in the room except one that he used to keep the chambers from becoming completely dark. “Now get some rest okay.. I love you.”

“I love you too..”


The next day was a bit of an anxiety trigger for Zhelimir, he had never really had many friends, the closest friend he had was his own cousin Eira. But today things would be different, he was going to meet some of his father’s friends’ children and his mother had urged him to make friends with them.

He felt incredibly overwhelmed but a little excited at the same time, he did want to make new friends, but he was also worried they might not like him.

A hand landed on Zhelimir’s head from across the carriage, he looked up at his father who was smiling at him. “They’re going to love you son, no need to worry. Me and these men go way back, I’m sure you’ll fit in very well with their children.”

When the carriage arrived at the royal palace and the young blonde boy exited it, he found Eira standing at the doors with some gaurds. She was dressed up and had an exited grin on her face.

“Good morning Eira..”

Eira grabbed her cousin’s hand and dragged him into the palace excitedly, “took you long enough Zhel, I’ve been waiting for you all morning!”

The blonde boy followed the girl helplessly, he would forget how strong Eira was sometimes. “Where are we going?!”

“Where do you think?” Eira responded as she kicked the door to her room and pulled her cousin in. “We’re preparing for our new guests!” The little redhead grabbed several toys and games and put them in two bags of which one she handed to her cousin. “We should stock the playroom so our guests don’t get bored.”

Zhelimir looked down at the bag of games and then back to his cousin. “Well what if they don’t want to play with toys? What if they’ll want to play outside?”

Eira shook her head and walked passed Zhelimir towards the playroom. “We’ll tell them we can’t do that, you don’t like playing outside so we shouldn’t have to do it just because they want to.” She kicked the door to the play room open and put down the bag of toys before sighing in satisfaction. “Besides, there’s nothing outside that we can’t do right here.”

Zhelimir placed the bag down as well and smiled at his cousin who was moving things around in the playroom. Eira had always been sensitive to his likes and dislikes, she never forced him to do anything he didn’t want to and was always more than willing to do what he wanted. It was the reason why even though she was practically his only friend, Zhelimir had never really felt alone.

“Come on Zhel get a move on!”

The young boy chuckled before rushing to her side and helping her arrange everything. “Yes ma’am!”


Zhelimir stood next to Eira as the carriages parked inside the palace courtyard. He was surprised by how many they were, how many guests were their parents expecting?

When the occupants of the carriages stepped out, the adults all walked excitedly towards them, and instead of bowing or curtsying like they usually did, they hugged them. It seemed they were very fond of these guests.

“Your majesty..” one dark haired elven man muttered to king Gareth as he walked towards Eira. “You better be on your toes for this one, men will be flocking at your doorsteps by the time she’s sixteen.”

Gateth pinched the bridge of his nose and chuckled lightly, Ivan was never going to change was he? “I’ll make sure to do just that Ivan thank you for your concern.”

“Speaking of which,” Ivan continued before turning around and calling to someone. “Jacob! Come here and meet your future bride!”

Eira narrowed her eyes at the man’s statement. Future bride? She didn’t want to marry anyone, she had bigger plans for her future. Eira wanted to be a queen, a powerful ruler just like her father, she would have no time for boys, especially ones named Jacob.

The young boy with long chestnut brown hair and matching eyes stepped up to Eira and gave her a sly smile that she immediately wanted to smack off his face. He took her hand and with a low bow kissed it. “Please to meet you Princess Eira, lord Jacob at your service.”

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