May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 230

Chapter 230

230 Chapter 230 : clash of wooden swords

“Why don’t all of you go and play,” Melissa urged the children after officially introducing them to each other, she was a little excited about her daughter making new friends, and she was excited for Zhelimir as well, for the longest time they only had each other. She turned to her daughter and gave her a light push, “go on sweetie, show your friends around.”

Melissa turned to look at the little group that was to be her new friends. There was Jacob, the arrogant one who as she had been told was the son of her father’s friend Ivan. There was Leonard, lord Beric’s son, and Isabella lord Roland’s daughter. Lord Ozias and Odran had children as well but they were much older that Eira and Zhelimir so they went off into the town to do whatever it was people of their age did.

“Alright children off you go,” Melissa coaxed the little lords and ladies, “go and play while the grown ups talk, we’ll let you know whe lunch is ready.”

Eira turned around and took Zhelimir’s hand before leading her new friends to her play room “this way please”. She was excited about getting to know all of them, well except Jacob, he had made a pretty bad first impression but maybe, just maybe, she could give him the benefit of the doubt. Zhelimir on the other hand was as anxious as ever, he had no idea how any of this would go, what if they didn’t like him, or thought he was weird?

The little red haired princess pushed the door open and led the group into the playroom. She stopped halfway into the room with Zhelimir by her side and smiled broadly. “This is my play room, we can stay here until the adults are done talking about politics and tea and stuff. There’s a lot of toys here and all of you can play with whatever you want.”

Isabella, a dark haired little girl with sparkling blue eyes gasped in glee before breaking into a run towards the tower of stuffed animals and dolls that were stacked in a corner. She squealed in excitement before diving in head first into the pile. “Oh my gods this is amazing!” She yelled while tossing of the toys in the air like confetti.

Leonard walked around the room taking a look at all the toys, “do you have any books Eira?” He asked in a rather nervous tone. He was a little shorter than everyone else but had striking hazel eyes and dark hair that only managed to magnify his beautiful orbs. He had never really been a fan of toys, but he didn’t want to seem rude by refusing Eira’s offer. If he could find a book to read to pass the time that would be great.

Eira nodded excitedly, she too had a love for reading and her parents had made sure to insvest in it. “I have lots of books!” She announced excitedly. “Zhelimir and I love reading a lot so I have tons of them in a shelf over here.” She led Leonard to what looked like a closet built into the wall and opened it.

Leonard’s eyes circled when they landed on the vast collection of books in front of him, he had his own collection of books sure, but it was nowhere as vast and as exotic as this one.


“There’s more books in the library but mama and papa say I’m too young to read those,” Eira spoke as she pulled out one of her favorite books. “They buy me these books whenever they go out of the kingdom, thats why I have different books about almost everything.”

Leonard took the book in Eira’s hand and as soon as he read the title his eyes sparkled, “this is an elven book on spells! How did you-”

“Oh yes, my grandmother sent it to me as a gift not too long ago,” Eira responded, “it’s my most favorite book ever. I learnt how to disappear and appear with a spell in the that book, I’m part elf so I know how to use some magic.”

Zhelimir grabbed a book from the shelf as well and started browsing through it, he too had read a bit on magic but he had never been as keen about it as Eira. He preferred to read about politics, battle and warfare even when he wasn’t the type to even handle holding a blade.

“Is that St. Andreas’ children’s book on modern politics?!” Leonard inched closer to Zhelimir and gave him puppy eyes. “May I see it?”

“Of course.” Zhelimir closed the book and handed it over to Leonard who practically grabbed it from his arms. “It’s one of my favorite books actually..”

Jacob glanced briefly at Zhelimir and Leonard who were bonding over some books, before continuing walking around the playroom. He was trying to find something he could use to keep himself busy as well, he was not into books or dolls like the rest, those are things he considered childish or boring. Suddenly, he spotted a wooden sword that was leaning on the side of the wall and picked it up with much interest.

He swung the sword around before turning to the other children who were chattering amongst themselves. “Is this yours Eira? Because I know it definitely cannot belong to your friend Zhelimir over there.”

Eira knitted her eyebrows at Jacob’s comment, she didn’t like people making fun of Zhelimir, he was quiet and a little timid but that didn’t warrant anyone making fun of him. She stretched out her hand and gestured him to hand over the wooden sword. “Yes it’s mine, and Zhelimir has a similar one as well, we use them when training.”

“Training?” Jacob held the sword firmly by his side and glanced at Zhelimir. “I don’t mean to sound offensive but Zhelimir’s demeanor doesn’t exactly scream warrior.”

The blonde elf boy closed the book he was reading and shoved it back in the shelf before marching towards Jacob. “What was that you said about my demeanor?”

Jacob raised his eyebrows and scoffed at the angry boy, “I said that your demeanor doesn’t look like one of a fighter. You should stick to your books and your politics.”

Zhelimir grabbed his own wooden sword and pointed it at the dark haired elven boy. “Why don’t you say that to my face one more time.”

“Fine, why don’t we take this outside Mr politics..”


Eira tugged her cousin’s sleeve and looked up at him with concern, “Zhelimir what are you doing? Don’t let this jerk get the best of you.”

“No Eira, I need to do this,” Zhelimir responded. He had to put an end to people always thinking he was weak and timid. He needed to stand up for himself and stop running to his mother or Eira. His father was right, he was a man, and a man should not behave the way he was behaving.


Eira was biting her nails anxiously as they walked out of the palace to the training grounds in the back where Jacob and Zhelimir were preparing to have a fight with their wooden swords. To onlookers like the palace gardeners and the maids moving around, it probably just seemed like an innocent game they were going to play, but in truth this was about to be a dual of rage and arrogance.

Jacob was trying to be arrogant and boost his ego by picking on someone timid, while Zhelimir was probably about to let out some deeply seeded rage that had been slowly building over the years from him being called weak and timid.

Eira was worried and was panicking, mostly she was worried about Zhelimir, she didn’t want him to get hurt but she knew she couldn’t do much to stop it. Should she get her father or mother? But what if that caused a wedge to form between Jacob’s father and and hers, she would feel absolutely awful if that happened.

The red haired princess held her breath as the two boys clicked their two wooden swords together, she prayed nothing bad would happen to any of them.

“Just give it up Zhelimir, what’s the point of all of this?” Jacob snared at his opponent. “Are you angry that I spoke the truth In front of your friends?”

The blonde boy swung his sword back and hit Jacob’s sword with a strength that surprised even himself. Jacob was pushed backwards almost dropping his sword from the force. He too, like everyone else, had a look of surprise in their face.

“You don’t know me!” Zhelimir yelled, “I am not going to lie down and take whatever anyone throws at me anymore, especially not you!” He tightened his hold on his and swung it again, this time knocking the wooden blade out of Jacob’s hand, pushing him backwards to the ground where he landed with a loud thud.

Zhelimir then proceeded to pointing the dagger to Jacob’s throat while he was still down, just like his father had been teaching him. “Don’t you ever call me timid ever again.”josei

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