May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 235

Chapter 235

235 Chapter 235 : Spite

Melissa rushed to Eira and cupped her face in her arms, checking her neck and face for some reason. “Are you sure nothing happened to you?!”

“Mother I’m alright,” Eira responded before gently pulling her mother’s arms off her face. “What’s going on?”

Zander and Zhelimir appeared from the door, and immediately Eira’s eyes moved to Zhelimir who looked guilty, had he ratted on her to her parents. josei

“Eira why would you be sneaking out to the forest when I told you not to go there?!” It was the first time her father had raised his voice at her in anger. What was so bad about the forest that was getting everyone so worked up anyway?

“Father I was-”

“You were going against my words that’s what you were doing! What if something happened to you?!”

Melissa placed a gentle hand on Gareth’s should to calm him down, “it’s alright, let me talk to her.”

The eleven king drew in breath before nodding in agreement and turning away, “Zander, Zhelimir, let’s go.”

Zhelimir gave Eira one last look that she returned with an angry glare, he was going to have a tough time trying to get her to forgive him that was for sure.


When the men had left the room, Melissa walked to the chair next to Eira’s dressing table and gestured the young woman to sit on the bed.

Eira walked slowly to the bed and settled down, after which she looked up at her mother.

“Honey I know you love the forest,” Melissa’s spoke, “you’ve always loved nature ever since you were young, that is the reason why you loved your grandmother’s place in Ervelon.”

“But if you understand that then why is father making it seem like there’s something out in the forest just waiting to eat me up?”

Melissa sighed at her daughter’s accurately sarcastic analogy. “Sweetheart for your father to be where he is, not everyone had him in their good books. You have to understand that he is the king and a powerful man who is practically untouchable, so if they can’t touch him, who do you think they will go after?”

Eira nibbled the inside of her lip and averted her mother’s gaze, “but I’m always careful, plus there is no one out in that part of the forest I venture.”

“Are you sure about that?”

Eira sunk into her bed, is there something her mother knew that she didn’t? What had Zhelimir told her?

“Did you see anything or anyone unusual while you were in the forest with your cousin Zhel?”

The man with silver hair? Was that someone she was supposed to be afraid of? But he didn’t seem dangerous in the least bit, as a matter of fact he seemed to be trying to get away from her. If she told her mother about him what would they do to him?

“Eira?” Her mother repeated herself, “Zhel told us you saw something unusual in the forest yesterday.. what was it?”

“Zhelimir was just a little concerned about the change in flora and fauna in the forest, there are some pixies there now.”

Melissa arched an eyebrow at her daughter, “well alright. But please listen to your father when he says the forest is dangerous for you, it’s in your best interest.”

“Yes yes I’ve heard that several times..”

Melissa rose to her feet and gave her daughter a shoulder rub, “we love you sweetie.”


Elric walked into his cabin, closed the door and stood in place. What in the world had just happened? What was wrong with that crazy woman? Was it her life purpose to toy with his mind, who was she anyway?

The silver haired man walked slowly to his usual chair that he sunk into and let the events of that day wash over him.

Eira seemed to be an incredibly stubborn woman, which woman in their right mind would chase after a total stranger and even jump after him off a cliff?! She was absolutely insane, she had to be!

But now that Elric had met her face to face , he knew that she was real. Now he wondered why that supposed apparition of her had been following him around all those years ago? Was it perhaps that it was predestined that they should meet? Or had she been using her magic, that now he was sure she had, to play with his mind. And if she was playing with his mind, what was the reason?

Elric had so many questions for the young woman but really didn’t want to get himself involved with her. He had lived the past sixteen years devoid of any human interactions and it had been peaceful, why would he want to ruin his serenity right now, and because of a woman? Again? Not a chance!


Zhelimir peeked into the gardens and saw Eira sitting by the swing, he didn’t need to be a mind reader to know that she was probably very cross with him. He needed to go up to her and let her know that what he had done was in her best interest. He really hoped she would understand, he didn’t like being in bad books with her, she was like his best friend.

“Is our little princess having a bad day?”

Zhelimir jumped at the sudden words and turned to look at who was speaking. “Janis! Wha- what are you doing here?!”

Zhelimir, just like Jacob, was also in a twisted situation. He had first met Janis when they were fairly older since she had grown up in Baiviles with her mother. When he had first laid eyes on her, Zhelimir developed a strong liking to her, but just like Jacob’s situation with Eira, she did not reciprocate his feelings and her older brother would most likely not approve of Zhelimir for her. Not that the blonde hybrid had anything wrong with him, in fact, Zhelimir was somewhat of a perfect man, the reason Jacob would be against Zhelimir and Janis being together it’s was largely out of spite.

“I sensed the distress of my friend miles away,” Janis responded with a smile. “What happened? She’s always so peppy.”

“I uhh-” Zhelimir, even though he had become a great warrior and somewhat of a brooding man, around Janis he was the same timid mess he was when he was six years old.

“Well I... I think she may be a little cross with me.” Zhelimir mumbled.

“Oh shame honey,” Janis responded while gently stroking Zhelimir’s chin, a gesture that she clearly had no idea the kind of effect it had. “Come Zhel, I’ll talk to her.”

When Eira saw Zhelimir and Janis walking towards her she sighed, she wasn’t really in the mood to be around people right now, she had a lot going on in her mind.

“Eira!” Janis skipped to the beautiful redhead whom she embraced in a hug.

“Janis? I didn’t expect you here.” Eira spoke to the woman before giving Zhelimir a disappointed look. “Don’t you have a date with some rich lord?”

“I di,” Janis responded with a suspiciously wide smile. “And I want you to come with me.”

Eira narrowed her eyes, “go with you? Don’t you think that would be a little odd?”

“Of course I will find someone to accompany you as well,” Janis mumbled while twirling Eira’s red locks in her slender finger.

Eira grimaced at the suggestion, “thank you Janis but I’m not really into that kind of thing.”

“Oh don’t worry I’m not trying to get you hooked to some rich old man,” Janis chuckled, “that’s more of my style. Besides I heard you needed a break, have some fun and let lose.” She shimmied behind the redhead and leaned into her ear. “You’re going to love it.”

Zhelimir felt a little conflicted about the idea of Eira going to the places that Janis frequented, they were not her style and for someone of her caliber, a royal princess, it would be disgraceful.


The beautiful red haired hybrid turned her head towards her cousin and frowned.

“I don’t think you should go to this party, there are other ways to destress rather than exposing yourself to such crass crowds.”

“Why? Are you going to tell my father again?”

Zhelimir frowned at her sarcastic attitude, “I understand you’re upset with me but this is not the time to be spiteful. You and I both know your father would never approve of you going to such a party Eira.”

“You’re not my care taker and neither are you my father’s lapdog Zhelimir, so I can do whatever the hell I want!” Melissa turned for the door that led to the inside of the palace. “Now if you’ll excuse us, Janis and I have a party to prepare for don’t we Janis?”

“We sure do,” Janis replied and took Eira’s hand before blowing Zhelimir a kiss. “See you later sugar.”

Zhelimir watched the two women disappear into the palace, his face both flustered and angry. Why was Eira suddenly being so stubborn?

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