May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 236

Chapter 236

236 Chapter 236 : You!

Janis felt fairly happy with herself after her little skim had worked, she didn’t think that Eira would actually agree with going out to a party with her. Sure she wasn’t happy with the fact that a night out with lord Graham would not go as she had planned, but it was worth it if she could finally get Damien to notice her. Of all the men she had fancied, the handsome red haired hybrid was the only one who had not even batted an eye at her existence, and for some strange reason she loved it.

Eira walked out of her closet wearing a dress that surprised even Janis. It was a long black lacy dress with a keyhole neckline and a bare back, she paired the sexy ensemble with black danglings, a golden necklace and deep rouge lipstick.

“Is this okay?”

Janis stood up and circled her friend a few times in admiration. “Oh my gods Eira, why have you been hiding all these curves?! The men at the party will be filling up buckets of drool because of you.”

Eira walked to her mirror and looked at her reflection before pursing her lips as self doubt began to bubble up within her. “Maybe it’s a bit too much,” she muttered, “I should change-”

“Don’t you dare!” Janis yelled and smacked her friend’s hands away from her buttons. “You look amazing, now come on we are already late and I haven’t even slipped into something flattering.” Janis grabbed Eira’s hand and pulled her close, “now teleport us to my room, our carriage will be by my house any minute!”


About an hour later, Janis, lord Graham and Eira walked out of the carriage and towards the entrance of a castle of some sort. josei

Eira could already hear the music from the inside and the sound of people singing along and possibly dancing. The whole scenario reminded her of the brothels she had heard about from stories, they did not sound flattering at all.


As they walked into the castle, the smell of alcohol wafted into Eira’s nose making her gag a little, she had never tasted any type of alcoholic beverage before even of their home was riddled with wines and thirst quenching ales from all over the continent. A curtesy of her father of course, he was not necessarily a drinker, just a man who liked the finer wines in life.

The moment they wayinto the building, Eira began to scan the entire place and located a chair that was placed in the corner not too far from the bar, she would sit there and wait this whole party out or at least wait in till Janis was tired of her old fart of a date. She now regretted ever agreeing to coming here, maybe this was a bit too much just to spite Zhelimir.

The beautiful red head sat down on her targeted chair, avoiding the eyes of men shamelessly ogling at her and searched the room for Janis, where had she gone just now?

In a corner somewhere, Janis was smiling proudly as she watched her bother sleek down his hair for the seventh time.

“Don’t forget-”

“Yes yes I will make arrangements for you to meet Damien, you don’t have to remind me,” Jacob mumbled and he fixed his collar.

“Good boy, now go get her tiger,” Janis responded while turning away, “and please try not to be an arrogant prick around Eira, she hates that.”

“I’m not arrogant..” Jacob replied with knitted eyebrows.

“Just tone it down or you will lose her to someone else, trust me.”

Jacob watched his sister walk away and then slicked his hair back once more before walking towards where Eira was sitting. He kept muttering ‘I’m not arrogant’ in his head as he approached the woman. He could be nice, he could be the perfect sweet man if Eira ever so wished it, it was no problem at all.

“Well well well.. what is her grace doing here?” He asked Eira who rolled her eyes in response. “Have you come to grace us commoners with your presence princess?”

“Look Jacob I’m really not in the mood for you right now,” Eira responded, “could you please go bother someone else, my night is bad enough already without you showing up.”

The dark haired elf sighed internally, why was he so terrible at this? He always messed things up when It came to Eira, it was like she was his trigger, he just couldn’t tone it down with her. Jacob turned towards the bar and ordered a cup of ale and one of wine before sitting down next the the young woman.

“Would you fancy some wine?”

Eira looked at the cup in Jacob’s hand in suspicion, “you’re offering me wine? You know I don’t drink.”

“It’s a party Eira,” Jacob put the cup in front of the woman before turning to look at the bar. He was supposed to be convincing her to like him a bit more and he was messing everything up. “I’m just trying to make sure you enjoy yourself.”


Elric walked to his closet and yanked it open, his eyes trailed over the many clothes he had gathered over the years but had never worn and sighed. The silver haired man had never really interacted personally with other people in over sixteen years, the only times he would be within vicinity of others was when he went to the town to purchase things he could not make on his own such as clothing, shoes and certain types of food.

He had promised himself that he would avoid people at all costs, but after what he had gone through the past two days he needed to take a little breather. When he was out in the town a few days ago, Elric had overheard some of the town’s people chatting about an open party of some sort that a young lord was throwing for his wife. He decided he would pass by and maybe have a few free drinks to clear his mind.

Since it was an open party, there would be many people there from all walks of life so it was unlikely someone would recognize him, especially after so much time. It was the perfect plan.

Elric pulled out some clothes and shoes and walked to his bed. He promised himself he would stay there for one hour and leave, that would be enough to take a glass of wine or two.


Eira was bored out of her mind at this party, all she had been doing was sipping wine and watching Janis fondle her date from across the room.

“Would you like to dance?”

The redhead turned to face Jacob who had slipped off his chair and was holding out his hand to her.

Eira pointed at herself in confusion, “me?”

“No, the brick wall behind you... of course I mean you Eira!”

“Well with that attitude I don’t know if I want to oblige,” Eira responded and folded her arms over her chest.

Jacob took a deep breath and took a step towards the pouting woman. “I’m sorry, let me try that again. Eira, would you please give me this dance?”

Eira looked up at Jacob feeling a little surprised, was he trying to be polite? She slowly nodded and placed her hand in his, allowing him to help her off the chair she was sitting on.

It was not until that moment that Jacob got a good look at what Eira was wearing, she looked absolutely breathtaking and it made him feel a little insecure. If he thought she looked amazing, then so did every man in the room. The elf pulled the princess close and led her to the dance floor where other couples had already convened and were swaying to the music. He pulled her onto him, his hand around her waist and the other gently lifting her right hand.

Eira had never danced with Jacob before, she always made sure to stand clear of him even at balls because of his obnoxious attitude. So all of this was very new to her.

“Ummh you look beautiful tonight..”

Eira furrowed her brows and tilted her head upward to look at him in surprise. Had he just complimented her? “Th- thank you.. you look pretty good yourself.”

Jacob didn’t know that such a simple compliment from Eira could make him feel so elated. His sister might have been right, being less arrogant and obnoxious around Eira may bare positive fruits.

“Thank you,” Jacob responded with a smile.

The two continued swaying to the music and to her surprise, Eira was actually enjoying herself. Jacob was a very good dancer and his demeanor somewhat seemed different than usual.

When the music ended, Jacob had to stop himself from protesting, this was the first time he had held Eira in years, her body felt so perfect against his and that was proof enough that she was the right woman for him.

Eira took a step back and smiled at Jacob before curtsying, “that was lovely. Please excuse me, I need to go to the little ladies’ room.”

She turned around and rushed towards the bathroom dodging the people in her path. But it seemed she did not dodge them well enough, because just a few feet away from the bathroom door she bumped into a man who from the impact, she could tell was well built.

“I’m sorry I didn’t-” Eira’s eyes went wide when she looked up at who she had bumped into. “You!”

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