May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 237

Chapter 237

237 Chapter 237 : The party

“You!” The two yelled in unison. “What are you doing here?!”

“Why in the gods’ good names do you keep following me around?!” Elric growled at the redhead. He was coming here to try and get his kind off oh her and her shenanigans yet here she was again.

Eira growled in irritation, “I’m following you around?! Ugh as if! Why would I have the need to follow a stupidly obnoxious man like you?!”

“Says the crazy woman who chased me off a cliff!” Elric spat back.

Eira balled her hands into fists and called upon every fiber of her being to calm down before she caused a scene and kicked this man right where the sun didn’t shine. “You were wandering around uncharted territory like an animal and I was trying to help! Forgive me for having a heart!”

“I don’t need your help!” Elric inched closer to the woman and glared at her, never in his life had he ever come across a woman so annoying and hard headed. “I’ve never needed it and never will! It’s been bloody sixteen years and you’re still hovering around me. Get away!”

Eira jerked her head back in both shock and annoyance. “What in the bloody hell do you mean by sixteen years?! I don’t even know you!”

The silver haired lycan’s face softened up as he looked at the woman who genuinely looked like she meant it when she said she didn’t know him. How was that possible? Had he pegged the wrong woman?

“But what about the-” Elric felt confused, was she playing with him? Was she deliberately trying to stir up thoughts of confusion in him. “So that wasn’t you sending some apparition of yourself to follow me around?”


Eira scoffed in amusement, this man was out of his mind wasn’t he? “What are you even talking about?”

“Aren’t you a witch?”

The red haired hybrid lifted her hand about to smack Elric across the face but the man was quick and caught her hand mid air.

“How dare you!” Eira growled.

“Will you calm down, I’m trying to have a rational conversation with you!”

The princess pulled her wrist away from the man’s grasp and glared daggers at him “Why would I want to have a conversation with a jackass like you?!”

The silver haired man felt like his entire face was brining up in rage, had this petite woman just called him a jackass just now?

“You know what! I just can’t talk to you when you’re like this, if and when you’ll be ready to get off your high horse, and actually want us to figure out what the hell is going on here, because clearly something is, you’ll know where to find me. You seem to have a knack for that.”

Eira had never been so furious in her life, and here she thought Jacob was most annoying person ever, boy was she wrong. She turned away from the man and stormed off towards the stairs that led to a balcony, completely forgetting about her trip to the loo, she couldn’t stand another minute being in the same room as this silver haired man a second longer.

Elric also headed for the exit of the building, so much for a relaxing evening, he hadn’t even gotten the chance to sip as much as a drop of wine yet.

As the lycan walked out of the castle and into the courtyard, he felt an oddly strong urge to look back. He whipped his body around and tilted his head up, and there she was, leaning over the balcony railing above him. Even though she was the most infuriating woman who had ever walked the earth, she was probably also the most beautiful. Elric had not failed to notice how ravishingly gorgeous she looked that night, regardless of their encounter. If they weren’t at each other’s throats the whole time, he might have even considered asking her to dance.

Eira who was also still very much angry, felt a strange urge to look down and spotted the bastard who had ruined her night looking up at her. She became even more furious when her eyes raked over his body and noticed that he was a very good looking man, so much so that when their eyes locked for a few seconds she involuntarily blushed. josei

“Tch.. bastard,” Eira mumbled to herself.

“Brat..” Elric mumbled to himself before turning back around and walking away.


Back in Gavaria, Melissa walked down the hallway towards the throne room where her husband had just finished his meeting with his right hand and some council members. The gaurd at the door bowed respectfully at the woman before proceeding to opening the door for her.

“Your highness...”

Melissa stopped and gave the man a smile, “is my husband busy?”

“His majesty has just concluded his meeting, I’m sure he will be delighted to see you.”

The nosferatu woman nodded and walked into the throne room where she found her husband standing by the window with his arms crossed behind his back.


The handsome elven king turned around, and as soon as his eyes landed on Melissa’s beautiful face a smile tugged his lips. “Mel..” He walked to her, took her hand gently in his and pulled her into his embrace.

“You seem troubled, did the meeting not go well?” Melissa asked the man who looked at her with tired eyes.

“The meeting was just fine my love, I’m just a bit worried about other things.”

Melissa searched her husband’s face, “it’s about Eira isn’t it?”

“She worries me,” Gareth responded with a sigh, “she is very stubborn and it might get her into trouble one day.”

“I spoke to her Garry, she said there was nothing unusual that happened in the forest that day.” Melissa cupped her husbands face in her palms and pulled him in for a comforting kiss. “Don’t worry so much about her, it’s a phase she is in, she will rebel sometimes.”

“But what if Elric gets to her?” Gareth pulled away from his wife and walked to the window where he gazed out to the forest not too far from the palace. “I know he has a vengeful heart after all that happened, and what worries me the most is we don’t know what he has been up to the past sixteen years. He could have gathered so much information about us, about our child, and is just waiting for the right time to use it against us.”

Melissa walked forward, wrapped her arms around the man’s waist and leaned her forehead into his back. “You need not to worry too much, for all we know, Elric might be miles away from Gavaria.”

“You and Eira are all I have,” the elven king mumbled, “if anything happened to any of you I don’t know what I would do with my self. You’re my wife and she is my only child.”

Melissa released the man and walked to his side, “nothin will happen to her.”

Gareth looked down at his beautiful wife and noticed the hint of distraught on her face.

“Are you alright?” He took her hand and turned to face her. He knew his wife so well, even a slight change in her speech pattern or stance could tell him so much about her mood.

“It’s nothing of importance right now,” she mumbled.

Gareth took her other hand and stroked them both, ” anything that has my wife’s beautiful face looking like that is of much importance. Now tell me what’s bothering you.”

Melissa turned her head to the man and gave him a nervous smile, “it’s about us having another child Gary.”

The elven king immediately froze, just like he always did when a conversation about them getting pregnant again came up. Melissa placed her hands on her husband’s shoulders and gave him a pleading look.

“I know you’re afraid what happened last time may happen again but it won’t,” she assured the statue of a man. “It’s been sixteen years Gareth, what is in the past is in the past, we need to move on.” She cupped one of his cheeks and pursed her lips before speaking, “we’ve always said we’d have many children, have a big family, that was our dream. Have you forgotten?”

“I have not..” Gareth placed his hand on his wife’s, the one that was touching his cheek oh so gently. “But the risk..”

“The only family our daughter will have when you and I are gone Gary, will be her siblings.. she deserves that.”

Gareth pulled Melissa’s hand off his face and kissed it, “what if I promise to think about it?”

Melissa slid out of her husband’s hold as a look of disappointment painted her beautiful face. She had heard him say that a number of times before, that was just him saying ‘no’ gently.

“Mel..” Gareth reach for the woman as she turned away but she dodged his grasp and walked to the door. Before she left the room, she turned to look at him and the look in her eyes broke his heart.

“I’ll go check on Eira before I head to bed.. good night your majesty..” and with those sour words, Melissa left. Leaving Gareth feeling guilty and conflicted, why couldn’t things just be easy? First his daughter was being rebellious, and now his wife’s wishes were putting him in a dilemma. Could things get any worse?

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