May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 239

Chapter 239

239 Chapter 239 : I couldn’t stop one man

Melissa walked out of her daughter’s room feeling dizzy and disoriented, where could Eira be at this time of the evening? She had never snuck out before, not once, maybe Gareth was right about worrying about their daughter, her rebellious phase might be getting a bit out of hand.

As she exited the room she bumped into her husband right at the door and felt a little startled not knowing whether to tell to him about Eira or not.

“Mel..” he placed his hands on her shoulders making her gulp a little. “Can we talk my love? I know things didn’t end well in our last conversation, but I don’t want us to be in bad books because of that. Can we please sit down and come to an understanding?”

“Gary!..” the woman squealed nervously. “Umm of course!” Melissa quickly closed Eira’s door and stood in front of it to ensure that her husband did not go in and discover that Eira had snuck out of the place. He was already so paranoid and over protective of her. “Of course we can talk about it, why don’t we go to our chambers and discuss it?”

Gareth smiled at his wife, thank goodness she was willing to talk things over, she had seemed so bothered about it before that he thought she might not be willing to even look him in the face.

“That sounds like a lovely idea my love,” Gareth responded and cupped Melissa’s face in the palm of his hand. “But first I must talk to Eira as well, I know I’ve been a little too hard in her lately. She’s an adult now and I need to trust the decisions she makes.”

The man reached for the door of his daughter’s chambers but Melissa grabbed it and pulled him away. “Umh honey that’s very noble of you,” she spoke in a tone she was trying so hard to control. “But I’m afraid Eira is already fast asleep, I came here to speak to her as well but all her candles were already put out. It might be better to speak to her about it at breakfast.”

Gareth sighed and took a step back from the door, “she never goes to sleep this early, she must be still cross about what happened.”

“I’m sure she’ll be better by morning and you can tell her everything.” The red haired woman intertwined her fingers with Gareth’s and began leading him away to their own chambers. She felt incredibly guilty for lying to her husband but she really didn’t want him overreacting over their daughter’s disappearance, he would surly scold her endlessly and that would form a wedge between them. This was the best thing to do at the moment.



Jacob stood in a corner with Eira in his arms while waiting for the carriage to back up to where he was. He couldn’t afford letting people see the state the princess was in, and he definitely didn’t want people getting the wrong idea about what was going on. He was standing in a dark corner carrying an unconscious woman, one would definitely assume the worst.

Not too far from where Jacob was standing, Elric was making his way across the gardens to the castle door to try and have a second conversation with Eira, maybe ask her to talk over a glass of wine to help both of them to calm down.

In as much as they were at each other’s throats, it was clear that there was some strange connection between them that they both couldn’t explain. And if they were going to figure it out, they would have to put their differences aside and discuss the matter.

The silver haired man slowed down when he saw a rather strange sight not too far from him. In a corner in the darkness, was a young man he had seen at the party carrying a woman who seemed unconscious. Elric was about to move on and not get himself involved in whatever was going on when he saw the woman’s red hair falling off her shoulders as her head fell back.

“Please don’t tell me that’s-” Elric pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. What had this woman gotten herself into this time? Had she stepped on the wrong person’s toes and ended up in this situation?

The lycan took a deep breath before taking a step towards the man who was holding Eira. He subtly hoped that he hadn’t hurt her, for some reason he really don’t want anything to be wrong with her.

“Excuse me...”

Jacob turned around with a start and looked at Elric who had his eyes on Eira. “What?” Jacob took a step back and held the woman in his arms securely. “Is there a problem?”

“What have you done with the woman in your arms?” Elric asked, his eyes never leaving Eira.

“What’s it to you?” Jacob responded sternly. “Why don’t you mind your own business and go away.”

Elric narrowed his eyes and Jacob could have sworn he saw them glow a little bit. “That woman there is my business.. if you’re trying to do something to her, or have done something to her, you and I might have a problem.”

“I told you it’s none of your business damn it!”

Elric stepped forward and reached for the woman but Jacob swiftly moved out of the way. “Don’t you dare touch her!”

Elric growled a little, for some very strange reason he was suddenly feeling very overprotective of Eira. He leapt up in the air and landed behind the elf carrying Melissa, knocking Jacob on the back of his neck. The elf’s arms went limp and he subsequently dropped Melissa, allowing Elric to grab her and secure her in his arms.

“You bastard! Let go of her!” Jacob screamed with frustration. He couldn’t even swing back because his arms had lost all feeling after that blow on a nerve on his neck.

Elric gave Jacob one last look before turning around and leaping into the darkness of the garden.

“No! Nooo Eira!” Jacob ran towards the darkness and scanned the area in a panic but saw nothing. “No.. No.. No.. this cannot be happening.. not now.. not Eira.”

Jacob ran around in circles trying to find the silver haired man who had taken Eira but he was gone. “Eira! Eira!”


The silver haired man walked carefully to his bed chambers where he pushed the door open. With well calculated steps to ensure not to hit the woman into the door frame, he walked to his bed and lay her down.

Elric then grabbed some blankets, spread them over her and sat down by her side. “Looks like you had a little too much to drink tonight,” he mumbled as he watched her sleep. “Either that or whoever that was i found you with drugged your drink. Lucky for you I’m not as hard headed as you are and decided to come look for you.”

He studied the woman’s face closely and unknowingly a smile crept up his face. “You sure are beautiful when your mouth isn’t blabbing.”

Immediately those words left his lips Elric practically jumped from the bed. What in the world was he saying?! He thought that maybe by now his heart would have learnt a lesson! Women were nothing but trouble, especially red haired beautiful ones like Eira.

The lycan scolded himself a second time for admitting she was beautiful, he needed to remember that the only reason he had not let that dark haired elf have his way with this woman was because he needed answers and nothing else!

He hurried out of the room and much to his dismay couldn’t help but look back at the woman’s sleeping face. He might have been going crazy because as he watched her he could swear he felt like he’d known her for longer than just a few days, her aura seemed oddly familiar to him.


Janis jumped to her feet when the door swung open, she scurried to the door and practically drugged her brother into the room.

“Where is she? Did anyone see you? Did you decide to just take her home?” josei

Jacob briefly glanced at his sister before walking past her and sitting on his bed. He cupped his face in his palms and just sat there looking like a lost puppy.

Jacob’s demeanor made Janis’ throat become as dry as a biscuit out in the sun. Why did Jacob look like that? And where was Melissa?

“Please tell me she sobered up and teleported herself home..” there was a plea in Janis’ voice.

“I don’t...” Jacob slowly rose his eyes to look at his sister. “I don’t know where she is.”

“What the hell do you mean you don’t know where she is?! You literally had her in your arms!”

Jacob covered his face once again, “I searched everywhere.. it all happened so fast. I ... I couldn’t stop him. I couldn’t stop one man... what kind of knight am I?”

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