May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 240

Chapter 240

240 Chapter 240 : You saved me?

The light.. why was the light so damn bright? And why did the light hurt her eyes so? And why in the world did her head hurt so much, why did her mouth taste awful? Eira pulled the blankets over her face to stop the light from hitting her face, who had opened the curtains so early anyway? The red head was about to drift back to sleep when something crossed her mind, since when were her windows above her bed?

She pulled off the blanket slowly and squint her eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the brightness and the environment she was in. She was in a cozy room that wasn’t too big and not too small, it’s wooden walls gave it a warm feel and the grays and whites of the curtains, beddings and furniture gave the room a rather masculine feel.

Eira slowly sat up in bed and threw her gaze at every corner of the room while telling herself not to panic, panicking right now might bring more harm than good. First she had to figure out where she was and how she had gotten here before doing anything rash.

The redhead noticed the slightly opened closet door and saw some coats and jackets neatly hanged within, and below that near an armchair, was a pair of leather boots. On the chair was a light blanket and a coat that told Eira that whoever it was who owned this room had spent the night on the chair and had let her have the bed. That was good, it was proof enough that whoever it was had no lewd intentions.

The thought made Eira both relieved and a little worried. If this person didn’t have any lewd intentions, what was she doing in his bed?

“Oh gods!” Eira gasped silently. Had she gotten drunk at the party last night? But she had only had two and a half glasses of wine, she would see her mother and father take so much more with no effect whatsoever. Had someone drugged her drink? She had heard that people did that especially at parties to take advantage of women.

Did this mean she had spent the night out of the palace without her father’s permission?! He would be absolutely furious! She wouldn’t be surprised if he had already sent out knights to raid the kindom in search of her. And what about Jacob and Janis? What had happened to them?! She needed to get back home right now before-

The door opened and a man walked in carrying a tray. When Eira locked eyes with him her entire body froze and her purple eyes popped.

“Oh you’re awake,” the man spoke calmly as if there was nothing wrong with the current situation. He walked carefully to the bed and set the tray on the empty space of the bed. “How are you feeling?” josei


Eira could not respond, she didn’t know what was going on right now. Wasn’t this the man who she had gone toe to toe with back at the party? Why was he here?! Unless...

The woman gulped, had he kidnapped her?! No, if he had he wouldn’t be bringing her breakfast and asking her how she was doing. The other explanation was that she must have gotten so drunk and somehow ended up coming home with him.. she prayed that it was the former.

He grabbed the pot of tea and poured some into the cup, the smell of ginger and honey filled the room and for a split second Eira almost forgot about her predicament as her mouth craved the beverage.

Elric picked up the cup and handed it to the purple eyed hybrid. “This will help clear your system and get rid of that nasty headache.”

Eira slowly took the cup and looked down at it still in shock, what the hell was going on?

“Someone drugged your drink at the bar,” Elric spoke as he picked up the tray and put it on a small table by the arm chair. “You should be more careful at places like that, sick men try to do that to women all the time so they can take advantage of them.”

Eira watched the man put the tray down and then sit on his arm chair.

“You should drink that before it gets cold..”

“Oh, yeah I should-” Eira stopped herself mid sentence. “Wait a second! What in the world is going on? Why am I here? Where is here? And why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?!”

Elric almost chuckled, it was amusing how the redhead could go from a peaceful sleeping beauty to a ranting little princess at the drop of a hat.

“I see you now want some answers,” Elric responded. “Maybe now we can have a conversation.”

Eira was about to protest when her head throbbed intensely, the pain made her wince almost spilling the tea in her hand. Luckily, Elric moved fast and held her hands in place. A little tea dripped down his fingers and Eira gasped.

“I’m sorry-”

“You’re still a bit disoriented, drink your tea and then you can interrogate me.”

All Eira could do was nod. She sipped her tea and kept her eyes fixated on Elric as he grabbed a towel to wipe his fingers and made his way back to the armchair.

The silence in the room lingered for a while, only occasionally being broken by the sounds of Melissa sipping her tea. As she drunk her tea, which was surprisingly delicious by the way, she stole glances at the man who sat across from her.

He had his head turned to the other window adjacent to the armchair, seemingly lost in thought. His eyes were a golden brown, his hair long and silver, tied back in a ponytail, and his face was calm and collected, nothing like it was when she had first met him.

Eira finished her tea and lowered her cup, she actually felt a whole lot better afterwards, much to her surprise.

Elric rose to his feet, took her cup from her hands and placed it back on the tray. “Would you like to have your porridge now? You must be hungry.”

The delicious smell of the tea wasn’t he only thing that was tugging at Eira’s tastebuds, the porridge smelled delectable as well.

“I’ll eat when I get some answers,” Eira responded curtly. But the seriousness she was trying to put up was crumbled by the sound of her stomach growling.

The silver haired man chuckled before picking up the bowl of porridge and handing it to the woman. “Why don’t you demand for your answers while you eat?”

Eira pouted before taking the bowl and shoving a spoon of food into her mouth, “alright now, talk.”

The silver haired man flashed a smile that made Eira involuntarily blush a second time. His teeth were aligned perfectly in rows except his canines that protruded a little, and that made his smile even more alluring.

“What would you like to know?”

“What am I doing here? How did you get a hold of me? And where are my friends?”

Elric walked back to his seat and faced the woman who was half glaring at him and half eating her porridge. “What are you doing here? Well you’re recovering from a drug induced drunken state,” the man responded, his eyes fixated on the woman’s face. He was so sure he had felt her aura before but couldn’t quite remember where. “How did I get a hold of you? Let’s just say it was either me or the elven man who was about to most likely take advantage of you in the darkness of the garden outside that party.”

“Take advantage of me?” Eira put down her spoon and pursed her lips, “so you saved me?”

“Don’t say it like that,” Elric responded as he poured himself his own cup of tea, “any decent person would have done the same thing.”

Now Eira felt a little guilty for suspecting him of anything vile, he had actually saved her. “Thank you..” she mumbled underneath her breath.

Elric raised an eyebrow and smiled at her attempt at gratitude, it was criminal for a woman to be so hard headed. “What was that-”

“I said thank you for saving me! Gods!” She grabbed her spoon and shoved some more porridge in her mouth making the man chuckle.

“And about your friends, I really don’t know,” Elric added on, “I didn’t know them but whoever they are, they must not like you very much to leave you in the hands of predator like that.”

“They would never, I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for all of this,” Eira responded defensively. “Maybe they were looking for me and didn’t see me, or they were distracted-”

The young woman’s eyes circled when Elric grabbed a spoon of food and placed it in her mouth. “Yes yes I’m sure they have an explanation, now eat. Because when you’re done I have many questions for you too.”

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