May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 241

Chapter 241

241 Chapter 241 : Interest

Melissa lay awake in the bed with her husband’s arm gently wrapped around her waist. She was unable to sleep wondering where her daughter had gone and hoping Eira would be back before her father noticed that she was gone.

The previous night Melissa had been totally absent from the conversation her and Gareth were having trying her best to keep his mind off Eira. Every once in a while he would insist on going to speak with her and Melissa would have to distract him with something so he could forget. Eventually she had no choice but to distract him the only way she was sure would get his mind off not just Eira, but everything else, Melissa had no choice but to initiate sex, after which her husband fell right asleep. Now all she could do was wait and hope that Eira would be home soon.

The nosferatu woman slowly sat up with her hand clenching the sheets over her naked body, slowly and quietly she began to slip off the bed when a hand grabbed hers.


His voice was groggy so Melissa could tell that it was her movement that had woken him up.

“Where are you off to?” Gareth pulled his wife back into his arms and gently slipped on top of her. “Did you not enjoy yourself last night.”

The red head blushed before slowly nodding, “last night was amazing my love, but I did notice you..” Melissa paused and blushed even more at the thought of what she was about to say. For a very long time now, Gareth had always made sure to lay with her at certain times of the month when she could not conceive, and if at all they had sex at any other time, he would make sure not to finish within her.

Gareth was adamant about not getting his wife pregnant after the ordeal when Eira was born. Even though Melissa assured him constantly that she was fine and could have a normal birth, he still shied away from the topic.

Even when the council would pester him about either getting Eira married or siring a son, he still would not cave.


“I’m sorry I got so carried away, I know you don’t want me getting pregnant-”

Melissa’s words were cut short when her husband’s lips locked with hers. He kissed her passionately as if he had not kissed her in years.

The truth is that Gareth had been holding back his desire for years indeed. Deep down he wanted to be able to make love to his wife every day and have many children with her. But When Melissa fell critically ill after having Eira, guilt and worry overshadowed his desire for her.

But now, he felt that maybe his wife was right. Eira was all alone and her not having siblings might have been playing a part in her being rebellious. Maybe she was bored and felt locked up in the palace all alone, a new baby might get her mind off things and also give her a reason to stay home more. The more she would be home, the less time she would spend in the forest, and the less time she would spend in the forest, the less the chances of Elric coming across her if at all that silver haired lycan was till alive.

Gareth kissed his wife and smiled at her, “it wouldn’t hurt if something, or someone, came out of this little session of ours now would it?” He trailed feathery kisses up Melissa’s arm until he reached her cheek.

“Oh okay..” was all the nosferatu woman could say, the change of heart caught her off guard especially with all that was going on in her mind. josei


Jacob and Janis had not slept a wink the whole night worried about Eira and what could have happened to her, what if she was kidnapped? Or worse, what if she was hurt?

“Gods, what in the world are we going to tell her parents?” Janis panicked. “Who knows what could have happened to her-”

“Will you please shut up Janis!” Jacob roared. He had finally snapped after listening to his sister ramble in a panic all night. The elf stood up and walked to the ambers of the dying fire in the fireplace and scrapped his skull with his fingers. “You mumbling about all the things that could be wrong is not helping in case you think it is! You’re just making the situation worse!”

“You’re one to talk Jacob, if you hadn’t let her drink, none of this would have happened!”

Jacob turned to his sister and narrowed his eyes at her, “oh so now you’re blaming me for this?!”

“Well if the leather boot fits oh son of Ivan!”

“If you hadn’t been too busy opening your legs for a man who is old enough to be your father and helped me bring Eira back home, we wouldn’t be in this situation!”


“How dare you speak to me like that?!” Janis yelled in fury. “You’re a self absorbed prick who is obsessed with someone who doesn’t even love you. Real rich!”

“She doesn’t love me yet, it takes time to build a-” Jacob paused and drew in a deep. “You know what, this won’t solve anything. We should be out there looking for Eira and not here arguing about who is at fault.”

“You’re right... you’re right..” Janis walked to a chair near her brother’s table and took a seat. “But how are we going to look for her without raising any eyebrows. I don’t know about you but I don’t want people knowing the crowned princess of Gavaria went missing at a party on our watch.”

“You’re right, that would put a dent in the relationship between me and her parents,” Jacob mumbled, “I can’t have my future in-laws thinking I cannot care for their daughter.”

Janis rolled her eyes at her brother, “Will you forget about your imaginary relationship with Eira for one second and focus. Where were you when Eira was taken from you? And if you recall the face of the man who took her we can have an artist sketch a portrait of him that we can use to find him.”

“I do remember him, how can I not?” Jacob mumbled in frustration. “Let’s get this done quickly. When I get my hands on that bastard, I’ll make him regret ever being born.”


“Wait wait wait...” Eira interrupted the lycan. “I’m confused, are you saying you used to see visions of me before I was even born, how is that possible? And why?”

“That’s what I want to find out,” Elric responded. “I thought if anyone would have an idea of what was going on, it would be the very person I had been seeing for years.”

The hybrid clasped her hands together and shook her head. “..I’m sorry but I have no idea what could have been happening. I barely even know who you are exactly. I really do want to help you figure this out, it’s affecting me as much as it is you, but I just don’t have the means.”

Elric studied the woman, she looked genuinely clueless about everything he was saying. He would have thought that maybe he had imagined the whole thing, but he was sure his imagination wasn’t so good as to completely fabricate a person into existence. There must have been a reason as to why that had all happened, a connection somewhere that they just couldn’t figure out just yet.

Another thing that bothered the silver haired lycan was how closely this woman resembled someone from his past, someone who had broken him and built him into the man he was today, and he didn’t know how to feel about that.

“Your elven abilities are pretty strong,” Elric commented in an effort to fish for some answers from the woman. “Especially for your age. You must come from a very powerful bloodline.”

Eira had been told many times not to tell just anyone about who she was. Her father was a very powerful man and had enemies lurking in different corners. Besides, even if this man had supposedly saved her, she didn’t know him enough just offload so much information about herself.

“Well, I have a lot of practice honing my abilities,” Eira responded sheepishly. “There’s nothing I can do that any other elf can’t without working hard enough.”

Elric arched an eyebrow at her, she was deliberately withholding information on who she was, she was smart. It had been a while since he had come across a smart woman.

“I see,” Elric responded before standing up and giving her a smile. “Well you should get some rest before you decide to go back to wherever your home is. If you like I can walk you to the town afterwards, there you can get a horse or carriage home.”

“There’s no need for that,” Eira responded, “I can just teleport myself home.”

Teleport? That was a rare ability, even for elevs. This woman was definitely hiding something and Elric’s interest was peaked.

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