May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

251 Chapter 251 : Masks

“What happened? Did your wife run off on you?”

Elric sighed before nodding his head. He didn’t have the time nor the will to start explaining why he was asking around for Eira. “Yes, my wife and I had a bit of a misunderstanding earlier and she left. I was hoping you or anyone has seen her around?”

“Hmm, I’m not sure if I can be of much help lad,” the blacksmith responded as he put down the blade he had been polishing. His handi work was actually very impressive, Elric would make sure to remember him. “What does the wife look like?”

Elric pursed his lips and thought for a minute, what did Eira look like? She had long curly red locs of hair that flowed down her shoulders and back. She had enchanting purple eyes and skin as smooth and as mesmerizing as amber.

“Beautiful,” Elric responded plainly making the blacksmith laugh. A light blush tinted his cheeks, the word had involuntarily escaped his lips without thinking. Gods this was embarrassing.

“Aren’t they all mi lad! If she was anything but, she wouldn’t have left you!” The man laughed some more before patting Elric’s shoulder a little too hard. “Well if it’s a beautiful angry woman you’re looking for, I suggest you look at the fancy parties with expensive wine and rich lords. As a matter of fact, the wife told me the palace will be holding a fancy ball in a week or so, I can bet mi most expensive blade your wife will be there. Women tend to run a little wild when they are angry, she’ll probably be there drinking her pretty little head off.”

“The palace?” Elric felt his guts wrench at the thought of attending a party at the palace. That was where Gareth and Melissa resided after all, they were the very people who had made him shun human contact, and now he had to see them? Was that stubborn woman Eira really worth all this trouble?

The lycan turned to look at the palace in the distance and then back to the blacksmith. “Won’t this be a restricted party? I assume the king is the one hosting it.”

“Not exactly,” the man responded. “So long as you can afford a fancy attire for it, you can attend. That is how the nobles filter the crowds nowadays lad, a man like me would have to be insane to spend gold on a pair of breeches just for one fucking party.” The blacksmith reached into one of his compartments and produced a dirty parchment they he handed to the silver haired lycan. “They put those up this morning. A masquerade ball it will be, will make it a bit difficult to spot your wife if everyone will be in a bloody mask the entire night, but it’s worth a shot.”


A masquerade party huh? That was perfect, it meant Elric could practically waltz in there and no one would be the wiser. He owed whoever came up with the theme a big thank you. “I appreciate,” Elric thanked the blacksmith.

“Don’t mention it, I hope you find yer little lady!”

Elric folded up the parchment and tucked it in his shirt before bidding the blacksmith farewell. Wearing expensive clothing would not be a problem for him, he already had plenty that he had not touched in years, all he had to do now was to find a good musk, one that would not only conceal his face, but his silver hair as well, that was one of his most noticeable features. He pulled his cloak further down his face and walked to the high end part of town that stocked unnecessary things like masquerade masks. He had a lot of shopping to do if he was going to fit in at that party and find Eira.


“Do you have to wear that ridiculous get up?”

Eira looked across the carriage at Zhelimir. Her hair and face was covered up in a cloak, and her body wrapped in a shawl. Even though winter had not completed set in yet, she looked like she was dressed for a snow day. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

“You realize people know what you look like already, do you not? What is the use of you hiding your identity now?”

“I know that Zhelimir, I’m not dumb. I just really want to keep this little shopping spree as discreet as possible,” Eira responded. “If people see the clothes and mask I will wear for the ball it will defeat the whole purpose of the theme.l”

“Why don’t you want people to recognize you at the part so bad? It will be your birthday, people need to see you.” Zhelimir questioned his cousin who was peeping outside at the shops.

“For once I want to actually enjoy my birthday ball Zhel,” she turned to her cousin and gave him a serious look. “All those extravagant dresses, pinchy shoes, fake smiles and people pretending they know me but don’t. I’m tired of it. I want to enjoy the festivities just like everyone else.” She grabbed Zhelimir’s hand, pushed the door open and tugged him forward. “Now come on, I can see Isabella and Leonard waiting outside ..”

That afternoon, Eira enjoyed the shopping a little more than she thought she would. Her father had given her the permission to have a dress of her own choice tailored, to purchase her own jewelry, and pick out the kind of decorations she wanted for her party. She didn’t know why the king was being so flexible all of a sudden, he was mostly a strict man when it came to his daughter’s dressing and appearance at public events, but this year it was different. Maybe because he had finally decided she was old enough to do certain things on her own. Whatever the reason, Eira could only be grateful.

The last stop the group made was at an antic store where different masks, jewelry and other artistic items were made and sold. Eira, Zhelimir, Isabella, and Leonard walked into the store and began looking around for the perfect masks.

“What do you think about this one?” Isabella asked Leonard as she held up a cat eyed silver mask. “It will match with the seams of the dress I’m going to wear at the ball.”

“Anything would look beautiful on you Bella, you know that,” Leonard responded with a shy smile, earning him a peck on the cheek from the young woman.

Isabella and Leonard had started courting at a fairly young age. Isabella had always liked the quiet and shy Leonard, but never knew how to tell him. She would rant about how cute and sensitive he was, but found no opportunity to let him know because he was mostly quiet and reserved.

When she finally gained the courage to tell him she liked him, Leonard almost burst into tears claiming he had liked her since they were five years old and was always too afraid to tell her.

To be fair, telling a girl who has two very intimidating fathers that you like her, isn’t the easiest thing to do, especially with a demeanor like Leonard’s. But here they were now, together and happy.

“I’m thinking of getting this black and red one,” Zhelimir spoke while showing Eira his choice, “I will be on black and red by the way, just in case you need to find me at the ball.”

Eira nodded before showing the blonde a golden cat eyed mask that was decorated with fluffy black feathers. “I think this will be perfect for me.” She smiled. As she turned around to look at the other options of masks available, she caught a glimpse of a figure that made her heart jump.

At the counter stood a man with a hood over his head. He was purchasing a gold and silver mask that took the shape of a wolf. Was that him? Was that Elric? Was he planing on attending her birthday ball?

“Hey Eira..”

The red haired princess turned to Zhelimir who was gesturing her to follow him to the counter. josei

“Let’s pay for these and get out of here, we have training with Damien in a bit and you know how he gets whenever we are late.”

Eira nodded and followed Zhelimir to where Isabella and Leonard were already standing. After seeing Elric purchase that mask she couldn’t help but feel a little excited. The masquerade ball could be their chance to talk normally without biting each other’s heads off. And if Eira was being honest, she wouldn’t mind seeing how handsome he would look when he was all cleaned up for the grand ball.

“Eira come on!” Zhelimir called to his cousin who seemed to be lost in a trance.

“Coming!” Eira responded and rushed to where her cousin was.

Outside the store, Elric held the hood of his tightly and contemplated going back into the store. He had heard someone call out Eira’s name but didn’t get the chance to see if it was really her. This could be his chance to speak with her, but she was with her friends and Elric didn’t want to cause a scene. He clenched his mask and tucked it away before turning to leave, he would just have to chance her at the ball. At least now he was sure that she would be in attendance.

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