May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 252

Chapter 252

252 Chapter 252 : Are you seeing someone?

Jacob angrily stomped his feet like a child, as him and his sister walked down the busy roads of the market, back towards their carriage.

“Will you stop acting like such a child Jacob!” Janis yelled in irritation, “I swear if I was not holding my expensive gown, I would have slapped you silly by now. You’re drawing unnecessary attention!”

“Might I reminded you dear sister, that your so called ‘expensive gown’ is the reason we’re late!” Jacob complained. “We were supposed to meet Eira at the antic shop an hour ago, and she’s probably gone by now thanks to you.”

Jacob opened the carriage door and let his sister in before getting on himself and slamming the door shut. He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed agitatedly.

“What exactly is the problem?” Janis asked her brother. “Okay, so you didn’t get to go shopping with Eira, and so what? There will be other times. You are acting like you will never see her again after this.” josei

Jacob glared at Janis, “you really don’t understand do you?”

“No I don’t, please enlighten me on why it was so important that you be with Eira while she goes dress shopping? Is your obsession with her graduating to new lengths?”

“Her party will be a masquerade ball Janis,” the dark haired elf spoke as if his sister was automatically supposed to understand what he meant by that. “Everyone will be wearing a mask there and everyone’s identity will practically be unknown. Including Eira’s.”

The woman narrowed her blue eyes at her brother and shrugged, “so?”


“So, I needed to see the kind of mask she has purchased in order for me to recognize her at the party!” Jacob leaned back on the walls of the moving vehicle and sighed heavily. “I was planning on spending some time with Eira on her birthday...”

Janis’ irritated look softened up when she heard the somber tone of her brother’s voice as he spoke.

“I want to show her that I can be a good guy as well,” Jacob continued. “I had a big plan to make her day extra special, I even got her a gift that I was going to present to her after a dance or two, if she allowed it of course. I don’t want her to see me as some self absorbed arrogant prick anymore.”

Janis now felt a little guilty about somewhat foiling her brother’s plans. “So that’s why you needed to know what she would be wearing... so you could find her at the party.”

“Precisely.” Jacob turned to look out the window into the busy town, “but it’s too late now, I’ll have to figure out another way of spotting her at the ball. Hopefully she will take her usual seat at the high table and I can catch her then.”

The carriage came to a halt in front of the antic shop where the two siblings were supposed to have met Eira and the others an hour ago. Janis peaked out and scanned the area, but Jacob was right, Eira and the others were long gone.

“Hey, maybe we can ask the merchant in there if he saw the kind of mask Eira purchased,” Janis suggested to the brooding man sitting in front of her. “We might just get lucky.” The blue eyed elf grabbed her brother’s hand and pulled him out the carriage towards the store.

Inside, an elderly eleven man looked up at his door when the bell that dangled above it jingled. He smiled warmly at the two elves who had just walked in and gave both of them a nod. Business had been doing very well the past few days, the upcoming ball had customers flocking in in more numbers than he had ever experienced.

“Good afternoon,” the man greeted the siblings. He walked from behind the counter and pointed towards the shelves partially stacked with masquerade masks. “May I interest you in a mask? I assume both of you are nobles and will be attending the royal masquerade ball coming up?”

“Yes please,” Janis responded excitedly. “I’m looking for something unique yet outstanding that I can match my flowy black dress.” She turned to her brother who was still pouting and pointed at him. “Something for him as well, a women’s eye catcher if you will.”

The shopkeeper nodded and walked towards the half empty shelves. “I’m afraid most of my best masks have already been purchased. But if you take your time, you may find something decent. If not, I could craft something for you both before the party.”

Jacob walked slowly past the shelves looking at the many masquerade masks in display. “You’ve sold quite a few of these haven’t you?” He asked the man.

“Ah yes, it’s quite a blessing,” the man responded cheerfully. “Nobles from all over the kindom have been flocking to my humble little shop for days now.”

Jacob picked up a red cat eyed mask and turned to the man. “Did you happen to serve a red headed woman in here today? She was most likely with a blonde man and two others.”

The shop keeper shook his head. “Not too many red heads in this kingdom lad, I would have remembered if one walked into my store. As a matter of fact, in Gavaria the only red heads are from the royal family, if I had been graced with any one of them’s presence I’d sing of it for the rest of my days.”

Jacob turned to Janis who seemed even more disappointed than he.

“Maybe she asked Zhelimir or Isabella to purchase a mask on her behalf.” Janis tried to sound enthusiastic but she knew that she was just trying to make up for the time she had wasted picking out a dress. “I’m sure one of them knows what she’ll be wearing.”

“Zhelimir would rather break his fingers one by one than help me get closer to Eira,” Jacob mumbled. He walked to the end of the shelf and picked up a gold and silver wolf shaped mask.

“Oh goodness, that’s beautiful,” Janis commented as she admired the mask in her brother’s hand. “I’m surprised no one has snatched this up yet.”

“A gentlemen had purchased it before, but returned it for a different one,” the merchant explained. “He said something about it being too obvious, I don’t know what the devil he meant by that, but I was happy to give him what he wanted.”

Jacob placed the mask carefully on his face and looked towards a mirror that was mounted on the wall not too far from where he was standing. “What do you think?” He asked his sister.

“I think you would be crazy if you didn’t purchase it.”

Jacob pulled the mask off and nodded at the merchant, “I’ll take this one.”


Melissa was delighted to see that her daughter was more than excited about planning her birthday ball, now even more than ever. Eira had practically taken over the entire thing, she was choosing the colors, selecting the delicacies, and even choosing the outfits her parents would wear for the occasion.

Gareth of course had no complaints. He was in fact very happy that he could help make his princess’ big day special. He enjoyed helping her in any way that he could whenever he was not busy with royal duties, he felt happy that he and her were starting to bond again just like the old days.

Eira slid two small saucers with two different slices of cake on them, towards her father and gave him an expectant look. “Give them a try and tell me which one you like better.”

King Gareth looked down at the cake slices and smiled, his daughter was really planning every last detail, wasn’t she? He never thought the flavor of a cake was of much importance, not many people partook in it anyway. All people did at balls was drink and flaunt.

He picked up his fork and mouthed a small piece of the first slice. It was packed with flavor, but it was a bit too sweet for Gareth.

He than took a small piece of the other cake and ate it, this one wasn’t as sweet as the first slice, but was still full of flavor. It tasted like wild berries.

“Oh. This one is good,” Gareth spoke while

pointing at the second slice.

“I thought so too!” Eira squealed excitedly. “It’s mixed berry flavor, everyone will love it for sure!” The princess gave her father a quick side hug and a kiss on the cheek, “thank you papa,” she muttered before sitting down and finishing up her own piece of cake.

“It’s been a while since you called me that...”

“Called you Papa?” Eira blushed a little as she swallowed her cake. “It has been a while hasn’t it? Well you are the king, it would be presumptuous of me to go around calling you papa like I’m six years old.”

Gareth sighed while pouring himself another glass of wine to wash the cake down. “You’re growing up so fast princess, a little too fast actually, and it worries me sometimes. I fear you may not be ready for the harsh world out there and all the trails that come with it.”

“You’re overthinking things father,” Eira responded. “I’m more capable than you think, you don’t have to worry about me.”

“I suppose...” Gareth finished his wine and looked up at his beautiful daughter. “Honey, is there someone you’re seeing?”

Eira froze with her fork mid air. She slowly lowered the utensil before locking eyes with her father who had an I different look on his face. “Seeing someone?... whatever do you mean?”

“What I mean is, is there any man trying to get in your breeches?”

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