May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 253

Chapter 253

253 Chapter 253 : Roll my log

“Father... how many drinks have you had exactly?”

Gareth tried to conceal a hiccup before leaning back into his chair. “Maybe one to many, but that isn’t the point here. Eira, your mother told me you’re courting someone! How long has that been going on? And why am I not aware of it?”

“Wha- no I am not!” Eira squealed, her face was completely flashed and the pitch of her voice was as high as a whistle. “Why would mother say such a thing? I am most certainly not courting anybody!”

“The blush on your cheeks tell a different story,” Gareth pointed out. “Is this man the reason you have been wandering off into the forest? Do you even know him well? Is he from a noble family or is he just using you for power? These are thing I need to know Eira!”

Eira rose from her seat and tried hard not to look reticent, but she was failing miserably. “I don’t think it is appropriate for me to be having this conversation with you of all people father.”

Gareth also rose from his seat and gave his daughter a tender look. “I’m only concerned about your well being princess, I am your father before I am the king. I know how men can be sometimes, they can be deceitful and manipulative. I don’t want you ending up with the wrong person and regret it, if you cannot speak to me about this, at the least open up to your mother.”

Eira was at loss for words, how did this conversation go from ‘birthday cakes’ to ‘deceitful men’? “I.. I should go and prepare for dinner,” the red haired princess mumbled.

“Princess..” Gareth walked to his daughter and gently lay his hands on both her shoulders. “I’m sorry if I was a bit straightforward. I just worry about you, you’re my little girl and I want only the best for you. The best life, the best suitors.”

Eira felt very uncomfortable, she had never had a conversation about suitors with any of her parents before. Was it because she was turning seventeen? Technically, she was already a little late at finding someone, most maidens in the kingdom would be married, or at the least engaged at her age. Maybe that was why all this talk of having a man in her life was coming up.


“I want you to know that you should never feel pressured to find a man because of your duties as the princess of this kingdom,” Gareth mumbled. Even if he was a little intoxicated, his words were sincere. “I also want you to take your time in finding a suitor, when you find the right man you will know. Attaching yourself to someone for any reason other than love, is something I never want you to go through. It is a horrible experience, your mother can attest to that.”

Eira looked up at her father and knitted her brows together, “mother? What does she have to do with this?”

The eleven king immediately regretted his words, maybe he was more drunk than he though, because he was just about to spew a secret that he and his wife had been keeping from their daughter all her life.

“Did I say your mother?” Gareth chuckled and rubbed his daughter’s shoulders nervously. “I’m sorry princess it looks like the wine is starting to get to me. You said something about preparing for dinner did you not? You should go on and do that.”

The king turned around and headed for the door. “I will see you at the table princess. But please do keep what I said in mind.”


The day after, out in the Gavarian palace’s training grounds, Zhelimir was taking a breather when the sound of someone clearing their throat behind him grabbed his attention. He turned around and frowned when he saw Jacob’s attempt at a smile directed to him.

“Clearly standing in front of me is causing you as much physical discomfort as it is causing me” Zhelimir pointed out, “so why are you still here?”

“Oh come on now Zhelimir , isn’t it about time we put our differences behind us and became acquaintances at least?”

Zhelimir raised one eyebrow skeptically at the elven man, he knew Jacob very well, he was not a man to ‘bury a hatchet’. If anything, Zhelimir was sure Jacob would take their rivalry to the grave. That was one of the reasons why Zhelimir did not like Jacob for Eira.

“Out with it, what is it you want?”

Jacob walked a little closer to Zhelimir and gave him a serious look. “Straight to the point I see. Well, I actually need a huge a favor from you. I know you and I are not on the best terms, and we probably never will be. But I would really appreciate it if you did this one thing for me.”

“Will you stop rambling and tell me what it is that you want already!” Zhelimir responded. “I don’t want people seeing us together and thinking we are friends.”

Jacob had a snarky comment just itching to leave his lips, but he decided to control his urge to respond rudely. He needed Zhelimir’s help after all, his mission to get closer to Eira was much more important than his ego.

“Alright then, I am here to ask the details of princess Eira’s attire for the royal ball next week.”

Zhelimir cocked his head to the side and gave Jacob a confused look. “Excuse me?”

“You heard what I said Zhelimir,” Jacob responded in a slightly irritated tone. “Just tell me what Eira is wearing to the ball so we can end this uncomfortable conversation. I am particularly interested in the mask that she picked out, if I can have that information, I will happily be on my way.”

It took a bit of time for Zhelimir to understand what Jacob was asking for, but once he did, he couldn’t help but chuckle. So he wanted to try and get closer to Eira at the masquerade ball? Smart. What better time to try and woo her, than when no one could tell who she was. He could spend as much time with her without any interruptions.

“I’m certain I did not say anything amusing,” Jacob grumbled. “Are you going to be of assistance to me or not? I have no time for your ridicule.”

“Forgive me but-” Zhelimir spoke between taunting chuckles, “just now, it sounded to me like you were asking for my help, and actually expected to receive it.” The blonde took a step back and eyed Jacob from head to toe, a smirk threatening to tug his lips. “But I know for a fact that is not the case, because you and I both know, that I would rather pluck out my finger nails with a pair of blunt tweezers one by one, than help you bed my cousin.”

Jacob watched in anger as Zhelimir picked up his sword and began walking away. He didn’t even understand why he was surprised by the blonde’s response, of course that damn hybrid bastard would not lend him a hand, why had he even bothered to ask? josei

“Fine! And here I was thinking we could have some sort of trade. I happen to be the only one who will attend that ball knowing exactly what Janis will be wearing!”

Zhelimir halted in his tracks and cussed under his breath. He should have seen this coming, Jacob was even more guileful than he had initially thought. Using Zhelimir’s not so hidden attraction to his sister to get what he wanted was almost sinister.

The dark haired elf smirked when Zhelimir turned back around. “Do I now have your attention you cocky bastard? You’ve been wanting to court Janis for a while now haven’t you? But the opportunity has never presented itself...” Jacob placed his hands behind his back and took a step forward. “The masquerade ball could be your only chance, I’m assuming your confidence will peek behind a mask, and no one will interrupt you because they won’t know it’s her under that mask. Do you really want to let an opportunity like this pass you by Zhel?”

Zhelimir cursed again. Jacob was playing dirty, and the blonde was angry with himself for even considering giving into him. Jacob really didn’t deserve Eira, not in the slightest. But he had brought up Janis, Zhelimir didn’t understand why he yearned her so. Even after seeing her with different men over the years, he still fell as hard this day as he did the first time he had laid eyes on her. The ball would be the perfect place to spend time with her, but at what cost?

“So what do you say Zhelimir?” Jacob asked and stretched out his open palmed hand. “Roll my log and I will roll yours.”

Zhelimir looked down at Jacob’s hand and then back up at his face. “You are a shameless man Jacob, you would sell your sister out for a woman?”

“Of course not,” Jacob responded, “I would sell my sister out for Eira. I will stop at nothing to make her mine.”

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