May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

51 Chapter 51 : Wedding’s eve “My lady I brought you some tea and biscuits,” Julia spoke with a heavily forced smile, she had to battle the urge to just grab the knife and gauge out Ella’s eyeballs right there and then.

“Thank you,” Elle responded sweetly, you can just set it down on the table over there.

Julia followed the redhead’s instructions with great difficulty and settled the tray on the table, she quickly glanced back at the redhead and slipped the knife into the pocket of her outfit while Ella was looking away.

“I haven’t seen you around here before, are you new?” Ella questioned the green eyed maid.

“I am my lady, but how would you know all the maids of the palace when you’re here in your luxury room, while we lurk around in the grimy little hallways beneath.”

Ella looked up at the woman and closed her book, she could sense that she didn’t really like her job, which was understandable. “Actually,” Ella corrected her, “I do visit the kitchen and the laundry rooms often, sometimes to visit and sometimes to lend a hand.”

Julia furrowed her brows at the blue eyed woman, who was she trying to fool? A girl like her in the kitchen, oh please maybe when pigs fly.

“I like to make my own snacks sometimes,” Ella added on, “and there are some fabrics that are a bit err too delicate to let other people wash.”

“I see.” Julia didn’t want to pay too much heed to what Ella was saying, she was here to kill her not to make friends with her. “So you like to read?” Julia added on, finding an excuse to inch closer to Ella


“Yes I do,” Ella responded with a beaming face, “it gets a bit lonely around the palace so reading keeps me preoccupied”

“What about prince Nathan?” Julia questioned her, her hand slipped into her pocket and gripped the little knife tightly, “doesn’t he keep you company?”

Ella nibbled on the inside of her lip, actually, Nathan was very doting with her, she sometimes had to tell him to leave so she could get some time to herself. Ella could see that Nathan was a caring and loving man, it was just unfortunate that he was a wolf in sheep skin. “As the prince, Nathan has many responsibilities as well, he can’t be waiting on me hand and foot all day.”



Julia froze and stared at Ella who had a confused yet offended expression on her face, “what did you just say?” Ella question the little woman.

“I didn’t say anything..”

“Yes you did, something about Adam?”

Julia took a few steps away from the blue eyed woman while her eyes bulged in shock and fear , she was sure she hadn’t said anything out loud, had this witch read her mind?

Julia reached for her knife again, but before she could pull it out, Ella’s door swung open and prince Nathaniel Aldos walked in. The green eyed woman let go of the knife and curtsied to the prince.

“Is everything okay here?” He asked, seeing the skepticism on his bride’s face, “did the maid do something to you?”

Julia watched as Nathan pulled Ella into his arms and lovingly tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear, his honey brown eyes gazed upon her lovingly and his lips moved all so attractively as he spoke. Julia clenched her dress as she admired the fine specimen of a man, how had she not noticed that Prince Nathan was so handsome.

“No, she was just telling me a story and she got to a part that shocked me,” Ella responded as she hid her face behind the book, she didn’t want Nathan to sense her panic. Ella was sure she’d heard the woman’s thoughts just now, and she had said something about Adam, were her and Adam connected? If they were, Nathan shouldn’t find out, the little maid might be Ella’s chance to reconnect with Adam.

“Oh I see,” the prince responded with a smile, a smile that unheeded by him, had made Julia blush. The prince turned to the little maid and gave her a dismissive look, “if you’ll excuse us, I’d like to speak with my wife in private.”

Julia batted her lashes and rushly curtsied, “O- of course your grace, please excuse me.” She then turned and hurriedly walked out of the room, closing the door behind her, she rushed down the hallway to the door that led to the narrow corridors and shut it tightly after walking in.

Julia pursed her lips and scolded herself for being distracted by the handsome prince. He was so different from Adam, who was calm, poised, gental and a strategic thinker. On the other hand, Nathan seemed wild, vicious and demanding. So why the hell was it exciting her?!

Meanwhile inside Ella’s chambers, Nathan watched the door the green eyed woman had just closed skeptically. “Is she new?” the prince questioned.

“That’s what she said,” Ella responded, she looked up at the man’s suspicious face and gently tilted it to look at her, “what’s wrong?”

“She seemed a little um odd don’t you think?”

Ella folded her lips and shook her head from side to side, “she seemed pretty normal to me, in fact, I think she was a little adorable.”


“I mean she’s beautiful, she’s bite sized-”

“She’s a maid,” Nathan interrupted. He gripped both her wrists tightly and inched his face closer to hers, “is my bride trying to set me up with a maid?” He gave Ella a taunting side smile in anticipation of her answer.

“No,” Ella responded, she turned her face away from the sly prince, she knew that Nathan was well aware of how her body responded to him, but she really was getting tired of falling victim to urges. If she made love to man, she wanted to do it out of love not lust, she wanted Adam. “Can’t I compliment on the evident beauty of a woman?”

The prince lowered his head and planted a kiss on the beautiful redhead’s neck and whispered in her ear, “I never thought the most beautiful woman in the world noticed other women,” he planted another quick kiss on her lips and looked into her eyes, “do you think diamonds would stop to admire the beauty of gold?”

Ella couldn’t hold back rolling her eyes, this man and his flirtatious tongue.

Nathan pulled Ella into his embrace and wrapped his arms tightly around her, she could hear light growls coming from his chest, “oh I wish I could make sweet love to you Ella Morrell, feel the warmth of your insides until the morning wedding bells chime.”

His words made Ella’s eyes bulge and her heart leap. “But unfortunately I can’t,” he spoke as he proceeded to stroke her long and soft red locs, “I’m told it’s bad luck to sleep with the bride before the wedding.”

Ella almost heaved a sigh of relief but she managed to hold herself back. Nathan loosened his hold on her and gazed longingly into her beautiful blue orbs, “but I can kiss you right? As much as I want to.”

Ella’s lips parted in shock, before she could fabricate an excuse the prince cupped his hands on either side of her head and slipped his tongue into her mouth.


He then tore open the buttons of her blouse and kneaded her soft mounds gently, all the while kissing her passionately, possessively. Ella belonged to him, she was his woman, his wife and no one else’s. Nathan was going to make sure of that.


“After the vows ceremony, there is going to be a big party at the palace,” Adam explained to his men who were sitting around him in a circle, listening to the plan on how to execute their mission the next day. “Eyes will be watching, but there will be too many people to focus on one at a time, so I’m assuming Nathan has given instructions to look out for specific people, me inclusive, but he won’t be expecting any of you.”

Nathan was not dumb, he was almost as sharp and as cunning as Adam, so he obviously knew that Adam would figure out Guinevere was his bride and come for her, it’s most likely the reason he beefed up security.

“So Beric and Odran, you’re the most level headed,” Adam explained, “You blend into the crowds and find Julia, when you do, capture her and slip away using the worker’s doors as guards and frame her for being a thief you’ve apprehended. Bring her back here.

Julia’s two knights who the team had captured had been useful on giving Adam intel on the layouts of the palace, they had learnt it from the royal palace gaurds they had ambushed to pose in their place.

“I’ll keep an eye on Guinevere and sneak her away when the time is right,” the prince added on, “Ozias, you Ivan and Roland back me up in case of anything.”

“And what about me?” Zander questioned the prince, having seen all his friends had exhausted the important roles. josei

“Zander you’ll play a part in luring Guine away from Nathan, ask her to dance and tell her Jillian is waiting for you in the kitchen, she’ll know what to do.”

All the men nodded in unison, they knew without a doubt that they would succeed, they had conquered a whole kingdom all on their own, what was stealing a bride from her wedding?

“Alright men get some rest,” Adam spoke as he stood up, “tomorrow we’re crushing a wedding.”

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