May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

52 Chapter 52 : The wedding

“It isn’t fair, prince Nathan was supposed to marry me..”

“Oh give it a rest, he doesn’t even know you exist.”

“And how could he when his bride is the most beautiful woman in the kingdom.”

“You’ve seen her before?!”

“Of course I have, my father is part of the council so I do have a bit of access to the royal palace, I saw the two of them in gardens one time, gosh she is lovely.”

“Well tell us! What does she look like?!”

“Long flowing ginger like red hair, big blue eyes, the body of a goddess...”

“Wait, that sounds a lot like William’s little sister..”

“That’s the one.”


“Oh, well I could never beat her, I guess I’ll just have to forget about my prince.”

“Shush the lot of you! More guests are coming.”

The Royal chapel was a large building made of stone and marble, adorned with high pillars and large rose tinted windows, it was not only the place were princes were sworn in as kings, but also where they wed their queens. On top of that, it had a mausoleum beneath in which all the past kings of Meria were put to rest.

On this particular day, the chapel was adorned in beautiful fresh flowers, placed gracefully on the edges of every bench, along the isle, and tied together in breathtaking arrangements at the podium. There were hundreds of white candles, intricately placed around the chapel to give it a magical glow. White and silver ribbons hang from the ceiling and widows, and silk veils accompanied them, the place looked like what you’d expect to see in heaven, it was truly breath taking.

Back at the palace, Nathan had finished dressing up, his new leather boots and pants fit perfectly, his snow white shirt gently hugged his bulging muscles beneath, his long silver hair was neatly tied in a lush ponytail, if anyone had doubts of Nathaniel Aldos’ good looks before, all those doubts would be shattered today, he looked like an angel, a very hot angel.

Theo the butler bowed politely at the prince after placing the final touch of his outfit, a long leather jacket that was like a cherry atop a very sexy ice cream.

“I’m finished your grace,” Theo spoke with a proud smile, “the carriage to the chapel will be waiting for you outside.”

Nathan inspected his reflection in the mirror and nodded in approval, “you’ve really outdone yourself this time Theo,” he gently tagged the sleeves of his shirt straight and grinned widely, finally the day had come, in just a few hours, him and Ella would say their vows and she would be his, forever and all of eternity, he was so excited.

“And my bride,” the prince asked, “is she ready?”

“Maria is still tending to her your grace, but she will be in a few minutes.”

Nathan turned to his butler, a nervous smile on his face, “can I see her?”

Theo couldn’t help but smile back, here was this grown man exhibiting the excitement of a child who couldn’t wait to open his presents on Christmas. “It is bad luck to see the bride before the wedding my prince,” the man responded, “but you can speak to her at the door if you feel impatient.”

“Yes please!”

“Very well, right this way your grace..”

The two men walked briskly towards Ella’s chambers where Maria and Emma Morrell were busy getting her ready, Theo gently knocked at the door and called out, “Maria, it’s Theo, I’m here with the prince.”

“It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding your grace!” Maria responded from within.

“I won’t come in, I just want to hear her voice,” Nathaniel responded, he leaned towards the door and called out her name.

Ella who had been taking deep breaths because her corset was too freaking tight stood up and inched near the door, “Nathan?..”

“Ella, I’m here to tell you that I love you..”

The awws that came from Maria and her mother made the redhead roll her eyes.

“I know I’m not the best person in the world, I have my flaws and you’ve probably had your doubts about this wedding,” Nathan added on, “but my love for you is pure and it always has been, I just wanted you to know that okay.”

Ella pursed her lips at his words, gosh this guy was good, making her feel sorry for him so that she could disregard the fact that he was a liar, so manipulative.

“Don’t you think you should save the sentiments for the vows my dear husband!” Ella responded.

Hearing her calling him her husband made Nathan’s heart do flips, he didn’t think it was possible to love this woman more than he already did, but this moment just proved him wrong. “Alright, I will do just that,” he responded with a hand pressed against the door, “you’ve made me the happiest man Ella, I can’t wait to see you walk down that isle.”


Back in the chapel, in the font benches designated for the family members, John Morrell was beaming in anticipation, he couldn’t wait for his little girl to finally get her happily ever after. Meanwhile his four sons sitting beside him all had deep scowls on their faces, arms folded over their chests and wrinkles on their identical foreheads.

William was deep in thought, he couldn’t get the moment him and Nathan had had a confrontation back at the house out of his head, there was a dark aura that was emanating from the prince that William had felt before, but where? It was a scary experience, for a moment William had felt like he was standing next to a wild beast, a monster. Could it have anything to do with what Ella had wanted to tell him?

At the back of the chapel, in a corner that was practically invisible to everyone else, sat Adam Burchard in his fake beard and mustache, he too had the look of a wounded animal, his fists had been balled up for so long that his knuckles were turning white, his teeth gnashed together so much that his jaw was starting to hurt.

~Fuck Nathaniel~ Adam thought to himself every couple of minutes, he despised the the man to the bone.

Next to him sat Ozias, Roland and Ivan, all dressed in very fancy clothing and admiring the decorations, Nathan may be the enemy but he really went all out for their prince’s woman that was for sure.

“I could buy a piece of land with what this wedding must have cost,” Ivan spoke in awe.

Roland elbowed him and gave him a disapproving glare, the man turned to look at Adam who was glaring daggers at him, he had never seen the prince this intense. josei

“A very small very infertile piece of land,” Ivan corrected himself, “because that’s exactly what this wedding is, small and ... infertile?”

“Give it a rest Ivan I know you’re all thinking the same thing,” Adam grumbled, “the place looks amazing, I know.... fuck Nathaniel Aldos..”

The men all gave each other nervous glances and sat still, they felt sorry for their poor prince, matters of the heart were the hardest to deal with, especially for a man.

Beric and Odran were sitting three benches ahead of the prince, keeping their eyes peeled in case Julia showed up at the service, while Zander was sitting up front with the visiting lords, trying hard not to pay attention to the women who were giggling and stealing side glances at him.

Humans are so superficial, the blond man whispered in irritation under his breath.

Moments later, a trumpet was blown and a howard walked to the front of the chapel and announced the prince’s arrival, everyone in the chapel stoop up and faced the entrance with anticipation, especially the females.

When prince Nathan walked into the Chapel it was almost difficult to ignore the stench of raging hormones wafting through the air, almost every woman in attendance blushed lightly as the silver haired prince took graceful strides towards the podium. Ivan was shocked to see that even some of the men were blushing at the man’s beauty. There was no denying that the man was a walking woman magnet, his looks were probably at par with Adam’s, and at some point Ivan thought prince Adam was not even human due to his good looks, so that was saying something.

When Nathan stood at the podium and smiled, eighty percent of the females giggled and fanned themselves, making Adam, the Morrell brothers and Zander roll their eyes.

Only a few moments passed and the howard announced the entry of the bride, this time every single eye was at the door, women wanted to see the mysterious woman who was lucky enough to bag the prince, the men wanted to see if the rumors of her enchanting beauty were true, and Adam, he just simply wanted to set his eyes on the woman he loved.

The organist began to play the procession song, John Morrell elegantly walked to the door and reached for his daughter’s hand to help her into the chapel, the anticipation was killing everyone, especially Adam.

Ella took her father’s arm and stepped onto the isle of the chapel, if one thought the chapel was quiet before, the silence that came when the bride came into view was deafening.

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