May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

54 Chapter 54 : The wedding Ella’s heart was beating wildly in her chest, had she imagined it? Had she imagined hearing Adam’s voice? No that wasn’t possible, he had answered her call, he was here somewhere she just knew it. Her eyes quickly glanced at the crowed where a few members were murmuring among themselves.

She was awoken from her daze when Nathan held her hand, she looked up at him and noticed he was cocking his head to the side, she turned and saw her mother holding up the ring she had dropped, and took in her hand.

*My love, please calm down. Just take a deep breath and keep your eyes on me*

Ella took a deep breath, she couldn’t afford to let Nathan start suspecting anything, she had to keep her composure, she couldn’t risk getting Adam caught before he could reach her .

[I’m sorry, I’m just really nervous]

*I know, but it’s alright. Just try it again, don’t think of anyone else but the two of us. This is about you and me*

Easier said than done, how could she think of Nathan when Adam was out there somewhere? She took another deep breath and took Nathaniel’s hand. “You will never be cold, for I will be your warmth,” and with those words she placed the ring on his finger.

The celebrant cleared his throat to get the crowd to calm down before continuing to speak, “what a couple am I right? One can’t wait for the honeymoon and the other is nervous about it. Don’t worry lady Morrell, our prince here is a very gentle man.”

There were a few chuckles from the crowd. After the mood lightened, the celebrant raised his right hand and blessed the union. “By the power investment in me by the gods, I now pronounce you Nathaniel and Ella Aldos. Nathan you may kiss your bride.”


Nathan held the hem of Ella’s veil and lifted it up, letting it fall behind over her intricate bun, he then inched closer and gently cupped her small face in his hands.

As his face and hers inched closer, Adam, Bahram, Jonathan, Alexander and William turned away.

*Now you’re mine Ella, forever..*

The silver haired prince locked lips with Ella, gently parting them and slipping his tongue into her mouth. Ella squeezed her eyes shut, counting every second until he would end the kiss. After what seemed like an eternity, Nathaniel broke the kiss and smiled mischievously at her.

The congregation all rose to their feet, all except Adam and Ella’s brothers, and applauded the new couple. Nathan took Ella’s hand and led her down the isle towards the exit. White petals and rice where tossed onto the couple as they walked hand in hand, beautiful white doves where released making the place look even more enchanting than it already did.

“Lucky girl.. she’s going to see how Nathaniel looks naked, gosh I’m so jealous.”

“Oh please, you think she hasn’t seen him naked already? My tears dried a long time ago”

“Wait are you saying they’ve... you know.”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“How are you so sure?!”

“Rumor has been going round that a guard spotted them doing it on the prince’s balcony.”

“On the balcony! Gosh.. lucky girl!”

“lucky guard..”


The royal carriage in which the newly weds were, arrived about an hour later, after all the guests from the service had settled in the banquet hall of the royal palace. A harold stood at the entrance and blew a trumpet to announce their arrival.

“Introducing, for the first time, his royal highness Nathaniel Aldos, first of his name, and his beautiful wife, Ella Aldos!”

The mention of Ella as Nathaniel’s wife made Adam take another huge gulp of his wine.

“Your grace,” Ozias whispered, “I’d advise you to take it easy on the wine, you’ll want to be sober once we start with our plan.”

Adam looked up at Ozias, Ivan and Roland who were sitting with him at the table, his breathing was heavy and his chest was tight. He had just witnessed the only woman he’d ever loved marry someone else, he was supposed to be drinking like a fish right now. But his men were right, he knew the wedding was necessary, he wouldn’t have gotten any other chance to get to Guinevere without it.

The Gavarian prince but his cup down and looked up at the couple as they walked hand in hand to the high table. Gosh, look at Guinevere, as beautiful as ever, he couldn’t wait to finally have her in his arms, to kiss her and to make up for all the things he didn’t get to do with her in their past life. He was going to savor every single second with her.

Ella and Nathan sat down at the table and the after party was in full swing. People were dancing at the center, some were drinking, some eating and others were making their way to the high table to congratulate the newly weds.

The redhead kept trailing her eyes over the guests in the hall, trying to locate Adam but she couldn’t see him anywhere, had he not come to the party? Suddenly she felt a hand touch hers gently, it was Nathan, he was looking down at her with concern in his eyes.

“Is anything bothering you my wife?”

“N- no, it’s nothing,” Ella responded and put on a smile, “I’m just surprised at how many people are here.”

“Well of course,” Nathan responded, “I’m the crowned prince, and soon to be their king.” His grip on her hand tightened, “and you will be their queen, it’s an honor for them to be in our presence.”

Nathan leaned towards Ella and whispered in her ear, “come now, let’s dance.”

Adam watched with much hatred as Nathaniel took Ella’s hand and led her to the dance floor, he could literally feel his blood boil when he placed his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

Joining the other couples who were on the dance floor, Ella and Nathaniel swayed to the music gracefully, they looked absolutely stunning that some couples would almost stumble watching the newly weds dancing together.

Beric casually walked to where Zander was sitting and sipping wine and cleared his throat, indicating that it was time for them to begin their plan. The blond man nodded and stood from his chair, grabbing the hand of some random woman who was walking in front of him. josei

Zander gracefully twirled with her onto the dancefloor, inching closer to where Nathan and Ella were, the woman who Zander was with was too dazed to even protest. The man she was dancing with was absolutely stunning, his beautiful slick blond hair and gold eyes were enchanting, he looked like a mystical creature not of this world.

When the music changed, the couples on the dance floor exchanged partners, Zander twirled the woman he was dancing with away into another man’s arms and walked to Ella. He bowed respectfully and stretched out his hand to her, “lord Zander from the kingdom of Cenia, may I have this dance my lady?”

Ella took Zander’s hand and the two of them began to sway to the music, Ella couldn’t help but gaze at the man’s golden eyes, the only other person he knew with eyes like that was Nathan.

“See something you like?” Zander teased, making Ella blush and look away.

“N-no, forgive me for staring,” she responded.

“Don’t stare too much, Adam will have my testicles if he sees you,” Zander spoke with a smirk.

“Adam?!” Ella’s eyes went wide, was this man with Adam? Did he send him?

“Keep your composure now, your husband will notice something is amiss,” Zander instructed the blue eyed woman as he gave her a twirl.

“Did Adam send you here?” Ella whispered, her face looking as neutral as ever.

“That he did, he’s traveled far for you”

“Where is he now?” Ella questioned the man, “is he here?”

“You’ll be united with him soon enough,” Zander spoke, “go to the palace kitchen, Jillian will be waiting for you there.. lady Guinevere.”

The entire time while dancing, Nathan had his eyes fixed on Ella and the man she was dancing with, he felt a little jealous at how comfortable she was in his arms. So as soon as the music changed, he let go of the woman he was dancing with, much to her dismay, and walked to Ella.

“May I?” Nathan spoke as politely as he could, but the possessiveness in his voice was very evident to Zander.

Another thing that was evident to Zander the minute the prince spoke, was that just like Adam and Ella, he was not human as well. Now this was very interesting.

Zander let go of Ella and bowed politely before walking away. Nathan took Ella in his arms, possessively holding her against him as if someone might swoop in and steal her away.

Somewhere in the crowd, Julia Boleyn was watching Ella like a halk as she served drinks to the snobby royals. All Julia needed was a chance when Ella would be alone, and then she could take her out, it was just a matter of time.

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