May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

55 Chapter 55 : She’s killed the queen

Juliet Aldos watched Nathaniel and Ella dance and tightly gripped the knife in her pocket, that repulsive inhuman aura was oozing from them like a thick mist, it was repugnant. She had to find a way to get Ella alone so she could carry out her plan, who knows how long she had before these creatures contacted their allies.

Nathan firmed his grip on Ella’s waist and looked into her eyes, “you seemed very comfortable with that man my wife,” he spoke sheepishly as he swayed Ella around on the dance floor, “I must say, I’m feeling a little jealous.”

“He’s a gentleman Nathan, of course I’d be comfortable with with.”

“Making me jealous will have dire consequences when you and I are alone in our chambers my dear sweet wife,” the prince rasped with a mischievous smile on his face.

Ella averted his gaze and pouted, “don’t be shameless Nathan we’re in public.”

The prince chuckled and planted a kiss on the redhead’s temple, “are you worried you’ll dampen your breeches in front of all these people?”

“Nathaniel please!” Ella whispered in a serious tone, her cheeks and ears were as red as a beet.

“I love how my name rolls off your tongue my wife, Nathaniel, please say it again..”

Ella rolled her eyes at the silver haired prince, “you’re unbelievable.”


He kissed her forehead and pulled her even closer to him, “So what were you talking about..” Nathan added on

“With that blond man?” Ella tried hard to keep her tone as casual as possible, “he was just congratulating me on our marriage and all of that.”

“Is that all?”

Ella pursed her lips, luckily Nathaniel couldn’t see her face, “well he did compliment me on my looks, he said I was quite beautiful.”

Nathan pulled away slightly and eyed his wife with a furrowed brow, “are you taunting me?”

Ella smiled sheepishly at him, “maybe.”

Nathaniel chuckled heartily, attracting the attention of the people who were dancing around them, some of the woman blushed at the sound of his sexy laughter. He leaned towards Ella’s ear and lightly licked it, “I can’t wait to get you to bed my little naughty wife.”

On the other side of hall Adam’s patience was running thin, he had had enough of that bastard Nathaniel making moves on his woman, gosh if given the chance he would knock that stupid smug smile off Nathaniel’s face with his fist.

Luckily, Ella seemed to have gotten tired and asked Nathaniel if they could sit, thank the gods. Five more minutes of them dancing and Adam would have walked straight up to Nathan and knocked him to kingdom come.

Ella watched Nathan when they settled down at the table, he seemed to be in a really good mood after their conversation and this was the perfect time to slip away and meet up with Adam. At the far end of the hall she saw Zander walking to a table and speaking to a handsome man with a beard and mustache, the man stood up and made his way out of the hall.

Moments later she noticed three other men strategically move out of the hall as well, Ella guessed that all of them were with Adam, and they were giving her sign that it was time.

Ella gently squeezed Nathaniel’s hand and smiled at him, “My husband, excuse me while I use the lady’s room.”

“Of course,” Nathan was about to stand when Ella stoped him.

“You don’t have to come with me my love I won’t be long,” she spoke sweetly while drawing a little circle seductively on his arm, “let me freshen up before we retire to our chambers okay.”

The silver haired prince’s adam’s apple bobbed up and down longingly, “O- of course my love, there are gaurds around so you’ll be safe, just hurry back okay.”

Ella nodded and gave Nathan a soft kiss on his cheek, “I will.”

She got up and gracefully made her way to the exit of the hall. Nathan called one of his royal guards as he watched her leave and whispered to him, “follow my wife and make sure no one follows her to the lady’s room.”

“Yes your grace.”


Julia watched Ella walk out of the hall and thanked the gods, finally she would be able to put that wretched witch in her place, six feet under. She didn’t even mind the snobby royals who were calling out to her to refill their cups, she just dropped her tray on a random table and left the hall in pursuit of her target.

On the far right of the high table where Ella and Nathaniel’s parents were sitting, Juliet stood up and bowed politely at the people next to her. “Please excuse me, I have to use the lady’s room.” She had seen Ella walk out of the hall and she figured this would be her only chance to get rid of that ratchet nosferatu once and for all.

Outside the hall, Ella grabbed the skirt of her wedding dress and rushed towards the kitchen, her heart was pounding wildly in her chest and her breath was heavy. She couldn’t contain her anxiety anymore, she was dying to see Adam, to see Jillian after all these hard years of pain and turmoil. She missed him so much.

She reached the kitchen door and took a deep breath, the chefs and the rest of the stuff had long abandoned it to serve the wedding guests. Under normal circumstances, the kitchen door would have been locked, but instead it was left slightly open. He was in there waiting for her.

Adam turned around when he heard the kitchen door creak open and his eyes went wide, for there standing at the doorway, was his beautiful Guinevere. He walked briskly towards her and she did the same, they met halfway across the large kitchen and locked eyes. Everything was silent except for their beating hearts.

The handsome prince reached out to the redhead and gently stroked her cheek, as if not believing she was actually standing in front of him. He then pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly, never wanting to let go. josei

Ella returned the hug with equal intensity, she buried her face into his chest as tears of joy trickled down her petit face.

“Oh gods Guine, I missed you so much.” He kissed her repeatedly atop her head and embraced her again.

“I missed you too,” she sniffed and looked up at him, “but Adam, it’s Ella now.”

The prince looked down at her with a confused expression, “What?”

“My name, it’s Ella.”

Before Adam could respond, Beric rushed into the kitchen, “Your grace, there are guards coming this way, we need to leave immediately.”

Adam turned to Ella and smiled sweetly at her, “you’ll have to tell me the details later,” he then scooped her up in his arms like she was as light as a feather and ran towards the back door at full speed.


Back in the hallways, Julia overheard the one of the guards instructing his friend to stand guard while he checks on the prince’s wife in the lady’s room. She quickly slipped away into the narrow hidden passages so she could reach the lady’s bathroom before the guard. She just needed 30 seconds to kill that little redheaded witch and then escape.

She opened the door to the hall that led to the bathroom and peeked out, good, the guard wasn’t there yet. She sneaked out and rushed into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. She turned around but was shocked to see the bathroom empty. Where was she? Had she not arrived yet?

Julia unlocked the door and stepped out, carefully inspecting the surroundings, Ella had to be around here somewhere.

Meanwhile, Juliet Aldos walked into the halls that led to the bathrooms and stopped short when she saw Julia standing at the lady’s room door. She ducked out of site and studied the small green eyed woman.

“Fuck! There’s another one of them?” The queen cursed under her breath when she sensed the inhuman aura that surrounded the woman, she figured Ella and Nathan had already reached out to others of their kind and that’s why that woman was there. What was she going to do now?

Julia noticed the hem of the queen’s dress peeping from behind the wall and smiled sinisterly, oh so that’s where that little witch was hiding. Well there was no where left to hide because Julia was going to end her life and finally free Adam from that ratchet spell of hers.

The green eyed woman walked cautiously down the hall, the grip on the knife in her hand tightening with each step, when she reached where the woman was hiding, she plunged the knife sideways, striking her in the throat.

Queen Juliet Aldos gasped and grabbed Julia’s arm as blood oozed down her throat from her wound and and the corner of her mouth. Julia immediately pushed her away and stumbled backwards in utter shock and gut renching fear, she had killed the wrong woman, and not just any woman, she had killed the queen! Good gods!

Julia’s heart was in her throat when she saw two guards run towards her, she scrambled for the exit but the skilled man tackled her and slammed her to the ground, her arms secured behind her back.

“She’s dead!” The other guard screamed, “she killed the queen!”

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