May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

65 Chapter 65 : Blow it

Ella halted and plopped to the ground, her back against the bark of a large tree and her arms around her shoulders. Her heart was pulsating insanely, if she didn’t leave the scene and continued inhaling the smell of blood, she was sure she was going to lose her mind.

The red head grabbed her stomach, feeling like a massive hole was forming within it, why did it have to be this way, why couldn’t she crave anything else, anything but the red liquid that flowed through the veins of living creatures.


The woman shuddered when a hand landed on her shoulder from behind, she turned around and locked eyes with Adam who had a worried look on his face. With her arm, Ella covered her fanged teeth and distanced herself from the handsome elven prince.

“Adam, please stay back,” she spoke in a whisper.

Adam stubbornly inched closer to her and tried to grab her hand again, making her move backwards abruptly. Her leg got caught in vine making her trip, but luckily Adam was able to pull her by the hand, flipping himself over so that he landed on the ground and Ella landed on top of him. They crushed down to the leafy forest floor with a thud.

When Ella managed to nudge herself up, she found herself laying on top of the handsome prince, their legs interlocked and his arms wrapped around her small waist. Adam groaned a little at the impact making the redhead panic.

“oh gods Adam! Are you okay?!” She was about to push herself off of him when the grip around her waist tightened, pulling her closer onto him till her chest was against his and her face was hovering slightly above his face.

“I like your new set of teeth,” Adam spoke with a sheepish smile.


“Don’t joke about it Adam I could hurt you,” Ella spoke cheerlessly, “I’m a monster, a creature parents use to scare their children into behaving.”

Adam freed one of his arms and brought it to Ella’s face, he brushed her soft cold cheek lightly with his fingers before smiling tenderly. The way he looked at her, it was like he was looking at a rare piece of art that was worth a million gold coins, it made the hair on the back of Ella’s neck stand up.

“What you are,” Adam spoke sweetly, his voice was a low whisper that rumbled a little in his chest before escaping his mesmerizing lips. The tone of his voice was so enchanting it should have been labeled a crime. “What you are Ella, is the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on.”

Ella’s cheeks heated up, and for a brief moment so did her body. The compromising position they were in, his soft touch, his deep titillating voice was enough to have her heart ready to uninhabit her chest. She looked into his hooded brown eyes that now had hints of purple swirling around within them like stardust in the night sky, she had almost forgotten how incredibly handsome this man really was.

“Adam..” Ella stammered, it took more energy and willpower to speak than she thought it would, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“There’s no amount of pain you can inflict on me that can transcend the pain I endured when you weren’t in my arms Ella.”

His words stuck Ella like a knife, and the look in his eyes showed pure honesty.

“What if I-” the girl swallowed some saliva as her eyes trailed down to his lips, “what if I bite you.”

“Then bite me,” Adam responded almost immediately.

Ella’s breath hitched when his arms moved from her cheek to the back of her head, she closed her eyes as he slowly pulled her in for a kiss. The leaves on the high trees were rustling gently, a soft breeze was blowing and sounds of crickets and little animals scampering to their homes for the night filled the forest. It was so tranquil, so quaint.

“I found them!” Ivan screamed at the top of his lungs when he spotted Ella and Adam laying on the forest floor. So much for quaint and tranquil.

Ella hurriedly pushed herself off Adam and dusted the leaves and debris off her clothes. Her face was still burning red so she kept her eyes to the ground the entire time.

“Perfect timing Ivan,” Adam spoke in a less than amused tone as he too got to his feet, “I can always count on you to ruin a moment.”

“Why thank you your grace, it’s my absolute pleasure,” the man responded with a smug smile. There was no way he was going to stand by and let the prince get some action while he was clocking two months celibate. They would all suffer together.

By the time Zander and Odran joined them, Ella’s blush had dimmed down a bit.

“What happened?” Zander questioned Ella, “why did you ran off like that?”

“I.. well I umm...”

“Hey your teeth,” Odran commented while eyeing Ella, he had noticed her sharp fangs as she spoke.

“That’s right, you’ve gotten your vampire fangs,” Zander spoke with concern, he didn’t know much about the nosferatu, but he knew that they fed on the blood of living creatures using those same teeth Ella had just equipped herself with.

Seeing the slight hint of fear in Odran and Zander’s eyes, Ella bowed her head in dejection. Of course they would be afraid of her, heck, she was afraid of herself. No one was safe around her, she didn’t know how long she would be able to control her thirst and hunger.

Adam moved towards Ella and wrapped his arm defensively around her waist, “She wouldn’t hurt a fly,” he spoke firmly, “we’re all going through some physical changes and hers are no different from ours.”

“But what if she needs to feed,” Zander questioned, he was trying to sound as calm and as respectful as possible, “what happens then?” He didn’t want to come right out and say ‘what if she sucks us dry like water skins in a desert?’ because it would be rude, but he was thinking it.

“Then I’ll find a way to feed her,” Adam responded, his tone indicated that he didn’t take kindly to what Zander was insinuating, Ella was an angel, she would never hurt anyone, he believed in her.

“How your grace?” Zander questioned the elven prince, “are you aware of what the nosferatu feed on?”

“I have a pretty good idea yes.”

“So then what are you going to do?” Zander questioned the prince again, trying to make him see that they were going to have a problem with his woman in the near future, “are you going to serve yourself up with a side of roasted greens?”

“If I have to then I will!” Adam responded, his voice was firm and heading towards annoyance, “are there any other questions you have for me Zander?!”

The blond man pursed his lips and shook his head slowly.

“Good,” Adam responded. He turned to Ella and fastened the buttons on her cloak before taking her hand and leading her back to the camp site. And as they walked away, Zander looked at the prince and sighed heavily. A man in love really was a stupid man.

When the group returned to the camp site, they found that the tents and the furs were all set, and the rabbit stew was bubbling in the pot on the fire awaiting to be devoured. Adam got some stew in a bow and settled down next to Ella, he took a spoonful of food and brought it to her lips.

“Adam I can feed myself,” she spoke in embarrassment, she could see his friends stealing glances at them as he tried to feed her.

“I know you can,” he responded with a sweet smile, “but I want to be the one to feed you.”

Not wanting to argue with him and cause an awkward scene, Ella opened her mouth and ate the food. Adam’s eyes sparkled as he watched her chew and swallow the food, he quickly got some more, blew on it and brought it to her mouth.

“What about about you,” Ella asked the brown haired prince after several spoons of rabbit stew, “aren’t you going to eat? Aren’t you hungry?”

“I’m famished,” Adam responded, “but unfortunately my hands are a little occupied right now, so I’ll need someone to feed me.”

Ella raised her brows at Adam while he looked at her expectantly. She was about to refuse when Roland handed her a bow of stew.

“He’s not going to to quit, just feed him,” he spoke nonchalantly as if it was typical of Adam getting his way whenever he put his mind to it.

Ella awkwardly took a spoonful of food and took it to the prince’s mouth who ate it happily.

“It’s too hot Ella,” Adam spoke with a ridiculous pout on his face, why was he acting like such a child, “you should blow on it so it cools down.”

The sly smirk on Adam’s face made the rest of the men chuckle. Ella’s face burned red as she dug into the bowl of food, “you’re all insufferable,” she grumbled before bringing the spoon to her mouth and blowing on it. josei

“Blow it real good princess,” Ozias teased, “it’s too hot to take in like that.”

Ella stopped blowing and shoved the spoon into Adam’s mouth. Her face was as red as a beet when she turned to look at the men who were snickering behind their bows of food.

“Oh will you all grow up!” She screamed and the men all went into a fit of laughter.

Ella crossed her arms over her chest and pouted, she was so embarrassed and angry but she could feel a smile creeping up on her. The little moment had made her take her mind off her incessant hunger and thirst, and she had these childish men to thank.

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