May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

66 Chapter 66 : King Elric

William closed the door tightly shut and barricaded it with the large table after he’d walked back into the house. His mother rushed to him and frantically inspected his body.

“Are you okay?” Emma questioned her youngest son, “you didn’t get hurt did you?”

The young man clasped his mother’s hands and nodded, “I’m fine mother,” he walked towards the study where everyone else was sitting and took his own seat. “It’s happening everywhere,” William spoke with a sigh, “hundreds of people have turned, they’re not human anymore.”

“Any news about your sister?”

William looked up at his father and shook his head, “I didn’t get the chance to reach the palace. The coronation is taking place and all these creatures..” William cleared his throat, he realized that now his father and two brothers were one of these so called ‘creatures’. “Pardon me father, I mean all these other races are flocking the palace in support Nathaniel’s rise to power. It’s like he’s amassing himself some sort of army of meta humans.”

“But why would he need an army?” Emma Morrell questioned, “is there going to be a war?”

“I have a hantch,” William spoke, he now knew that Nathaniel was a werewolf prince of some sort and he knew that he was obsessed with Ella, he’d go to any heights to have her all to himself, even manipulate an entire population to do his bidding just so he could snatch Ella away from Adam, and that was most likely what he was up to. But at the same time, he didn’t think Adam would let Ella go without a fight, it was clear that he too loved her. I mean he had infiltrated the wedding, God knows how, and literally stolen Ella from right under Nathaniel’s nose, that wasn’t a plan motivated by infatuation, that was pure possessiveness.

And from what William knew about prince Adam and his military conquests, he too was a force to be reckoned with, this might turn out to be a very bloody war.

William leaned closer to his mother and rubbed her shoulder gently, “you shouldn’t worry about Ella mother, I don’t think there’s anywhere she could be safer than with Adam.”


“Adam?” Emma spoke between sniffles, “what does he want with my daughter?”

“It’s a long story,” William responded, “but it will all make sense in due time.”

Suddenly, Alexander came crushing into the study, followed by his twin brother Jonathan.

“Will you two stop behaving like children for one second!” Bahram yelled in annoyance as he ran into the study completely breathless.

The twins chuckled in unison and zoomed out of the room at the speed of sound, making Bahram face palm. “Is this what we have to live with for the years to come?! Weren’t they weird enough as is?”

“I hear vampires can live to up to a thousand years,” William responded, “so you better get used to this.”

Bahram threw himself into the sofa next to where his father was sitting, he was tired of chasing two full grown men around the house. Bahram turned towards his father and spoke, “I need to go back to Guria, my wife is expecting, and we don’t know the extent of whatever is happening. I need to make sure she’s safe.”

“Aye,” William added on, “I too need to see Klaryssa, I haven’t been able to get a wink of sleep thinking about her.”

“But you’ve seen the situation outside,” John Morrell spoke, “it’s too dangerous to travel the continent this time around, especially because you’re... well... only human.”

The twins zipped in from nowhere and sat down with the rest of the family, “we can go with you,” they spoke in unison. It seemed that they were enjoying their new found abilities. At first it was a bit frightening and shocking for all of them, they thought they had turned into blood sucking monsters, but surprisingly they had maintained their personalities. It was just their appearance that had changed. Why it was only John Morrell and the twins who had turned, was still a question that needed answers.

“It would be safer moving as a group,” Bahram agreed, “with all that’s going on, it may be wise to have one of their kind on our side.”

The brothers all nodded in agreement, they planned to leave Greenhill the next day, first starting with Guria to get Bahram’s wife and then venture to Gavaria for Klaryssa. Silently they all hoped they would bump into their sister along the way, just to make sure she was safe. Not knowing where she was was very unsettling for all of them, especially with the war that Nathaniel was obviously cooking up.


Nathan walked gracefully down the isle to the front of the cathedral where the cardinal stood awaiting his arrival. The last time Nathaniel was in this place, he was marrying the love of his life, and now he was going to be crowned king here, after which he would use any resources at his disposal to reclaim Ella Morrell as his own. josei

The deadly aura that was oozing from him as he walked was enough to make the humans among them shudder, and the other races beam with joy. To them, this day signified a step in the right direction towards their liberation and rise to to power.

The cardinal bowed respectfully at the prince, and with trembling hands took the crown from the pedestal it once sat. The item felt heavy, the man had crowned two kings before Nathaniel but this time felt different, it felt terrifying. It was as if he was handing over power to trample over humanity to the silver haired prince and there was nothing he could do about it.

The minute the crown touched Nathaniel’s head, the cardinal knew that the era of mankind in the kingdom of Meria, and possibly the whole continent, was coming to an end.

“May you rule justly and wisely,” the man concluded his speech with much difficulty, “long live king Nathaniel Aldo-”

The man silenced when Nathaniel rose his hand in front of him firmly and shook his head. The silver haired price cocked his head to the side and a slender well dressed man stepped forward, heeding to Nathaniel’s call.

“From today henceforth,” Theo announced to the gathered masses, “Nathaniel Aldos will cease to exist! May I present to you, king Elric of Meria, son of the Alpha of the silver lycan pack! Long live king Elric!”

“Long live king Elric!” The masses roared in support.

“Long live king Elric!”

“Long live king Elric!”


Ella drew in a long breath and tightly wrapped the furs she was covering with around her body. After the rabit stew and a few stories around the fire, she had felt extremely drained and tired and had nodded off. She had fallen into such a deep sleep that she didn’t even feel Adam carry her to the tent.

Now she was awake for some reason, unable to reclaim the sleep she had lost. Her hand clenched the fur tighter as she felt a low rumble in the pit of her stomach, she was getting hungry again, and not for rabbit stew.

She wrapped one hand around her stomach and squeezed her eyes shut in hopes of shutting out her urge to feed but unfortunately that was all she could think of. The dead silence of the night was not helping either, all she could hear were her nosferatu instincs screaming at her.

Ella flipped so she could lay on her side but found Adam awake and staring at her.

[What the hell!]

“Why are you awake?” Ella whispered to the elven prince, “you gave me a scare.”

Adam smiled and moved himself a bit closer to her, “I didn’t know you cursed,” he spoke with an amused tone, “it sounds adorable.”

Ella’s eyes widened for a moment, she hadn’t cursed, well at least not out loud. Could Adam hear her thoughts as well? Wait? Was everyone else going to be able to do it now that they were elves? She needed to be sure.

~gods I’d love to make you curse all night long Ella~

Yhup, that was the confirmation Ella needed, her and Adam could definitely hear each other’s thoughts. There was no way Adam had said such a thing out loud, he couldn’t be so shameless.

“Gods I’d love to make you curse all night long Ella,” Adam whispered longingly, proving Ella wrong, he was indeed shameless.

“Adam!” Ella warned him in a firm whisper

The man chuckled and brushed his knuckles lightly on her cheek as he looked at every part of her face longingly, “I’m sorry, but I have been holding back my feelings and love for you for many lifetimes, so expect that sometimes . Things like this will just bubble up. Forgive me.”

Ella blushed and averted his gaze, even in the dark she could still see his enchanting eyes delectably staring at her. “What do you mean many life times? You and I met in Mirine.”

“We did,” Adam responded, still stroking her cheek, “that’s the only time I got the courage to let you know my feelings towards you, since I had known you since we were children it was a bit easier for me.”

“So you knew me before that?” Ella flattered her lashes at the handsome man.

“I did,” He responded, “Wintersend, Mirine, Coppercrest, Ladenville... I knew you, I was just too much of a coward to talk to you. You were so beautiful and very guarded. I was always a little intimidated.”

Ella’s eyes widened, the names of those towns, gosh it felt like a lifetimes ago when she last heard them. She looked up at Adam who was smiling down at her like a trophy he’d won in a competition he’d been striving in for years. “In Ladenville, were you that knight I almost shot with an arrow when I was training.”

Adam chuckled before responding, “aye, that was me. I was trying to talk to you that day.”

“I was so mad at you, that was an incredibly stupid thing to do walking into my target range like that,” Ella scolded him, but then with a smile she looked at him, “but I did think you were kind of cute.”

Adam cupped her cheek, his eyes became even more lidded than usual giving him a very alluring look, “I thought you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid eyes on.” He ran his thumb gently over her lips and touched one of her fangs, “and I still do, more so now.”

Ella settled her hand on his chest and lost her herself in his eyes. Adam cupped her cheek and closed his eyes, inching his face closer to hers, Ella did the same, it was like a magnetic pull she couldn’t resist.

Mere inches before their lips touched, someone cleared his throat loudly in the next tent, making them both open their eyes and pull away. Adam frowned, knowing very well who the person who had interrupted the moment was.

~That bastard~

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