May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

67 Chapter 67 : He deflowered you?

Adam leaned forward and kissed Ella on her forehead, “sleep now,” he whispered, his hand still stroking her cheek lovingly, “tomorrow is going to be a long day.”

“okay,” Ella responded, she closed her eyes trying to fall asleep but found herself opening them again. “What about your parents? And your home back in Gavaria, don’t you have duties to them?”

Adam sighed and tucked a loc of hair behind Ella’s ear, “I do, but I also have a duty to my heart.” The dark haired prince had spent too much time pursuing Ella, and finally when he had her, he’d lost her, he was not going to let that happen again. “Nathaniel is probably losing his mind trying to get you back, I need to make sure you’re tucked away safely first before I can face him.”

“Face him?”

Adam flipped on his back, his eyes fixed on the roof of the tent, “he’s not going to let you go without a fight Ella.”

“But the only reason I was with him was because I thought you were gone Adam,” Ella extended her hand to grab his chest but noticed that he was shirtless beneath the fur. She rashly pulled her hand away but he caught it and pulled her onto his chest, his arms tightly wrapped around her small waist.

“But the fact still remains that you’re legally his wife,” Adam spoke, this wasn’t a fact that he liked. He had realized that he was very possessive of Ella and didn’t take kindly to sharing her with anyone else, especially not Nathan. “And he loves you.” Adam looked down at Ella and lightly run his hand through her hair, “do you love him?”

Ella pursed her lips and lowered her gaze, she felt horrible about the position she had put Adam in. He probably felt insecure and upset about her marriage with Nathaniel, she really wished she could turn back the hands of time.

“I care about Nathaniel,” Ella responded, “even though he lied to me, he was there for me when I thought I had no one else.” She looked up at Adam who was pouting at the words she was saying, “but I failed to fall in love with him, and believe me I tried. I think a part of me was still holding on to you and that’s why I couldn’t bring myself to reciprocate his feelings.”


Adam looked away with a relieved smile on his face, he would have been absolutely broken if Ella had said she loved Nathaniel. “I know what you mean,” he spoke sheepishly, “it’s like my situation with Julia, she just can’t accept the fact that I don’t feel the way she does-”

“Julia?” Ella asked with an arched eyebrow, “is she one of the women you’ve slept with?!”

Adam chuckled when he looked down at Ella’s pouting face. He rolled over, pinned her beneath him and looked down at her beautiful face. “Why? Are you jealous?”

Ella looked away and shook her head, “I don’t care and I’m not jealous,” she responded curtly, “you can sleep with whoever you want!”

“And that doesn’t bother you?” The prince questioned the gorgeous redhead.

Ella squirmed around beneath him trying to escape his grasp but he didn’t budge. “It wouldn’t, now please leave me alone!”

Adam smiled slyly and gently kissed Ella’s pulsing temple, her mouth was saying one thing but her reaction was saying something completely different. “I think it does bother you” he whispered into her ear, “you know, when you get jealous like this you kind of drive me a little crazy Ella.”

The redhead woman pushed Adam’s heavy form off of her with all her might, “I’m not jealous!”

The prince rolled back onto his back and looked at the beautiful pouting girl, his teeth sunken into his his full lower lip in amusement. “But you’ve been with men before too Ella,” Adam spoke, “why is it only a problem on my end? Besides, it’s not like I just slept with random girls like a casanova, it’s just been a few experiences.”

The man turned on his side so as to look at Ella who was now facing away from him and wrapped his arms around her waist, “I’m a man Ella, it was just a couple of moments of weakness.” He buried his face into her hair and took a deep breath, taking in her sweet smell, “besides, it’s not like you haven’t been with men before.”

“Man,” Ella responded.


The blue eyed woman turned back to face Adam, “man, not men,” she repeated herself, “the only man I’ve ever been with is Nathaniel.”

Adam knitted his brows together and studied the woman in front of him, “so you mean to tell me that that bastard broke your maidenhood?!”

When Ella nodded her head Adam flipped onto his back and covered his face his his palms and muffled a loud ‘fuck’. He stayed that way for a few minutes as the information he’d just been presented with sunk in. That bastard Nathaniel had deflowered Ella before he even got the chance to kiss her.

He turned back towards Ella, pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her waist, Ella could feel a sense of possessiveness emanating from the prince. She looked up at him and his eyes were drilling holes into hers, his breathing was heavy and his skin was heating up.

“Ella..” the man rasped, his voice making her spine tingle.

“I can sense your arousal from here your grace!” A voice called out from the next tent, “there’s other people here trying to sleep so please control your urges!”

“Shut up Ivan!” Adam responded in agitation as he loosened his grip on the woman. He then planted a quick kiss on the corner of her mouth and brought her face into his chest.

“Good night Ella,” he whispered to her.

Ella took a deep breath to help her blood pressure subside, she then held on to his pecks and muffled a good night before drifting off into a deep sleep.


King James Burchard walked hurriedly into the library where Lord Boleyn was sitting waiting for him.

“What happened?” The king spoke in a panic, “do you have any new information about what is going on?”

“More or less your majesty,” lord Boleyn spoke as he stood up. He stretched out his arm and handed the king a parchment. “It’s a message from Meria, from prince Nathaniel.”

The king glossed over the parchment, his eyes widening as he read every sentence.

“He calls himself King Elric now,” lord Boleyn spoke, “and he wishes to form his own alliance with Gavaria and requires us to help him in his conquest.”

The king folded up the parchment and tossed it aside, “that’s preposterous!” He roared, “I would never negotiate with the enemy!”

“Your majesty we don’t have much of a choice! He has our people captive, he has an army of superhuman creatures on his side and he has my daughter!”

King Burchard cursed and took a seat, racking his hand through his hair. His kingdom was in chaos, his son was nowhere to be seen and his royal guard were being held hostage in Meria, Nathaniel had the upper hand.

“What are his demands?” King Burchard asked, clearly not wanting to read the parchment any further for himself.

“He wants us to assist him to track Adam and his wife,” lord Boleyn explained, “apparently, prince Adam went ahead and kidnapped lady Ella from Meria and fled with her heading north east. Nathaniel wants us to help him locate them so he can get his wife back and we can convince Adam to return to Gavaria.”

“All this for a woman?” King Burchard wondered, something didn’t add up, “there has to be more he stands to gain from this than a pair of perky breasts.”

“We’re not in any condition to question him about anything,” Lord Boleyn explained, “plus he also claims to know about the changes that are happening to some of our people. He even claims that he can help control the situation.”

“Do we trust him?”

“Do we have a choice your majesty?”

James Burchard sighed and turned to lord Boleyn, he thought back on his wife who too had succumbed to this strange transformation that was plaguing the kingdom. Some of his people had turned into these strange inhuman creatures, werewolves, elf looking creatures, vampires and dwarves. His father had told him stories about such creatures from old fairytales about how they existed a hundred years ago but had all died out. Never in his wildest imagination did he think he would see them roaming the lands of Gavaria with his own eyes. josei

He didn’t know what to do, it seemed like this outreach from Nathaniel was the best choice that he had, otherwise he might lose his kingdom.

“I’m not one to make decisions without looking at all the angles your majesty,” lord Boleyn spoke, “but we’re in a bit of a tight corner right now, we don’t have time to weigh options we don’t have.”

The king took a deep breath and looked up at Boleyn, “grab a parchment and a quill lord Boleyn, we’ll take this king Elric’s offer.”

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