May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1877

Chapter 1877

Chapter 1877: Chapter 1877, Gong Mou 77

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Lian Lian was in Sikong Yi’s small building, having a meal with Sikong Yi. Her phone rang with music. She glanced at the screen and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. She immediately answered the call.

She switched to a neutral voice, “hello. “

“Andy, Andy, I’ve found the person you’re looking for, ” said the maid.

Lian Lian heard the other party call her Andy and knew that the other party was the maid in the palace.

“Miss, you said you’ve found the person I’m looking for. “

“Yes, I found the person you’re looking for. The person you’re looking for is currently in Arinda’s bedroom. He’s having dinner with Princess Arinda, ” the little maid said.

Lian Lian’s mouth was so wide that it could fit an egg. She had never expected Gaia to be together with Princess Arinda.

“Miss Lian, do you know the name of the person I’m looking for? ” She asked.

“I heard Princess Arinda call him GAIA. Princess Arinda said that she was his guard. I heard the other maids say that this guard is new today. The princess personally brought him here, ” the little maid said.

Lian Lian was stunned. She did not know if GAIA had thought of the name GAIA himself Or was it a coincidence that GAIA had named himself GAIA.

If GAIA had thought of her name as Gaia, then Gaia should have also thought of her identity.

“Young Lady, can you help me with one more thing? ” Lian Lian said.

“Tell me. What do you want me to help you with? ” Asked the little maid.

“Can you help me and tell Gaia that someone wants to see him? ”LiannLiann said.

“If he asks me who wants to see him, what should I tell him? ” The maid asked.

“Just tell him that a friend of his wants to see him. His friend knows everything he wants to know, ” Lian Lian said.

“Okay, I’ll find an opportunity to tell him. However, it won’t be so soon because Princess Arinda has been with him, ” the maid said.

He didn’t dare to tell Gaia about this in front of the princess. She could only find an opportunity for the princess and Gaia to separate before telling GAIA about this.

Therefore, it was destined. She did not know when she could speak to Gaia, nor did she know when she could help Andy ask Gaia out.

“I understand. You don’t have to be anxious. You can tell him when you have the chance. ” Lian Lian instructed the maid.

GAIA was currently with Princess Arinda. GAIA’s situation was very dangerous. If William saw GAIA, GAIA would be dead for sure. josei

She naturally did not dare to urge her little girlfriend to tell Gaia about this. She was afraid that it would attract Arinda’s attention.

Arinda was William’s sister. If Arinda said anything to Willam, even she would not be able to save GAIA.

“Alright, I’ll hang up first. I’ll inform you when I get in touch with him, ” said the little maid.

“Alright, thank you! ” Lian Lian thanked him softly and hung up the phone.

“What did you say just now? You have news of GAIA? ” Sikong Yi asked hurriedly.

He had brought Bai Zhu to the palace today and searched for a whole day, but he still could not find any traces of GAIA. He did not expect Lian Lian to find any traces of GAIA so quickly.

“Yes, I have news of GAIA. Today, I met a group of young ladies in the palace. They were very eager to strike up a conversation with me, so I asked them to help me look for GAIA.

Just now, a young lady told me that she had discovered GAIA’s whereabouts. GAIA and Princess Arinda were now in Princess Arinda’s bedroom.

She even said that it was Princess Arinda who brought Gaia back to the bedroom. She also announced to everyone that Gaia was his bodyguard,”Lian Lian said.

She could roughly guess what had happened. It should have been Princess Arinda who accidentally bumped into Gaia and then brought Gaia back to the bedroom.

Sikong Yi’s lips twitched, “what’s going on? You went out and met a group of maids who were helping you. When GAIA went out, he met the princess and took him away. What kind of operation is this? Why can’t I meet anything when I go out? “

He was really depressed. He had stayed in the palace for so long, but there had never been a maid who struck up a conversation with her, and there had never been a princess who was nice to him.

“cousin, this is God’s manipulation, ” Lian Lian said jokingly.

“That’s not right. Why is the princess with Gaia? Could it be that the princess saved GAIA? ” Bai Zhu suddenly thought of the crucial question.

“Yes, that’s very likely. Arinda often comes to my place, wanting to take me as her master and learn how to behave like this, but I rejected him.

“maybe today, she came to my place, wanting to look for me. In the end, she realized that I wasn’t there, so she found Gaia in the basement and took Gaia away, ” Sikong Yi said.

“Then, what should we do now? Can we go to the princess and get GAIA back? ” Bai Zhu asked.

“We can’t rashly go to the princess and get Gaia back. We still don’t know how the princess and Gaia met. ” Arinda was William’s sister. If Arinda said anything in front of Willam, GAIA would be in danger.

I think that this matter should wait for a while. When I meet Gaia, I will inquire about the matter clearly. It would be best if we could take Gaia away without alerting anyone,”Lian Lian said.

“I agree with you. It would be best if we don’t alarm anyone and take Gaia away without alerting anyone, ” Sikong Yi said.

“Then we can only wait for news from the maid. She said that if there’s a chance to speak to Gaia alone, she will help me arrange a meeting with Gaia, ” Lian Lian said.

“Alright then, we will wait for news from him, ” Sikong Yi said.

Lian Lian and Sikong Yi continued to eat, but she really did not have the appetite to eat now. She was afraid that GAIA would run into Willam in Arinda’s palace.

After finishing their meal, Lian Lian stood up and walked out of the restaurant.

Sikong Yi immediately stopped Lian Lian. “Lian Lian, where are you going? “

“I’m going out for a walk, ” Lian Lian said.

“I’ve already found out about GAIA, why are you still going out for a walk? Aren’t you afraid that Willam will bump into you? ” Sikong Yi said.

“I’m not afraid of being bumped into by him. I’m disguised as a man now, so he won’t suspect my identity. I ate too much just now, so I want to go out to digest my food. Cousin, don’t worry, I’ll be fine, ” Lian Lian said and ran out of Sikong Yi’s small building.

She had already endured for an entire afternoon in order to find Gaia. One had to know that she was walking in this palace, forcefully suppressing her desire to see Xin ba and wholeheartedly looking for Gaia. To her, this was very painful.

Now that she knew about Gaia, she did not need to look for GAIA anymore. She could go to rest in peace and see her son, little Xin Ba.

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