May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1878

Chapter 1878

Chapter 1878: Chapter 1878

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Lian Lian walked towards Xin Ba’s bedroom with ease.

Xin Ba now had his own bedroom. His bedroom was next to Dai Yuyan’s bedroom.

Doctor Lian Lian walked around the palace dressed as a guard. No one doubted his identity. He easily arrived at Xin Ba’s bedroom.

However, it was impossible for her to walk into the bedroom through the main door.

After all, she did not belong to the guards in Xin BA’s bedroom. She could not let the guards in the palace discover him.

Since she could not walk through the front door, she chose to jump over the wall.

Taking advantage of the night, she turned around and jumped onto the top of the wall. With a turn, she jumped into the bedroom.

In the bedroom, lush trees and vegetation were planted. With these trees as her cover, she approached the main building of the bedroom.

In the main building, Little Xin BA was standing in his study. His small face was twisted as he looked at the big devil in the room unhappily.

The big devil sat in his seat while he could only stand.

The problem was that this was his bedroom. This was his territory. Why did this person called father have to be the master here.

Willam looked at the documents that little Xin ba had processed on the table. His eyebrows sank. “these are the documents that you processed? “

Xin Ba rolled his eyes. “Yes, these are the documents that I processed. “

“I gave you these documents to process, and you sent me a drawing of a turtle, ” Willam questioned.

In order for XIN BA to train himself in handling national affairs, he would pick some documents and let XIN BA handle them. Of course, he had already approved these documents. He only wanted to train Xin Ba, so he let Xin BA process them again.

However, today, when he came to check on Xin BA’s work situation, he found that those official documents were all painted with little turtles by Xin Ba.

Xin Ba said nonchalantly, “Yes, I work very hard to paint turtles. Father, do the turtles I paint look like real turtles? The guards and maids all said that the turtles I paint are exactly the same as real turtles. Father, do you like turtles? I can draw a few for you. “

Above Willam’s head, it was as if a green prairie had grown. “I don’t like turtles. These are all official documents. How can you draw turtles on official documents? “

He questioned his son.

“But, you have already processed these official documents. I don’t need to process them again. If I process them again, it will be a waste of my time. ” Xin Ba said righteously.

“I am training your ability to handle national affairs. Your current ability is not enough to handle national affairs. So, I will first approve these official documents. Then, I will give them to you to train. ” Willam said.

Xin Ba’s small hands were in his trouser pocket. His small eyebrows were furrowed like a caterpillar. “since I don’t have the ability to handle national affairs, then why did you let me handle it, father? Are you very unreasonable? “

Willam’s lips pursed into a straight line as he discussed the issue with his son. It seemed like he had never won. It had to be said that this kid’s ability to choke was definitely better than his. He must have followed his mother.

“If I don’t let you train, how will you be able to handle national affairs independently in the future? I’m training you, ” Willam said.

Xin Ba blinked. “But I don’t want to handle national affairs in the future. I just want to find my mother. Where is my mother? When will you let me go out to find my mother? “

Willam’s heart felt as if it had been stabbed by a dagger, and it hurt.

“You don’t have to look for her. She won’t come to see you anymore. She doesn’t want you anymore. “

He tried his best to find Lian Lian, but Lian Lian avoided him and did not let him find her. He was so angry that he wanted to strangle that woman to death.

That damned woman. For GAIA, she could betray her, abandon him, and abandon their son. If he ever saw that damned little woman again, he would definitely tie her to the bed, and she would never be able to get out of the bed.

When Xin BA heard his father’s words, his small face was Sullen, and his large eyes were filled with tears “I don’t believe that my mother will not want me. My mother just doesn’t want you, but he will definitely want me. My mother said that she likes my dimples the most. “

He was unconvinced and argued with his father. There were no children, and he hoped that his mother would abandon him. When he thought about his mother wanting to abandon him, he could not accept it psychologically. She remembered that her mother had said that she loved her dimples.

Willam’s face was as dark as the night before the storm. Every word from Xin BA pierced his heart. Lian Lian did not want him. She only wanted her son.

And this damned little thing. How did he know that her mother only wanted him, her son, and not him.

“Who said that your mother only wants you and not me? Your mother doesn’t want you or me. If she wanted you, why didn’t she come back to look for you? ” He said coldly.

There was a sense of contention in his tone. Even if it was his son, he could not compete with him. josei

Lian Lian, who had been hiding outside the window, listened to the conversation between the father and son. She was so angry that she wanted to beat Willam to death.

Damn Willam, he actually told her son that she did not want her son anymore.

How could she not want her son The reason she took the risk to enter the palace this time was to find Gaia and then run away with her son.

She patiently waited for Willam to leave. As long as Willam was gone, she could go in and see her son.

Xin Ba listened to his father’s words and his face was full of disappointment, like a flower that had been hit by frost.

He sat down on the ground. “I don’t care about national affairs. Do whatever you want. At worst, you can throw me out of the palace. “

“You want me to throw you out of the palace so that you can go find your mother. In your dreams, I will definitely not throw you out of the palace. Just be good and reflect here. ” As he spoke, Willam stood up and walked out of Xin BA’s study.

If he threw his son out of the palace, he would have even less chance to see Lian Lian. Lian Lian would definitely take her son and disappear without a trace.

His son was the only bargaining chip he had to get Lian Lian back.

Xin Ba’s small hands hugged his legs and his head rested on his knees. His big eyes revealed a sense of disappointment as he thought of his mother. He felt so wronged that he wanted to cry. Why did all the other children have a mother but he did not?

The window of the study suddenly opened and Lian Lian jumped in from outside.

Xin Ba heard the sound of someone jumping in and looked up at the guard who was walking over.

This guard was very handsome and was the most beautiful guard he had ever seen.

“Who are you? ” Xin Ba asked. He was also very good at looking and liked beautiful creatures.

Lian Lian walked towards her son step by step. She squatted down and looked at her son. “I love your dimple the most. You are my favorite dimple. “

She used her original voice and did not use a man’s voice.

Xin Ba’s eyes lit up as if there were countless meteors flashing past his eyes. “Mom, you are my mom. “

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