May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 1879

Chapter 1879

Chapter 1879: Chapter 1879, Gong Mou 79

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Xin Ba threw himself into Lian Lian’s arms and hugged her. The mother he had been longing for all his life finally appeared in front of him. His small hands touched his mother’s face as if he was afraid that this was just an illusion.

Lian Lian sat on the ground and hugged her son in her arms. “My dimple, did you miss your mother? ”

Xin Ba nodded very seriously. “I miss my mother. I miss my mother every day. “

“Tell your mother first. Who told you that I am your mother? ”LiannLiann asked.

When she told Xin Ba that she loved Xin Ba’s dimples the most, she said it as an aunt, not as a mother. At that time, she could not recognize Xin Ba.

But how did Xin Ba know that she was her mother.

“Grandma told me. Grandma told me secretly. Mom, you have to keep this a secret. Otherwise, GRANDPA will find grandma to settle the score, ” XIN BA said.

Because he missed his mother too much, grandma told him that the aunt who played with him was her mother.

Only then did he know that his mother loved his dimples the most.

Lian Lian hugged her son tightly in her arms. She sincerely thanked Dai Yuyan. If it weren’t for Dai Yuyan, she and her son wouldn’t have been able to recognize each other even now.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. This is our little secret, ” he said to his son.

“Mom, when are you going to take me away? I don’t want to stay in the palace. I want to be with you, ” Xin ba asked. josei

“I’ll take you away from here in a few days after mom finishes settling the matters in the palace. ” Lian Lian stroked the little magical beast’s head.

His fluffy hair felt very comfortable to touch. She looked at her son. Even though his appearance was exactly the same as his father’s, his heart was the same as his, the same as hers. He did not like the palace.

Xin Ba raised his little face and kissed his mother on the Cheek. “Mommy, let’s make a promise. You must bring me with you this time. “

“Baby, don’t worry. Mommy came to pick you up this time. But Mommy has some matters to deal with now. After Mommy is done dealing with them, we will leave this place together and never come back, ” Lian Lian said.

Xin Ba nodded his head seriously. His eyes were fixed on his mother. Although his mother looked like a man now, he remembered her voice, her embrace, and how familiar everything was He was certain that this person was his mother.

“Then what does mother need to take care of in the palace? Do you need my help? ” He asked.

Lian Lian’s eyes flashed. How could she have forgotten that Xin ba could still help her.

“Xin Ba, it would be great if you could help me. I happen to need your help. “

“Then what does mommy need me to do? ” Xin Ba asked.

“Go to your aunt’s bedroom and see if there is this Shu Li. ” Lian Lian took out her phone and showed GAIA’s photo.

Xin Ba leaned against his mother’s embrace and looked at the photo on the phone. “I know this person. This person is the king of the Middle East, GAIA. “

Lian Lian was stunned. “How do you know this Shu Li? “

“My father asked me to recognize him. He will take some photos of the foreign heads of state, kings, and great nobles and ask me to recognize him, ” Xin Ba said.

Lian Lian nodded. This was indeed what Willam would do. Willam had always raised XIN BA as the heir of the country. As the heir of the country, as the King of Switzerland.. It was necessary to get to know the other heads of state and the kings of other countries.

“That’s great. When you see aunt, pay attention to whether she has him in her bedroom, ” Lian Lian said.

“But mom, why would the king of the Middle East be in aunt’s bedroom? ” Xin Ba scratched his hair with his small hand. He could not understand why the king of the Middle East would be in my aunt’s bedroom. This seemed very illogical.

“because this king has lost his memory. He doesn’t know that he is the king now. And she came to the palace for some reason, ” Lian Lian said.

Her story with GAIA was too long, and she could not explain it to Xin Ba for a while. He only briefly explained it.

“I see. Then what does mom need me to do? ” Xin Ba asked.

“help mother pass a message to this person. Tell him to come to your bedroom to see me. Tell him that I know everything he wants to know, ” Lian Lian said.

Xin Ba nodded. “okay, this is easy. I can go and see aunt now. “

He stood up from his mother’s arms. “Mother, I will go and play with aunt now. “

“Okay, you have to be careful on the way. I will wait here, ” Lian Lian said.

Although it was not early anymore, in order to avoid a long delay, she felt that it would be best if she could see Gaia today. It was best not to wait until tomorrow because she was not sure how much Gaia knew about her identity now She was afraid that GAIA would be discovered by Willam.

GAIA was in Arinda’s bedroom, which was where Willam might go. If Willam went to Arinda’s bedroom and bumped into GAIA, the consequences would be unimaginable.

“Mom, wait for my good news here. I will go now. ” Xin Ba said and walked out of his study.

The guards outside the corridor saw Xin BA walking out and followed behind him.

Xin Ba turned to look at the guards guarding the door of the study. “There are extremely important official documents in my study. You guys hold the fort here. Don’t let anyone enter my study. “

“Yes. ” The two guards immediately accepted the order and stood on the left and right of the study.

Xin Ba looked at the two guards with satisfaction. Then, he led the other guards out of his bedroom.

Arinda was not surprised that Xin Ba came to her bedroom late at night.

“My little Xin Ba, do you miss your aunt? ” He asked.

She played with Xin ba every day. Xin Ba would often come here to look for her.

“Aunt, why didn’t you come to play with me today? ” Xin Ba’s small hand grabbed Arinda’s hand.

“Aunty has something to do today, that’s why I didn’t come and play with you. Oh right, aunty has a new friend, I want to introduce him to you. ” Arinda held Xin BA’s small hand and brought him to Gaia.

“Let me introduce him to you, Xin Ba. This Shu Li is called GAIA, he’s my new friend. GAIA, his name is Xin Ba, he’s my nephew. “

Arinda introduced the two of them.

Xin Ba raised his eyebrows and looked at the man in front of him. It was so easy to find this Shu Li. This kind of mission seemed too easy for him.

Mom, I will finish the mission very soon and go back to see you. He thought in his heart.

His small hand reached out to GAIA. “Hello Shu Li, I am Xin Ba. “

GAIA’s brain seemed to have been stimulated by something. It hurt, as if he had heard this name before.

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