May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 2004

Chapter 2004

Chapter 2004: Chapter 2004 true and false husband 4

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Sikong Yi listened to Willam’s loud voice and quickly brought the test tube to Willam. josei

“If you want to drink the medicine, open your mouth. I’ll pour the medicine into your mouth, ” he said.

Willam obediently opened his mouth wide, especially wide.

For Lian Lian, no matter what kind of bitterness it was, he was willing to eat it.

Sikong Yi took out a tongue depressor and took the opportunity when Willam opened his mouth to press the tongue depressor onto Willam’s tongue. Then, he poured all the medicine in the test tube into Willam’s mouth.

When the voodoo poison in Willam’s muscles felt the liquid, it made an intense resistance. Willam reflexively wanted to spit out the liquid, struggling to not want to eat it anymore.

However, his tongue was pressed down by the tongue depressor. It was impossible for him to spit it out, so he could only swallow all the liquid into his stomach.

Sikong Yi watched as all the liquid was swallowed into Willam’s stomach before he withdrew the tongue depressor.

He raised his hand to touch the cold sweat on his forehead. “It’s really not easy. I finally poured the liquid into your mouth.

This will be the most difficult time because you didn’t know the power of this medicine the last time, so the Voodoo in your body didn’t resist the medicine too strongly.

However, after the experience last time, it will be very difficult to make you drink the medicine this time because the Voodoo in your body will gang up and attack you, resisting you to drink the medicine.

However, it will be much easier next time because there will be very little Voodoo left in your body.

Next time you drink the medicine, we will do a blood dialysis, and we should be able to remove all the Voodoo in your blood. I believe that you will be able to recover your health by then.

It’s just that the organs, nerves, and blood vessels that have been harmed by the Voodoo still need time to recover,”Sikong Yi said.

Willam listened to Sikong Yi’s words and looked up at Sikong Yi. “So everything you said to me just now was just to infuriate me and make me drink your medicine. “

He really did not expect this. He had always felt that Sikong Yi only hated and disliked him. Because of Lian Lian Lian, Sikong Yi had never treated him well.

Sikong Yi should be someone who wanted him dead. And this time, in order to make him drink the medicine, Sikong Yi had mocked and ridiculed him. In fact, it was just to provoke him so that he would obediently drink the medicine.

“It’s okay if you say that. Actually, I wanted to scold you more. Do you know? When I scolded you, it felt pretty good, ” Sikong Yi said.

“This time, I forgive you. Thank you too, ” Willam said very seriously.

“F * Ck, Willam, when did you ever say thank you to me? This feeling is too unnatural. Am I going to die? I actually heard you say thank you to me! ” Sikong Yi said.

Willam looked at Sikong Yi with a sharp gaze. “If you dare to die, try me. My voodoo poison hasn’t even been removed. Do you want to die now? Are you courting death?

“Wait until my body recovers and I take back the throne. Wait until Lian Lian and I are affectionately together and give birth to our third brother. Only then can you die. “

The corner of Sikong Yi’s lips twitched “I say, Willam, there’s no such thing as abusing dogs like you. It’s fine if you’re with my cousin, but you still want to give birth to your third brother for me to see? Do you still have any humanitarian spirit? Can you not abuse single dogs like us? “

“I’m definitely grateful to you. Don’t worry, the third child that Lian Lian and I have will definitely continue to be your son, so that you won’t have no children, ” Willam said.

“F * CK, Willam isn’t as vicious as you are. You want to curse me to have no children. Don’t worry, after I cure your illness and save Lian Lian, I’ll find a wife and give birth to a bunch of children for me. I promise I won’t be a single dog for you to mock me,”Sikong Yi said.

“That’s for the best. You have a wife and children. Only then will Lian Lian be at ease. Otherwise, she’ll always be thinking of you. I hate it the most when she has other men in her heart, ” Willam said.

“Don’t worry. Whether I have a wife or children, Lian Lian will always have a place in her heart. If you are not satisfied, I will wait for you to recover and fight, ” Sikong Yi said loudly. He picked up the knife on the table He slid it toward Willam’s wrist. Willam’s wrist immediately opened up a hole, and some black things flowed out from the hole.

Sikong Yi took the test tube and placed it under Willam’s wrist to catch the black things that came out.

Obviously, the black things today were much less than yesterday’s black things.

Sikong Yi only took one test tube of the Black Voodoo poison, and Willam’s blood flowed out.

Sikong Yi placed the test tube of the Voodoo poison on the test tube rack. “How do you feel now? “

“I feel particularly tired now, as if my vision has become blurry. Has My retina also been corroded by the VOODOO POISON? ” Willam asked.

“Yes, your retina, your brain, and all your muscles have been corroded by the Voodoo poison. You didn’t notice the places where you were injured by the Voodoo poison before because the places where you were injured had the Voodoo poison filling them up.

Now that the Gu poison that filled the places where you were injured has run away, you can realize that you were injured somewhere?

“including your original divine power, your superhuman strength, and it’s not your strength. It’s just that the Gu poison has corroded your muscles, so most of your strength is the power of the Gu poison, ” Sikong Yi explained.

Gu poison was like this. They damaged your nerves, but they would fill the injured nerves and help you transmit nerve information, so you didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with your body.

But voodoo poison had its own thoughts and consciousness, which meant that after they invaded your nerves, they could control your nerves according to their own thoughts.

When you removed these voodoo poison, all your nerves, limbs, torso, and flesh were like a tree trunk that had been bitten by a moth and was riddled with holes.

When you didn’t catch the insects, it was still a whole tree, but when you eliminated all the insects, the tree seemed to have been hollowed out.

The current Willam was like the big tree that had been hollowed out and had given birth to the insects.

The bugs had been mostly cleaned up, and his body was like a tree that had been hollowed out, ready to fall at any moment.

Willam understood everything. “You said that I need a year to be able to repair the damaged parts on my own.

“But I can’t wait a year now, and neither can Lian Lian. “I’m going to capture that fake Willam now. “

Sikong Yi shrugged. “I also hope that you have the ability to capture that Willam, but with your current physical strength, it’s impossible for you to walk out of my place, let alone capture that Willam.

“The wisest decision for you now is to recuperate properly at my place. As for the matters in the future, we can discuss them slowly. “

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