May the rest of my life be sweet to you

Chapter 2005

Chapter 2005

Chapter 2005: Chapter 2005 true and false husband 5

Author:?The first love of a rainy day?MACHINE TRANSLATION

Willam considered Sikong Yi’s words, “I can stay here to recover, but you have to bring Lian Lian to me. I want to see Lian Lian. “

“You don’t have to think about that. I will never let my cousin come here to see you. When you have recovered, you can defeat that fake Willam and go out to find my cousin.

But before your body recovers, you can forget about seeing her,”Sikong Yi said loudly.

Before William recovered, he would not let Lian Lian come to see William. Because with Lian Lian’s temper, if Lian Lian saw such a weak Willam, Lian Lian would definitely stay behind to take care of Willam. She would do anything for Willam Defeat that fake Willam.

He was only worried that if that was the case, Lian Lian would be in more danger. It would be safer if Lian Lian Lian could not find Willam and did nothing.

“Sikong Yi, what do you mean? You actually didn’t let me see Lian Lian. If Lian Lian thinks that the fake Willam is me, wait for me to recover, and I will not forgive you, ” Willam roared angrily.

“Don’t worry, my cousin isn’t that stupid. She even told me today that she suspects that Willam B. She used A and B to distinguish between the two of you. She called you Willam A and called him Willam B. She always said that she suspects Willam B.”Sikong Yi said.

“then she only suspects that Willam B. She’s not sure that he’s fake, ” Willam said.

If their deduction was valid, that Willam B was a clone. The concept of a clone was completely the same as him. He was afraid that Lian Lian had been with that clone for too long He would fall in love with that clone. After all, that clone was him.

But even if that person was exactly like him, that person wasn’t him either. He couldn’t accept the fact that Lian Lian was with another man.

His Lian Lian could only be his. Even if it was his clone, he didn’t have the right to get Lian Lian.

“She doesn’t know whether Willam B is real or fake. She wouldn’t act rashly. Only then would she be safe.

You’re thinking about whether Lian Lian would have another man. I’m thinking about whether Lian Lian would be safe?

If she had another man, the world would be at peace. I’d rather have more men in her Harem. josei

This is the difference between a cousin and a man. A cousin will always put his cousin’s safety first, while a man will always put a woman’s chastity first,”Sikong Yi said loudly.

Willam’s lips pursed into a straight line. He had indeed only thought about Lian Lian’s chastity just now. He was afraid that Lian Lian would not be able to tell who the real him was and would fall into that man’s bed by mistake.

“I’m also worried about Lian Lian’s safety, so I’m afraid of the fake Willam that Lian Lian is in love with. A clone is a clone. It’s impossible for him to have my thoughts, and it’s also impossible for him to be in love with Lian Lian like me. “If Lian Lian is with him, then Lian Lian is in danger, ” Willam said.

“You’ve said it yourself. A clone is a clone. Every cell of his is exactly the same as yours. How can you be sure that he won’t fall in love with Lian Lian “In my opinion, he should have the same preferences as you, including the woman you love. He will also love, ” Sikong Yi said.

Willam’s hand clenched into a fist. This sentence was simply piercing his heart and lungs. If that clone was madly in love with Lian Lian, then wouldn’t he have a powerful enemy?

And this powerful enemy was himself. This feeling was simply too strange. He wanted to fight against himself. He could not wait to dig out the mastermind behind the scenes right now and see who that person was There was nothing more terrifying than that person. He could actually create an identical version of himself and make him fight against himself.

“What other methods do you have to make me recover as soon as possible? I want to find out WHO’s behind this. I want to see what that kid looks like, ” Willam said.

“I’ve done my best. Up until now, I’m still thinking of ways to make you recover faster. However, my brain is only my brain, not a machine. I can’t just simply press the enter key and get a bunch of prescriptions.

Your current problem is that there’s still a bit of Voodoo poison that hasn’t been cleaned up. Tomorrow, you’ll first clean up that bit of Voodoo poison.

After that, you will drink some medicine to repair your damaged organs and nerves. Right now, you don’t have any martial arts index. You can’t even defeat an ordinary person, so you can just obediently stay here with me.

Anyway, I think that Willam B really loves my cousin. Lian Lian will not be in any danger for the time being. I think that Willam B still wants to chase my cousin to bed.

So you still have time to recuperate. As long as you are not discovered by Willam B, you will be able to live peacefully and be able to recuperate properly,”Sikong Yi said.

“You’d better be clear. The mastermind behind this is only releasing one of my clones. How do you know that he doesn’t have one of yours If the clones spread throughout the entire world by then, our original bodies will be replaced by those clones. Sikong Yi, have you ever thought that you will be replaced by someone else?”Willam said.

The corner of Sikong Yi’s lips twitched. He naturally did not want to be replaced by someone else. If there was someone who looked exactly like him and had the same genes as him, then wouldn’t that person be able to inherit all of his assets?

“I will think of a way to treat you as soon as possible. Give me some time. ” His tone suddenly became serious. After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the laboratory. He went back to think of the prescription to treat Willam.

Willam watched as Sikong Yi walked out of the laboratory. His lips were pursed into a straight line. Fortunately, Sikong Yi was greedy. Otherwise, he would not have been able to urge Sikong Yi to treat his body.

Lian Lian, the person beside you is not Willam, not me. Don’t fall for his tricks. Don’t listen to his flowery words.

His heart sank again and again. Sikong Yi was right. If that person was completely like him, he believed that that person would also like Lian Lian. He loved Lian Lian Lian with all his heart. But who would Lian Lian Love.

His heart was hanging in mid-air and he did not know the answer at all.

Lian Lian searched the palace for a whole night and another morning, but she could not find her son. Seeing that the time was almost up, she ran to Sikong Yi’s small building to see the DNA test results of her daughter and Willam B.

She rushed into Sikong Yi’s living room. Sikong Yi was sitting on the Sofa with Bai Zhu, studying the prescription.

“cousin, have the test results come out? Is My daughter related to Willam B. ? ” Lian Lian asked.

Sikong Yi looked at his watch. “It’s almost time. Bai Zhu, go and get the test result report. “

He instructed Bai Zhu. The DNA test result was automatically generated by the machine, so as long as he pressed the print button, the report could be printed.

Bai Zhu immediately went to print the DNA test report. The test report was soon out, and he brought it over with a solemn expression.

“Miss, I’m afraid this result is not what you want, ” Bai Zhu said.

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