Miss Demon Maid

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Graduation (5)

Yuri, Crown Prince of the Algray Kingdom, was more irritated than ever before.

The graduation party of the Academy of Magic is close to his engagement party with Clarice, the saint of light.

In this country, a person becomes an adult at the age of fifteen, but engagements between families prior to that are considered “temporary” and the person you are engaged to after this graduation party is considered your official fiancée.

The official engagement party is hosted by the royal family at their castle, and Yuri is hoping to make an impression on the young nobles who will be taking charge of the kingdom.

But his plan didn’t work.

First of all, Sharon, the Marquise daughter was an inferior student, feared and despised by the students for her harsh impressions.

She was a good-looking girl, to begin with, but in less than a year she’s blossomed into a glamorous flower, captivating those in attendance.

Shyly taking Andy’s hand as her escort, they looked at each other softly and smiled, a lovely sight that drew sighs of admiration from the women in the audience.

Glossy hair and smooth skin. A high-quality dress in a seductive style. The purple diamonds adorning the bosom shone more beautifully than the ones Yuri had sent to Clarice.

And Yuri’s younger brother, the second prince, Joel.

Unlike Yuri, who resembles his father, his younger brother, who inherited the graceful appearance of the queen, was popular among the young girls, but unlike Yuri, he was supposed to be the so-called “extra”, fiancée of an appropriate young lady.

But the lady Joel was escorting was a beautiful dark-haired girl he’d never seen before, and their affectionate manner with each other was the talk of the town.

Because of those two pairs, Yuri and Clarice’s entrance was hazy.

Those who had previously been lying flat as if struck by lightning simply because Yuri appeared wherever they went, followed Sharon and Joel rather than Yuri.

Why did this happen ……? Wouldn’t it have been better to have the glamorous Sharon as queen than Clarice, even if she was a saint? The dark-haired girl – Ginko seems to be from another world, and considering her history, wouldn’t it be more popular with the people to have her as a consort?

Clarice was also a beautiful daughter, but if you take out her position as a saint, she’s just a baroness. It is only because of that position that she is recognized as the crown princess.

He is also taking into account the high intelligence as the next queen, but he felt that just being a saint wasn’t enough for him.

When he glanced at Clarice, who was escorting him with such thoughts, she too looked up at Yuri with dissatisfied eyes and let out a small sigh as she removed her gaze.

He smiled on the surface, but inside, anger was swirling around him.

The thought of shouting at Clarice and forcing Sharon and Ginko to be his own passed through his mind, but he couldn’t do that.josei

Even if he were to make the two of them his side consort later, he would also receive a backlash from the nobles who were watching the situation now.

Although frustrated, for now, attract the interest of the nobles to themselves.

To that end, as they were about to head to the center of the hall, his sister, Princess Emily, suddenly began to say something unintelligible, and their gazes were further drawn to those two pairs.

Emily, who thought she was at a disadvantage, began to say, ‘I received an oracle from the goddess,’ and then the dark-haired maid captured something that appeared from the altar.

It was the evil spirit of a fat woman who had tricked the goddess.

At first, it took the form of a beautiful goddess from mythology and church tapestries, but in the blink of an eye, it revealed itself and looked like a horrible evil spirit to Yuri, who had only seen beautiful ladies.

When she called their names, both Yuri and the holy knight, Elias, face twitched. Aside from Elias, who was a church official, it would affect Yuri’s reputation if he was thought to have something to do with that thing.

The black-haired maid jumps out of the ceiling in pursuit of the escaped evil spirit.

He thought she was a skilled maid who doubles as Sharon’s guard, but he didn’t expect her to have the power to fight even evil spirits for her lady, and the crudeness of her underwear, which he caught a glimpse of for a moment, made him want her again, but he doesn’t think that’s the right moment.

“Silence, men! We will now take out the evil spirits, my knights follow me!”

“Brother! It’s dangerous!”

Joel shouted out as he hugged Ginko and protected her.

“Joel, you’re here to fix things, and so are you, Andy!”

We can’t let those two be any more active. This was where Yuri had to take care of the evil spirits.

”So, but……”

“Damn it! …… Clarice, you’re coming. Show me the power of a saint.”

“…… Yes.”

Clarice, who had warded herself and defended herself without Yuri’s protection, stood up quietly as she replied briefly.

Yuri led dozens of cavalry horses after the evil spirit while Clarice was mounted on the kinsman knight’s horse and he drove his own horse.

Clarice knew exactly where the evil spirit was. An evil spirit would be able to use Clarice’s saintly power to the fullest.

Finally useful, Yuri let out a breath.

Clarice didn’t perform the [Event] with Yuri. This is because she didn’t like the enmity with the creepy maid who is the partner of the villainous daughter Sharon.

Even though she understood that it was real, Clarice, who still couldn’t get rid of her game sense, thought that as long as she became the crown princess, the rest would be fine.

Under such circumstances, there is no such thing as love, let alone an exchange of minds.

”Men, continue! Exterminate the evil spirits that tricked the goddess!”


When Yuri chases the evil spirit to reach the church, he is immensely disappointed.

It would be so. You will be able to find a lot more than just a few of these in the world.

”O great dragons, servants of the …… goddess! This is our land. Leave it to us to deal with the demons that impersonate the goddess!”

Yuri believed that these upper dragons were the goddesses’ relatives, sent by the real goddess. It is said that before the founding of the country, this land was ruled by an evil dragon, and the goddess defeated it.

If so, then these upper-level dragons were also servants of the goddess who were surrendered by the goddess.

It is also a very good idea to have a look at the huge spider’s shadow, which was only visible for a moment during the battle between the evil spirits and the dragons. When Yuri excitedly called out to the dragons to fight alongside the great dragon race to dispel such a horrible evil spirit, a tremendous amount of fury was released from the dragons.

”What are you talking about, you fool! Let’s just go kill those dragons!”

From the crater created in the plaza, that fat evil spirit pops out of the crater with a dumpling voice. Does that evil spirit still intend to trick me into thinking it’s a goddess?

He felt as if the dragons’ anger was directed at him for a moment, but they must have sensed that the evil spirits were coming out and warned him.

”Men, don’t fall behind the dragons! Clarice, holy protection!


Oh dear, His Highness Yuri has sold the opening fight to the dragons.

His Highness Yuri, who received holy blessings from Miss Clarice, is attacking the former goddess along with the knights.

Even if the dragons are also the ones who came to defeat him, it seems that they are hard to deal with ordinary humans as the [Old God]’s family members. Jade was enraged by His Highness’ outburst but was stopped by the other dragons.

”Yuri! How dare you defy me!”

“Nuisance, you evil spirit! Don’t call my name with your foul mouth, you will be defeated!”

“Ky—— !!!!”

To put it bluntly, it’s just a hindrance. There’s no way you can use the “holy power” that uses the power of a goddess to fight her.

Where I am? I was under the ground the moment his Highness Yuri appeared.

I am Fleurety. I have decided to dive only into the ground or where milady sleeps. She will stop at nothing to protect the melons from the cold.

I’m in the middle of hand sewing a tattered maid’s uniform.

Oh, a few knights have been knocked off. As expected of an ex-goddess, the tension is very strong. For now, if they still have breath, let’s pull them into the ground.

I’d like to say that we got emergency rations–but since they are Mr. Andy’s colleague, we don’t want to be stingy with milady’s engagement partner, so let’s keep them alive.

Oh, well, it seems that even the numbed dragons have joined the fight. If it weren’t for that rant, they wouldn’t have gotten the humans involved.

It’s not that I can see what’s going on outside, but I can get a general idea of what’s going on with the threads I put out on the ground.

But there’s something strange about …….

Is this “malice” ……? It’s a little different. It seems to be very twisted, but it’s hard for ordinary people to have such strong feelings.

They are different from the former goddesses and the dragons.

“Ky——!!! Annoying, annoying, annoying! I’m going to reset this [world] all together!”

Oops, I can’t relax any longer. The maid uniform is just about ready, so I will join the fight.

There aren’t many knights left. Even Yuri is stunned.

For now, I pull the breathing knights into the ground and try to find the right moment.

”Everyone, disappear–”

“Nice shot.”

With a gong, there’s a booming sound, and my spiky cudgel jumps out of the ground and hits the former goddess in the groin.

“It’s good. It’s a critical hit.”


“I am Fleurety.”

Greetings to a surprised Yuri for now.

”…… gshgsh……”

The dragons seemed to have cut down a lot. The former goddess was moaning with her eyes black and white as she held her crotch. Hmm? Something from her mouth: ……

“That’s it! Fleurety! Take it away!”

Jade’s voice echoes. Ah, I see, that’s the [core] of your power, isn’t it? Jade rushes in even as he calls out to me.

”Well done, Fleurety! I’ll finish it!”

At the same time, Yuri plunges into the former goddess with his sword. It’s very disturbing.


At that time, something like a vine of light pierced the former goddess.

Along that vine of light, the [core] of power flowed somewhere. And ……

“I finally got my hands on …….”

A light blinked as if to illuminate the entire royal capital, and the figure of a “girl” shining in the center of the light appeared.

That was the moment that the new god of this 【Boxed Garden World】–the goddess Clarice–appeared.

“……… I’m seriously troubled.”

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