Miss Demon Maid

Chapter 58

Chapter 58: Battle of God and Demon(1)

“…… It’s very dazzling.”

Miss Clarice, who had taken the core of the [Old God]’s power from the former goddess, seemed to have taken the power as her own, emitting a holy power like a goddess.

”…… Oh, you ……, give it back …….”

The former goddess murmurs as she grunts and extends a trembling hand to Miss Clarice.

Her body rapidly loses divine energy, and the surface of her body cracks.

”Oh, you can still move, right?”

Miss Clarice smiled and turned her gaze to the former goddess.

“I’ve had so much to talk to you about, you know? You have created a “Box Garden World” in this world and enjoy playing maiden games, Goddess. Thanks to you, I’ve been experiencing a lot of trouble since I was a child.”

“Why …… it ……”

“You’ve gone quite far, even messing with the timeline. With your skills, there was a possibility that this world would disappear. To be reborn in such an unstable world, I questioned my sanity when I heard about ……[Old God].”

Reincarnation–a reincarnated person. Thanks to that, Miss Clarice must have been able to converse with that [Old God]. And learned about the other side of this world.

”Because I, who was treated coldly by the Viscount’s family, had plenty of time to investigate. The only thing that helped me was having a lot of old books. No matter what I do, it doesn’t improve. No one would help me. …… No wonder, right? That’s what the main heroine was determined to do.”

“Oh, I am …… and I want to make you happy…”

“It’s for your own fun, right?”

It is the story of the heroine of the story. Even though she was oppressed at home, she was happy and cheerful, and her kind heart was recognized and she lived happily with her prince.

“Because I was a player in a previous life, I could still endure it. I knew that one day I would advance to the academy. I wonder if I could have endured it if I was just a child with no memories? Has my mind become so worn out that I’ve become a manipulative character in your favor?”

“…… no, no, no, no, no, …… I am!”

Suddenly, the former goddess attacked Miss Clarice. To take back the power that was taken from her. And to take out a grudge on the woman who made fun of her.

Miss Clarisse squinted slightly at the former goddess and pointed her finger at her.

“You’ve already …… ‘faded away'”

A light was released from Miss Clarice, and a door appeared behind the former goddess, a door that repeatedly rumbled like a black, visceral thing. The door released countless tentacles from within entangle the former goddess and drags her in.

”Ya, stop…… gaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!”

The black door slowly closed and disappeared as the former goddess’s decapitated voice came from the darkness behind it.

“…… Phew.”

“Damn, Clarice, you did it! That’s my fiancée!”

Miss Clarice is breathing out, and Yuri, who has finally come to his senses, calls out to her. But instead of responding to that, Miss Clarice turned quietly to me.

“I’m not sure if …… Fleurety knows what that is.”

“Isn’t it the administrator of space-time: ……?”

”As expected. Even though he’s an administrator, he’s not someone who seems to be able to communicate very well, but it’s helpful to have that information in [Old God]’s knowledge. It was really unstable around here because of the way that thing did what it wanted.”

“The sacrifice seems to be just fine.”

“That’s right. By dedicating it, you could have turned back the timeline between Earth and this world. I still don’t want to antagonize you. Will you be my partner now?”

“I’m sorry.”

“…… Yeah?”

Miss Clarice frowns slightly when I decline.

“Clarice, how dare you ignore me!”

Then, for the first time in his life, Yuri, who was stunned, raised his voice filled with anger, as if he had been ignored for the first time in his life.

Miss Clarice gave Yuri a cold gaze.

”I beg your pardon, Your Highness. As a new [Goddess], I have something to do.”

“Oh, I knew it was a goddess! That’s what makes our country safe! No, with you, the goddess, as my queen, I can have dominion over this continent!”

When Yuri heard of the goddess, the flames of ambition light up in his eyes and he laughs.

”That evil spirit wasn’t tricking the goddess, it was possessed by her! Such a one is a goddess…”

“Excuse me.”

In the middle of Yuri’s speech, Miss Clarice lightly waves her arms and unleashes a light.

“Clarice, what are you…”

Do-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ………!

“Oh, father and adoptive mother must have fled back to the house after all.”

A roar echoed somewhere in the royal capital. A huge pillar of fire stretched into the heavens from afar, dyeing the night sky the color of blood.

Perhaps that place is the Viscount’s family, Miss Clarice’s family home.

”Don’t you think it’s terrible that you’re leaving so soon after this is your daughter’s fine day?

Yuri takes a step back as Miss Clarice laughs cheerfully, like a maiden who knows no dirt.

”Ku, Clarice, what are you doing!”

“What do you mean, I clean up the trash?”

As she replied to Yuri, Miss Clarice waved her arms again and flashed a light, and another pillar of fire rose in the distance.

“Don’t you think the mother who sold her daughter for money should be burned in the fires of hell?”

“Oh, you’re ……”

Yuri backed away as if frightened. Amidst the distant screams of people and cries of fear and confusion, Miss Clarice quietly turned her gaze in one direction.

“Is it the schoolgirl who’s been harassing me next? Looks like you’re still at the Academy: ……”

“Don’t let the Dragon God’s power be used inhumanly!”

Jade’s voice rang out, and a huge black dragon rushed at Lady Clarice. …… but in the process, the black dragon’s head suddenly popped off.

”That was out of the blue.”

Miss Clarice boringly pointed her right hand at the dragons to check the other dragons. And with her left hand, she was catching the blow of the spiked club I had unleashed in a surprise strike with one hand.

“…… This is seriously troubling.”

“Fleurety, hold it in place!.”

In this desperate situation, where she crushed the head of the upper dragon with one hand and lightly received my full-length blow, Yuri raised his one-handed sword to Miss Clarice, try to use what he thought was an opportunity.

“….. so. I don’t need you anymore.”

I jumped back as fast as I could at the sound of Miss Clarice’s voice, crushing the tip of the spiked club like a mud dumpling and muttering coldly.

”Breath of the Dragon God,”


A rush of light spreads like an explosion, and Yuri, a mere human, is instantly burned. I also reveal my true nature and cover my body with my eight spider legs, defending myself with all my might.

With that single blow, an area of about a kilometer or so, including the church facilities, had been cruelly burned to nothing and disappeared.

It seems that the dragons also tried to escape, but nearly half of them were burned by the light and crashed to the burnt ground.

”Oh, you’re still alive, aren’t you? Miss Fleurety.”

A glowing girl walks slowly through the still-burning aftermath and residual heat swirling around me.

Two of my legs have been blown off as well. Miss Clarice frowns at me as I untie my remaining legs and stand up.

“You, was that figure …… “demon”?”

“Why do you all call me a Demon? I’m such a cute little spider.”

“Is that so? Well, okay.”

Miss Clarice looked slightly puzzled by my answer, then let out a small breath and smiled again.

“Now that you’re here, I’ll say it again. Your power is too good to be wasted, after all. We’re going to burn away the residue of that filthy former goddess now. I need you to help me with that. Won’t that be fun?”

“….. What do you want to do with the humans?”

“Well, you could at least help me with the …… attack targets. Maybe the rest of them could survive if we’re lucky.”

She smiled prettily as if she had found a nice trinket, and then Miss Clarice reached out her hand gently for mine.

“Now, serve me, Fleurety.”

“I’m afraid not.”

After a moment’s pause, I declined, and Miss Clarice blinked her eyes for a moment.

“Can I ask you why ……?”

“Very well. I have no intention of serving anyone but milady.”

I smiled smugly.josei

“There’s nothing in the world that’s more wonderful than milady’s two soft arms, so I have no choice.”

“Go away ……”

I jumped away before the light released with a low voice reaches me. Unable to dodge all of it, one of my right legs is burned.

The moment I avoided the light, I was kicked in the back by Miss Clarice, who caught up with me before I knew it.

That former goddess was only able to use only 70% of her power even if it took a thousand years. But Miss Clarisse seems to have already mastered using her power of the [Old God], the [Dragon God] class.

As expected of an honors student, Miss Clarice. Her magical combat and direct combat skills are top.

The surviving dragons attacked singularly, but their wings and bodies were shot through with spears of light and crashed down.

As expected of a main heroine, I guess you could say she’s the main heroine with the highest status. It’s quite a troublesome opponent if I seriously turn her into an enemy.

But …… was there a difference in power between the two so far? I thought there was a three-fold difference in power between the two of them, but–

“Oh, did you notice?”

Miss Clarisse smiled a pretty flowery smile and spread her arms out like wings of light while floating in the sky.

”I was thinking of erasing this [Boxyard World] as well, but since we’re going to put it to good use, I’ll put it to good use. Wings of light shining in the night sky…[Sanctuary]”


The world’s atmosphere is transformed. Perhaps it was a gradual change, but when she invoked it, I understood.

The Realm of Sacred Light ……. In this, I can’t recover my strength. If I lose the strength and magic power I have now, that’s the end of it.

”I won’t recruit you anymore. You are a nuisance and I will kill you here.”

“It’s mutual.”

It’s pretty hopeless, but if I lose, Milady’s life will be in danger as well.

The only thing I have over Clarice right now is the number of legs and the endurance of my body, but can I manage with that?

“Ha-ha, this is starting to get interesting.”

Clarice shoots a spear of light and I duck just in time to roll over.

”Really, if I didn’t think I could handle the goddess, I could have been the crown princess with an open mind. I didn’t expect her to be like that.”

“I agree with you.”

Closing the distance between us at high speed, we kick each other in the knees, deflecting the spear of light with our spiked clubs.

Bokin …….

”Miss Clarice, can you see my underwear?”

“….. It’s the same for you.”

Clarice only lightly frowned at the injury, but my right knee was broken, so I use one of my right legs as an aid.

”Haha, that’s handy! Hey, didn’t Fleurety also meet [old god] in those ruins?”


I attacked with my ten-meter spider legs, but a little slash was enough to shatter my leg claws.

“I was only able to get information, but I was excited to find out that someone else had contact with that thing besides me. Because there might be a chance to take away the goddess’ power.”

I wrapped the spider silk around the rubble and threw it, which weigh several tons, at Clarice, and she smiled quietly at me, shattering it with a barrier of light.

“So I have to thank you for a few things”

Multiple claw-like objects of light were unleashed from Clarice’s right hand and I was blown away as I was caught up in the attack.

“…… kefu.”

I was blown quite far away and plunged into a building, and spat out blood.

The rest of my magic power is about half ……. I defended myself as quickly as I could, but the left side of the building is wiped out, both the spider’s legs and my own limbs. The rests I have are the right arm, the broken right leg, and two spider legs on the right side.

Using the spiked club as a staff, I gently stand up with the spider’s leg and the broken right leg. I can walk, but fast combat may be difficult.

Clarice seemed to be going crazy in her psyche, albeit a little at a time. Is it still too much power for a human?

And how far did I fly? It looks a little familiar: ……

Gatan …….

“Le, Letty ……?”

“Milady ……”

It’s a big deal: ……. Milady has found out that I am a Lovely Spider.

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