Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 292

Chapter 292: Rag Doll

Gayoon was pacing back and forth outside the tiny apartment. She was worried as she checked her watch. Minho had been in that world for almost an hour and as the minutes passed, the more tense she became. He had told her all about that other world and it did not seem like a good place at all. How he was able to travel there with ease was beyond any logical explanation just like her own abilities were. 

Suddenly, red sparks appeared and a circle opened up. Minho emerged from it, looking pale but unharmed.josei

"Thank god!" Gayoon exclaimed and hugged him as he came out. Minho was a little surprised by the sudden hug but patted her head. She must have been very worried and seeing him well had finally let her relax.

"I'm fine!" he assured her. "Nothing happened. I didn't have to venture far to look for her."

"You found her?" Gayoon asked in astonishment, letting him go. "Where?"

Minho glanced at the apartment behind them before saying, "Let's go to the car and talk."

Gayoon nodded and they headed outside towards the car. She was glad to have exited the building because it was too depressing. Moreover, some of the residents were giving them suspicious looks and cops were definitely not welcome there. 

"So, what did you find out?" she asked.

"Hyeri hid a box," Minho began. "Which…"

He did not even want to think about what Hyeri had revealed. It repulsed him to think that Kang Danny had ruined the lives of so many children without any care. Gayoon was troubled by the pained expression on Minho's face as if he was struggling with a very terrible secret.

"What is it?" She asked. "What's in that box?"

"That box contains information on Kang Danny's illegal deeds," Minho revealed.

"What illegal deeds?" Gayoon demanded. She could tell that he was hesitant to reveal it and the mystery only increased her fear.

"He illegally poaches organs," Minho finally managed to say. "Operates on abandoned or poor children and sells off their organs to wealthy families."

Gayoon closed her eyes, struggling to control her temper. Her fists clenched and she wanted to punch that man on the face. No. Even a million punches would not satisfy her. A monster like him should be skinned alive and thrown to the wolves. Or worse. Her mind just could not come up with cruel punishment for him.

"He killed his son and so many other children," she whispered. "I can't even…"

Just thinking about those poor children made her heart ache. Tears were forming in her eyes with anger and grief mixing in her mind. Minho stepped forward and let her rest her head on his chest while she softly wept. 

"Where is it?" She finally asked in a heavy voice, barely managing to hold in her anger. "Where is the box?"

"About that…" Minho began. "I think I should take you there. Right now."

Gayoon frowned but nodded in agreement. Both of them got into the car and drove off. Minho was not sure how to break the second part of the revelation to Gayoon because extracting the box was going to be a very difficult task indeed.

*An Hour Later*

Gayoon's mouth hung open in shock.

"You're kidding me?" She asked, still reeling from the shock. "No way!"

"I'm afraid it's true," Minho sighed. Both of them were standing in front of a large, 17-acre building in the heart of the city. On it, was a large board written: Little Home Hospital. It was Kang Danny's hospital.

"You're telling me that Shinho's mother hid a box containing information about Kang Danny's illegal activities inside Kang Danny's hospital?" Gayoon whispered. They were at the gates. The hospital staff were busy wheeling in patients or getting supplies for treatments. None of them glanced at the couple who were gaping at the building.

"It's actually quite smart," Minho said. "Kang Danny looked all over the city for the box but he would not dare to think that it was inside his own turf all along. Hyeri took a risk but it paid off quite well. He had to take in Shinho out of fear which meant that he still does not have the box."

"And after Hyeri's death, he thought that even if he didn't find the box, his secret was still safe," Gayoon guessed. "So he got rid of Shinho."

"The moment she found out that Kang Danny did not keep his promise to look after her child, she spilled the beans."

"But we still don't know how to get the box!" Gayoon hissed. 

"I might be able to pull some strings," Minho said thoughtfully. "Kang Danny wants me to work on his hospital's project to build a facility for the elderly here. I might be able to use this as an excuse to dig up the box. Hyeri said it's hidden underneath the park's jogging track. But it'll take some time."

"Until then, I'll try to divert the investigation here," Gayoon suggested. "The sack and Hyeri's connection to this hospital has been established. All I need to do is ask the staff here to hand over a DNA sample and that includes Kang Danny."

Minho nodded and glanced at the hospital. I'm gonna get this son of a bitch! He vowed.


"So much junk!" Doyoung complained as she glanced around the cellar beneath her house. She rarely got to visit the cellar for the past few months due to her work commitments but now that she was unemployed, she decided to clear it out.

The room was very dark and dusty. Thick layers of dust sat on the furniture while there were cobwebs everywhere. Doyoung put on a hairnet and gloves, pulling the vacuum cleaner with her. The shelves carried junk like broken artefact from Danny's long generation along with Siwan's old toys and clothes. The dim light above her did not illuminate the palace much but it was still better than total darkness.

I'll start with the right side, she decided. Turning on the vacuum cleaner, she began to clean up the dust on the floor. She used the vacuum to clean beneath one of the shelves when something latched on to it.

"What's this?" Doyoung muttered. She turned off the vacuum and stooped down to pick up the thing. It was a rag doll in the shape of a sailor. It did not belong to Siwan since he never played with a doll like that. The doll seemed to be of cheap quality, something which was bought off the street or flea market so Siwan would never touch something like that. But that was not the thing which bothered Doyoung.

It was the dark stains on the doll's white dress which made her fearful.

"Must be some animal's urine," she told herself. But how did this doll get here?

She searched the doll and found something written on its buttocks. It was a name.

"Kang Shinho…" she whispered. Kang...Shinho? Kang…

She quickly picked up her phone and dialed the number of the private detective she had hired. It took a few dials before he picked up.

"Madam, how can I help?" he asked.

"I need you to find out if any of my husband's mistresses ever got pregnant," she instructed. "And if the child's name is Shinho. Let me know ASAP!"

There was a pause on the other side before the detective replied, "Understood madam. I'll find out."

Doyoung hung up the phone, feeling worried. She had ignored her husband's affairs for the sake of her son but did he really impregnate someone else? And even if he did, then how come that child's toy was lying in their home's cellar? Did Danny bring that child home? Then where was he?

"What did you do, Danny?" she moaned in despair. "What did you do?"

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