Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 293

Chapter 293: Family Time

That night, the Kang's had gathered together for dinner at the table. Doyoung had taken the initiative to cook roasted duck with vegetable sautee, peanut and mushroom salad, chicken pasta and Shepherd's Pie. For dessert, the cook had prepared orange pudding and mango sticky rice which were Siwan's favorites. She had hoped that the family would be able to bond over dinner and it would be a good opportunity for them to grow closer. 

But the discovery of the doll was bugging her. Did it really belong to a child who was sired by Danny? What if it was quite an old doll?

It might be someone else's, she thought. Or belongs to a staff's child.

However, none of the household staff had the surname 'Kang' and she was sure that their children were not named Shinho. She had asked the staff but they were clueless about the doll. But the head housekeeper did mention something to her which was very disturbing.

"Madam, a few months ago when we tried to clean the cellar, Master Kang forbade us from going there," the head housekeeper revealed. "Since then, none of us dared to go there lest he became angry!"

The housekeeper's words were circling around her head. Doyoung strictly told everyone not to tell Danny about the doll or even go to the cellar. She needed to investigate what was going on. Her heart was troubled and she glanced at Siwan who was taking a bite off his food. The only reason she had overlooked Danny's indiscretions was because of her child but for how long could she turn a blind eye?

Danny, who was cutting the duck breast with his knife, noticed that his wife was not eating. 

"What's on your mind?" he asked, focusing on his food. "Why aren't you eating?"josei

"I-I was just thinking of visiting the hospital tomorrow," Doyoung lied. "To spend some time at the children's ward."

Danny stared at her with an unreadable expression while Siwan also looked at his mother.

"Why do you want to go there?" Siwan asked. 

"Honey, I donated some funds for its construction," Doyoung said gently. "Since its inception, I didn't get the chance to visit it. You'll be at school and Danny will be at work too so I thought I can utilize some time and visit the children at the hospital. Seeing me there might increase their morale."

She patted her son's wrist. Danny raised an eyebrow but said, "Fine. You should go."

Doyoung was surprised at how easily he gave in. Truthfully, she was going to the hospital to inquire about Choi Hyeri and her whereabouts. The employees there might know something about her and she had expected Danny to protest. So his approval took her by surprise.

"Alright!" she smiled. "I'll drop off Siwan at school tomorrow and then head for the hospital. I'd like to read the children from a story book and also prepare homemade lunch for them. I'm sure they'll love it!"

"It'll be good publicity," Danny said. "A few reporters will be there as well. The newspapers will be delighted to report that the wife of Doctor Kang Danny is taking time out to help out the children. Moreover, your status as an international supermodel is also an asset. So make sure you put up a good act."

"Danny, it's not an act," Doyoung began. "I made that ward because I am genuinely concerned for the children. Putting on a show for the media seems far fetched."

"All deeds of ours are for public display and a show," Danny stated in a cool tone. "We are the Kang's! One of the oldest families in this country and our reputation must remain impeccable. Nothing can soil it. Understand?"

He glared at his wife, making it clear that his words were final. Siwan saw how his mother faltered under those gaze and he, too, lowered his eyes. He gripped his fork and for a wild moment, wanted to stab his father in the eye with it. An intense rage was boiling within him, desperate to be unleashed but his fear was stronger than his anger. Kang Danny could stomp out his wrath within seconds and leave Siwan helpless and at his mercy. 

"Siwan, finish your dinner," Danny was saying. "Then we'll sit down at my study to revise the human body's anatomy again."

"Danny, he's just ten years old!" Doyoung protested. "How the hell do you expect a ten year old to know about the human body-"

"He's the heir to our business," Danny said in a steely tone. "He must learn. This is his destiny and nothing can change it."

Doyoung was about to argue but Siwan said, "Alright dad. We'll study."

His words only fueled Doyoung's anger. She glared at her husband, hating him and herself for what they had done to their son.

"The name and reputation you're so proud of wouldn't last, Danny," she warned. "If you keep up like this, then one day, you'll lose the most important part of your life and realize that your image only ruined your life."

Danny stopped cutting his food. He threw down the cutlery with a loud clunk and slammed his hands on the table. Doyoung jumped back at his actions as he glowered at her in anger and disgust.

"You listen to me and listen to me carefully!" he gritted. "Do not ever try to tell me what to do and what not to do with my son! You are nothing without me and Siwan won't survive without me! So don't assume that you can take him away from me! I won't let you!"

The fire burning in his eyes scared Doyoung and it felt as if he would resort to violence if he had to. It was as if a bulb had lit up in her head and she was beginning to see her husband in a new light. He was not the charming and charismatic man she had once fallen for. Instead, he was a cold and manipulative man who was placing his ambitions higher than his own family. All these years, she had been ignoring his dark side but at that moment, with her son witnessing the sort of person his father was, Doyoung was forced to confront the truth.

Kang Danny was capable of killing.

She gulped in fear, choosing her next words very carefully.

"Understood," she replied. "I'll be there with the reporters tomorrow and I won't interfere in Siwan's education."

"Good," Danny said. "Now finish your dinner and go to bed."

There was no more arguing on that. His words were absolute. Doyoung looked at the seemingly delicious food in front of her. The food she had cooked with so much love now felt like poison which was slowly killing her and her son. 

Bile was coming up her throat but she had to swallow it down with water. Instead, she forced herself to eat, while thinking of ways to escape the vile man. But she knew it was of no use. Kang Danny would never allow them to escape.

She was stuck in that purgatory. For eternity.

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