Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 321

Chapter 321: Pages of the Past (4)

Yeeun was feeling uneasy. She rolled over on her back, trying to sleep but it was too uncomfortable with the baby bump which felt heavy against her spine. She struggled to sit up but after a few minutes, managed to position herself.

It was too hot and the damn AC was not working either. Her mother was asleep downstairs so Yeeun was alone in her room. She put up charms around the house to keep away spirits especially at night. Ever since she became pregnant, her energy had been drained. It was not easy to take care of herself all alone. Ever since her husband left her, she had to look out for herself in that condition.

There was a time when she thought that she was truly in love with that man. Even after she revealed her abilities to him, he claimed to love her and stayed with her. Turned out, he was staying with her because he wanted to use her abilities for his own gain. He used to make her ask the spirits about their money and business information which he tried to take advantage of. When Yeeun found out, she began to give him false information which enraged him.

The final straw was when she revealed that once Gayoon was born, she would lose her powers and it would go to the baby. Her husband became angry that her ability was now mixed withhis bloodline and he demanded for her to get an abortion. When Yeeun refused, he threatened to move out. But she did not stop him and let him leave. A few weeks later, she found out that he was shacking up with his secret mistress.

Ever since then, Yeeun cut him out and never bothered to contact him. She was not even going to ask him for money. She would starve if she had to but she was determined to give Gayoon a good life. Some of the good spirits took pity on her and gave her information on their savings as payment so she was good to go anyway.josei

"I just hope you don't inherit my shitty sense of men," she told her bump. "Marry a good man who will love you, okay?"

Suddenly, there was a rattling on her window. Startled, she looked up to see the pale figure of a young woman in her twenties, gazing at her from outside. The woman wore a long night gown which had a large splatter of blood on it.

"Yeeun! Open up!" she begged. "I have some news for you and it's bad!"

Yeeun quickly got off the bed and opened the window. The spirit was named Hana and she was one of the ghosts who had recently come to Yeeun for help. She was possessed by an unknown entity before her death and in her crazed state, she killed her husband. When the entity left her body, she realized what she had done but the possession had sapped her of energy, causing her to die as well.

"What is it?" Yeeun asked. "Did you find out about the thing that possessed you?"

"I'm not sure if it's related," Hana began. "But I just remembered something."


"Right before I died, I thought I saw a white orb-like object hovering in the air!" she revealed. "It came out of me. And today, when you asked me to keep and eye on your friend's house, I noticed a similar object was floating there!"

Yeeun froze in shock. "What?" she exclaimed. 

"It was hovering around her husband!" Hana claimed. "Then it moved towards the window. I think it's looking for a way to possess him and kill your friend!"

Yeeun bit her lip in worry. These were not good signs. The spirits had been strangely active lately and even more agitated. The presence of this unknown entity had created a stir and it went from one body to another, killing one spouse. 

Is this all related to the ability Suna has? She wondered. But there was no way for her to find out. These were hidden in police files and she was a mere citizen. She could not access them, especially not in that condition!

"I'll meet her tomorrow," she decided. "And see if I can slip a charm into her husband's pocket."

"Be careful," Hana warned. "That thing will attack him when he'll be mentally weak. I was possessed right after my miscarriage. I was vulnerable then."

Yeeun thought for a while. "I'll take some peach tea for them," she decided. "That should keep them safe for a while. I'll look for a shaman who might be able to purify their house."

It was all she could do at that moment. If only there was a way to find out who or what that entity was. It did not seem like a normal spirit nor was it a vengeful one. Its MO made no sense to her. How was it targeting the victims? What were the criteria? Was it just randomly attacking couples?

I have to find out before it's too late, she thought.


Suna woke up in the middle of the night, feeling very thirsty. Junho slept like a log next to her, his one hand wrapped around her. Mina was also sleeping peacefully in her cot. The girl was a big sleeper like her father and only woke up once or twice at night to cry for milk.

She quietly put Junho's arm away from hers and tiptoed across the room to head for the kitchen. 

The whole mansion was shrouded in darkness. The staff had gone home for the night and other than the guards outside, it was just the four of them in the house. A soft mumblin was coming from Minho's room which made her frown. She changed course and walked towards her son's bedroom.

Minho slept on the bed, his limbs sprawled all over and his mouth slightly open.

"Hundred dollars pocket money or I tell mom," he mumbled in his sleep. Suna wanted to facepalm herself. The son had inherited his love for money from his father. Even in their dreams they saw only money. 

She shook her head and backed out of his room, heading back towards the kitchen. Her body was very exhausted and she had been feeling lethargic ever since she returned from the hospital. Opening the fridge, she took out a bottle of water.


A slight whisper touched her ears, making her jump. Suna looked around to find the source of the sound but there was no one.


There it was again! The sound was coming from a shelf. Was it a thief?

Without making a sound, she grabbed a knife and slowly inched towards the shelf. She reached out for it and opened the door…

Nothing. There was nothing in it. Must be my imagination, she told herself. Lowering the knife, she turned around.

But as soon as she turned, a sudden bout of pitch black darkness captured her. Suna gasped for breath but it was choking her neck. 

"Help!" she wheezed but to her shock, not a single sound was coming from her lips. She fell down, the darkness throttling her until she fainted. Before losing her consciousness, she heard a low laughter as the shadow took over her body, putting her at its mercy.

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