Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 322

Chapter 322: Pages of the Past (5)

The next morning, Junho woke up to find that his wife's side of the bed was empty. Mina was already awake in her cot, crying loudly for her morning milk. Junho groggily looked around for his wife who was nowhere in sight.

Hearing Mina's cries, he got off the bed and picked her up in his arms.

"Oh no! Is my angel hungry?" he cooed at the girl, trying to calm her down but she was really hungry so only cried louder. With her in his arms, he walked to the kitchen to heat up some milk for her. Suna had already put some in a bottle labeled as 'Milk for Baby' so he took it out and poured it in a smaller bottle. 

"Why is Mina crying?" Minho's sleepy voice came from the kitchen entrance.

"She's hungry," Junho said. Carry her for me while I prepare the milk."

Minho took the baby from his father, trying to placate her.

"Where's mom?" he wondered out loud. "She never leaves the house without feeding Mina."

"I don't know…" Junho was wondering the same thing. Why did Suna leave without telling anyone? And that too without feeding Mina first? It was very much unlike her.

He prepared the milk for Mina and they settled on a couch to feed her. The baby had finally stopped crying, peacefully sucking from the bottle while her father and brother watched over her. The door of the mansion opened and closed.

Suna entered the house, still in her nightwear. She looked a little dazed and confused.

"Are you okay?" Junho asked. "How come you went out of the house in those clothes?"

His wife would never leave the house without changing her clothes. Even if she had to go to the neighbors' house, she would wear outdoor clothes. So it was odd for her to venture outside in her nightwear.

"I went to get some milk for the baby," Suna casually claimed. "But the stores were closed."

Junho frowned. "Suna," he began. "Mina is only a month old. She can't drink processed milk. Only breast milk is recommended for her."

Suna looked a little bewildered as if she was hearing that for the first time. She was perplexed by his words, unwilling to say anything else.

"I forgot!" she exclaimed, slapping herself on the forehead. "Silly me…"

"It's okay!" Junho laughed. "These things are bound to happen. The doctor said that the postpartum stress can last for a few months. The labor was difficult for you this time."

He reached over to hug his wife. She was limp against his chest, as if he was a stranger but Junho did not think much about it. Mina's birth was quite complicated and the doctor had advised them against taking any more children. Her hormones would be unstable for another month or so and hence, Junho took time off from work to take care of the house. It was difficult but he was beginning to get the hang of it.josei

"You should go and rest," he coaxed her. "We'll look after Mina."

Suna nodded and went to their bedroom for some rest. Junho prepared breakfast for Minho while Mina slept on the couch.

"Here's your toast and eggs," Junho declared, putting the food on Minho's plate. The latter simply stared at it.

"It's burnt," he complained.

"Well you gotta make do with it!" Junho scolded him. Minho pouted. He missed his mother's cooking since his father was the worst cook in the world. The man managed to burn something as simple as scrambled eggs!

He shoved the toast in his mouth before scurrying upstairs to change into his uniform. After a while, he bid goodbye to his sister and left for school. Junho was preparing another bottle for Mina when the doorbell rang. With the bottle in one hand, he opened the front door.

A pregnant woman in her thirties stood there, looking nervous. She was holding a small jar full of tea leaves. Junho immediately recognized her.

"Aren't you Yeeun?" he frowned. "You're Suna's friend."

"Hello, brother Junho," Yeeun greeted. "I promised Suna that I'll come over today."

"Ahh, Suna is feeling ill," he replied. "But come on in! You can wait for a while."

"Thank you," Yeeun said, taking off her slippers. As soon as she entered the house, she froze. It was cold. And she did not mean that the temperature was cold. 

As if on instinct, she looked to her right towards Junho and Suna's bedroom. The cold feeling was coming from there. It was similar to what she felt whenever a spirit was around but it was much more intense. This was not a spirit but something else. Something even more sinister and deadly.

"What happened?" Junho asked. 

"Nothing!" Yeeun lied and entered the living room. She was fidgeting nervously, the feeling getting stronger with every passing second. 

"Who's there?" Suna's voice came from within the bedroom. That spirit was in there! Suna was in trouble!

"Me!" Yeeun exclaimed before Junho could reply. "I brought the tea leaves you've requested."

Suna came out of the room and saw Yeeun. A strange look passed by her face but she put up a smile. Junho picked up the sleepy Mina who had woken up.

"How's your health now, Yeeun?" she asked, taking a seat on the couch. 

"I'm fine," Yeeun answered. The cold feeling had now intensified. Yeeun was barely keeping it straight, her heart clenched with fear. Junho noted that Yeeun was giving Suna a very weird look as if she had seen a monster. This was not sitting well with him.

Yeeun, on the other hand, was wary. The person sitting in front of her had Suna's body but it was not her friend. Something had possessed her and Yeeun must find out if it was true. 

Suddenly, Mina began to cry and Junho was distracted. "She just woke up," he sighed. "I have to go to the washroom. Can you calm her down for now?"

Suna was taken aback when he gave Mina to her and headed for the washroom. The baby paused and looked at her mother with wide, curious eyes. Yeeun held her breath, analyzing Mina's expression which turned from irritated to fearful.

The baby let out a loud shriek, crying in fear. She was trying to free herself from Suna's clutches while the latter was scowling at the tiny creature in her hand. Baby Mina sensed that the woman holding her was not her mother and she slapped her tiny palms against Suna's cheeks as if trying to scratch her.

"I'll take her!" Yeeun declared, stepping forward to take Mina in her arms. As if seeking protection, Mina clutched on to her, unwilling to go to Suna's lap. Yeeun felt the baby's fears and looked at Suna who was staring into space. There was something wrong with her friend and there was only one way to find out. With one hand, Yeeun opened the tea jar.

"Mother sent these freshly grown tea leaves for you," Yeeun said, pretending that nothing was wrong. She picked out a chunk and sniffed it before reaching over to Suna.

"Take it and smell the fragrance," Yeeun encouraged. 

"It's okay," Suna replied in a monotone. 

"Oh come on just sniff it!" Yeeun laughed. Suna put her palm forward and Yeeun put the leaves on her hand…

"AHHHHH!" Suna screamed in pain, backing away from Yeeun who stood in front of her, feeling determined.

"Peach tea leaves," Yeeun revealed. "You're not Suna. Who the hell are you?"

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