Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 323

Chapter 323: Pages of the Past (6)

A slow smile forms on Suna's beautiful face. Yeeun glared at the being which had possessed her friend's body. She could sense that it was not a normal spirit who was out for vengeance. The entity in Suna was something far beyond her comprehension and even more dangerous.

"What are you?" she demanded. "You're not a spirit! What do you want from Suna?"

"You'll know in due time, Seer," Suna cackled. It had been biding its time in the shadows, trying to seek out a Transporter which can open the World of the Dead. The journey was long and hard because most of the Transporters were not aware of their powers. They never opened the portal to the dead and hence, were unaware of their abilities. But the entity needed a body which could open the portal and had ventured into that world. Once it got hold of that body, it could take the next step and fulfill its plans. 

The entity smiled at Yeeun, its viscous nature oozing out. Yeeun was now in a dilemma. They would have to exorcise Suna as soon as possible but she did not know how to do that. Seers were mere mediums between the living and death. Only shamans or licensed practitioners could exorcise souls completely. If Seers tried it, they would end up attracting more spirits during the process and the exorcism would fail.

Just then Junho entered the hall, frowning. "Did someone scream?" he asked. "I thought I heard Suna screaming."

"She was screaming in delight," Yeeun said at once. "I showed her my sonogram picture and she was so excited that she screamed too loudly. Right Suna?"

The thing inside Suna reverted to a normal expression, hiding its bloodlust. "Yes," she replied. "Yeeun was just showing me her son's sonogram. He's going to grow into a healthy boy!"

Junho nodded while Yeeun looked away. She was trying to figure out how to convey her message to Junho. He must find out that his wife had been possessed. The man might not believe her at first but a time will come when he would see it for himself. Yet, she must caution him and plant the seeds of doubt in his mind.

Then an idea hit her. 

"I should get going," she declared, rummaging her bag to take out her sunglasses. "I have a doctor's appointment. I'll be off."

Suna watched her carefully as she shuffled towards the main door. As soon as she was near the door, Yeeun yelped and bent over to clutch her stomach.

Junho was alarmed while Suna was skeptical. What was she doing?

"Ah!" Yeeun moaned in pain while taking deep breaths. She supported herself by putting one hand against the wall, trying to endure the pain.

Suna, pretending to be a concerned friend, rushed to her side while Junho followed.

"Are you alright?" Junho asked. 

"I'm fine," Yeeun assured them. "It happens during pregnancy. Just a little discomfort."

"Yes, you should go to the hospital," Suna said. "Take a cab and go there."

Yeeun flashed her a painful smile but clutched her stomach again. Junho was alarmed by the state of the girl.

"Where's your husband?" he asked. "Should I call him?"

"Yes, we should call him," Suna replied. At that moment, Yeeun pretended to be confused.josei

"Suna, you know very well that he left me," Yeeun stated. "You were cursing him just yesterday at the cafe."

Suna blinked a few times, realizing her gaffe. The Seer was trying to make the entity expose itself! 

"Oh yes!" Suna said, slapping her forehead. "I forgot! The postpartum anxiety really makes me forget these things…"

"She's been stressed," Junho supplied. "I'll take you to the hospital. Just wait here. I'll get the keys!"

Yeeun was still leaning against the wall with her palm, waiting for Junho while the entity was visibly confused. Then realization dawned upon its face.

"This was your plan all along!" it exclaimed. "You wanted to take Junho out of the house to talk to him."

"You're smart," Yeeun smirked. "Even if he doesn't believe me, at least he'll know something."

As if I'll let you go alone, Suna thought. Junho reappeared with the keys. 

"Let's go," he said. Yeeun nodded and he let her step out of the house. Suna was about to follow them out when she was blocked by an invisible barrier. 

"What the hell!" she gritted and looked to the side of the door where Yeeun had put her palm earlier. The woman had pasted a temporary charm on the wall, preventing the entity from going out! She glared at Yeeun who glared back.

"Curse you!" Suna growled in a low tone. She watched them leave, her heart boiling with anger. The Seer was going to be a big hindrance in her way but there was no time. The full possession of Suna's body would take at least two days. Only after that would it be able to kill Junho and unleash Suna's actual powers. 

Two days…

Once outside, Yeeun suddenly stood up and turned to Junho, looking perfectly fine. She was no longer faking her illness.

"Weren't you ill just a few moments ago?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Brother Junho, please listen to me very carefully," she begged. "This is very important! Your life is in danger."

"What?" Junho frowned. What was this woman spewing? She looked terrified and for some reason, kept on glancing at the mansion as if something would jump out at them from it.

"That woman in your house," Yeeun began. "That's not Suna! That's an evil spirit possessing her!"

Junho took a deep breath, trying to hide his irritation. He knew pregnant women were hormonal but were they also this delusional?

"It's a spirit which has been possessing various bodies and killing off the spouses of the possessed person!" Yeeun went on. "I don't know why it has possessed Suna but that woman in there is not your wife! It only has her body but it's being controlled by an evil entity! You've got to exorcise her within two days otherwise-"

"I appreciate the concern," Junho said in a cold tone. "But I think I can recognize my wife well. I don't need you to tell me what she is and what she isn't. I'm letting you go coz you're her friend but the next time you come up with such nonsense, I won't spare you."

He turned away to leave but Yeeun spoke up.

"Suna knows very well that my baby is a daughter," she revealed. "She took the sonography picture weeks ago! In fact, if you check her online history, she purchased some clothes for my baby last week. Isn't it strange that she was referring to my baby as a boy?"

Junho froze but did not turn around.

"It was a slip of tongue!" he retorted. "Anyone can make this mistake."

"If you don't believe me, then why don't you try to feed her peach or sprinkle salt on her?" Yeeun challenged. "You'll know that thing in there isn't human!"

"I'll do no such thing," he said firmly. "That's my wife in there. The woman I love the most. If you insult her again..."

He turned around to face her with a cold anger in his eyes. "I will not spare you," he warned. "Even if you're in that state, I will not let you live peacefully in this country until you beg her for forgiveness. Understood?"

But Yeeun stood her ground. "You might not believe me now," she said. "But I know that you will also see the changes in her. I'll wait for you to see the truth. If you need someone to help you after you learn the truth, I'm only one call away. I just hope it won't be too late by then."

With that, she turned away to leave. Junho glared at her. The audacity of that woman to insult his wife!

"Crazy bitch," he cursed at her. I'll never allow Suna to meet her again. Never.

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