Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 412

Chapter 412: A Smile He Treasured

Haejong scooted over to let her sit next to him. Mina smiled and to his surprise, hugged him.

"Thank you," she whispered. "For everything."

Haejong was quiet, simply listening to her. He knew this was the only time she would hug him and even if it was not as a lover, the fact that she considered him special enough for this rare gesture was enough for him.

"Thanks for helping Kanji finally confront his feelings," she went on. "And also for being a friend to me."

"I didn't do it for him," Haejong said. "I did it…"

He trailed off, not saying the real reason why he followed his grandfather's wish. It was to see her smile. Even if he was not the one to make her smile, he just wanted to see her happy for once.

"You're lucky," he remarked in a sad tone. "Not everyone gets this second chance."

Mina let go of him and nodded. "He'll be in a coma for a while," she said in a thick voice. "I don't know for how long but at least he'll be here with us."

"Jang Kanji came this far," Haejong said. "He'll wake up."

He paused before adding, "The time he spent possessing my body, I've read his memories. The guy only thinks of you and your family. In fact, I doubt he has any other life outside your family. But he cares for you."

"I've seen the pain and anguish he felt whenever he saw us together," he went on. "He didn't mean any of those things he said that day. You know, the day when he saw us together and made stpid remarks? That was his jealousy talking. He didn't mean it."

"Doesn't matter coz he's gonna get a whack in the head the moment he wakes up!" Mina joked.

Haejong snickered but then fell silent. "When will I be discharged?" he asked. "I'm kinda sick of seeing the hospital."

"I think tomorrow morning," Mina replied. "After that, you can visit as an outpatient. But…"

She looked directly at him with a wide smile. "Friends don't need a reason to visit me. You can stop by anytime you want."

But Haejong shook his head. "Nah," he said. "I'll be leaving town."

Mina was surprised to hear that. "Leave?" she echoed. "Why?"

"I've decided to take my men and go abroad after a few weeks," Haejong revealed. "You see, we have too many enemies here. So I'll take them abroad with me. Those who want to come with me that is. There, we can run our own business, away from all this mafia stuff. I've talked to them already and many of them agreed. Those who want to stay back and remain as a gangster, I've asked some of the mafia families I was friendly with to take them in. You see, they might have chosen a life of crime but it's all they know. I can't force them to become something they don't want to be. But I can take care of the ones who remain loyal to me and my grandfather. So I'll take them with me and we can start something. Maybe a restaurant or a cafe. Who knows."

"Mafia running restaurants?" Mina scoffed. "That'll be a sight to see! People who don't pay up, get shot!"

She giggled and Haejong also smiled. "Exactly why we suit the restaurant business," he claimed. "We'll make sure no one can dine and dash without paying!"

Mina shook her head but was glad that at least Haejong was turning a new leaf.

"Your grandfather would have been proud of you," she added. "I'm sure he's happy in the Afterlife."

"That guy is probably taking care of all the children's souls there," he sighed. "I should have known he had a soft spot for children because he refused to kill any. Adults he'd kill without any hesitation but never children."

"He was a good man," Mina said in a soft tone. "Even if we couldn't see him, he was kind to Jina and protected her. And he loved you the most. So don't worry and live the life you want to live. Away from crime and terrors. Find a good person and settle down. Who knows, someday you'll find someone who'll love you for your heart."

But she won't be you, Haejong said in his mind but he did not voice it out loud. Some things were better left unsaid. He would never regret falling in love with this crazy woman and even though it ached his heart to see her love someone else, he was fine to let her go. It was just not meant to be.

"I'll meet you later," she promised. "For now, you need to rest."

Mina smiled more widely at him and left the room. Haejong stared after her for a long time, his heart aching with a strange mixture of pain and happiness. He was hurting because he could not have her but was also happy that she got what she wanted.

As long as she was happy, he was happy.


Mina went straight towards the room where Kanji was kept. He was plugged to a life support and a heart monitor which was showing his heart beats. Thankfully, his heart was beating strongly and other than a few injuries, he was completely fine. The demon had healed most of his major wounds to keep itself sustained inside his body but it still took a toll on him. 

She gazed at his pale face. He looked as if he was merely sleeping. 

"Hi hi," she whispered. "Are you listening to me?"

He was still motionless. Ever since his soul went back into his body, Jina could not see him anywhere around but they assumed that he was safely back in his own body now.

Mina sat on the bed and held his palm.

"If you're listening to me," she whispered. "I want to let you know that I'm always going to wait for you. It doesn't matter if you wake up today, tomorrow or after many years. The moment you wake up, you'll find me standing here. And then, we'll be together forever."josei

She leaned over and kissed his warm cheek.

"So get well soon, okay?" she softly ordered, tears forming in her eyes. She stroked his hair and kept a vigil next to him, waiting for any response.

But Kanji kept on sleeping peacefully, oblivious to her presence.

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