Money Loving CEO's Detective Lover

Chapter 413

Chapter 413: The Perfect Gift!





The rest of the week passed by quite peacefully. Kanji was still in a coma but his health was improving. Shijin had tried to purify the fort but the hellish energy was too strong for him so they had to leave the place as it was. 

Junho went back to live with Gayoon's grandmother, claiming that the old woman needed someone to take care of her but in reality, he had become accustomed to living in anonymity. Mina stayed at the hospital most of the time, watching over Kanji while Haejong had been discharged. He also visited Kanji at times but was mostly busy preparing to move abroad without a fuss.

As for Anna, she had been caught and arrested. She was currently under police custody for attempted murder. The police managed to find her car and they even discovered Kanji's blood below the passenger seat. It was enough to convict her. But Shinjin said that Anna had also made a deal with the Devil and she had only a month to live. No matter where she would try to run, he was going to come for her soul and they would not be able to stop her.

"Keep her in an isolated cell," he had advised. "That'll be the best for everyone in the vicinity."

Meanwhile, at the Hwang Tower, Jongin was sweating profusely. He gulped as his CEO was reading the financial reports of the year. 

Please let it be more than last year! He prayed. He glanced at Minho whose face was impassive.

"20 percent…" Minho muttered. He looked up with his sharp eyes, making Jongin wince.

"20 percent more than last year!" Minho said with a smile. "20 percent more profit means a hundred billion more than what we made last year!"

Thank god! Jongin was relieved. 

"You know what this means, Jongin?" Minho asked with a devilish grin. He slammed his hands on the table in excitement.

"We can purchase more land and build more malls across the country!" he exclaimed in glee. "At least five more lands! More malls means my profit will increase and next year, we can make fifty percent more profit than what we made this year!"

"Our team worked hard," Jongin agreed. 

"Now you'll work harder!" Minho said in a happy tone. Eh? Jongin's relief was gone in seconds. Work harder?

"Purchase the lands and start preparing for the projects!" Minho ordered, his eyes lit up like a demon who was about to make them work in hell. "I want the plans by next week. I wanna see at least fifteen proposals! Cancel all dates coz you'll be leading the team!"

Jongin's shoulders fell in disappointment. He just got a new girlfriend and the CEO was making him work through the week? 

Bye bye new girlfriend, he cried in his thoughts.

"Yes sir," he said in a dull tone. Minho was already counting the money in his head and how much richer he was going to become in the coming years. 

"I'm happy," he commented. "I should call my little pet and share the good news."

He picked up his phone and dialed Gayoon's number. It was probably her lunchtime. She picked up instantly.

"Minho!" she gasped. "I was just about to call you!"

Minho was smiling stupidly, blushing at her words. "Are you missing me?"

Gayoon frowned. Missing him? They just saw each other a few hours ago.

"No!" she said. "I want to know what gift I should get for Jina? She's turning nine tomorrow!"

Gayoon was very nervous. This was the first time she was celebrating her daughter's birthday and she had planned the birthday party with a lot of care. She was nervous because after all the things they went through that year, she wanted to throw her daughter a very big party so that Jina could enjoy it with her friends. In fact, Minho even handed Gayoon his black credit card and told her to spend as much as she wanted.

"Where are you now?" Minho asked.

"I...I'm at the mall," she pouted. "I managed to get out of work early. The Chief was feeling guilty for not listening to my advice so he let me off for today and tomorrow."

"I'm coming," he said. "Wait for me!"

"But-" Gayoon was about to say that she could find something on her own but he hung up. Minho texted Jongin that he was going to be away for the rest of the day. His secretary merely groaned and wanted to cry under the immense workload. 

Thankfully, his current girlfriend understood his dilemma because she had a busy job herself. She was quite secretive about her work but whenever Jongin asked her what she did, she merely replied, "I drink with the dead all day."

Half an hour later, Minho pulled up in front of the mall. He headed straight for the food court at the topmost level where Gayoon was waiting for him.

"I could have done it myself!" she said but was happy to have him there with her. She put her hand around his arm and snuggled up to him.

"It's our daughter's birthday!" Minho exclaimed. "And for the first time, both her parents will be celebrating it with her. We'll find a great gift for her!"

"Let's look in those shops," he suggested, pointing at some toy shops. They wandered around the mall, gazing at the toys, clothes and everything they could find at the kids' sections but nothing clicked with Gayoon.josei

"This is so hard!" she moaned in dismay. "Jina has almost everything! I don't even know what to buy her!"

She pouted in disappointment, making Minho sigh. He patted her head.

"I'm sure you'll find something," he consoled her. Gayoon lowered her head and was about to give up when her eyes fell on a particular store. Her face lit up when she realized something.

"That!" she exclaimed. Minho followed the direction she was pointing at and groaned.

"No!" he protested. "Nuh uh! Anything but that! Not that!"

"Please!" Gayoon begged. "You know how much she loves this!"

"No way!" Minho said, shaking his head. "Anything but that!"

But seeing his girlfriend's large eyes pleading with him, he could not refuse her.

"Fine!" he conceded. "Just so you know, I'm doing this for Jina! But, I also have a condition."

"What condition?" Gayoon asked curiously. Minho fidgeted a little before putting on a nonchalant expression.

"I have to attend a private dinner tonight and they have asked me to bring my partner," he said in a casual tone. "You'll have to accompany me."

"Business dinner?" she frowned. 

"Yes," Minho said. "I've already had your dress delivered at the mansion."

"Alright!" she happily agreed. "Now can we buy that pug for her?"

The shop she was pointing at was a pet store and there was a pug puppy in one of the displays there. It reminded Minho painfully of the one Ahn Jaewan owned. He had nothing against dogs but anything which reminded him of Ahn Jaewan was a pain.

But Gayoon ran towards the store and picked up the tiny little pug which was only a few weeks old. She was so happy to see it and the tiny mutt wagged its tail, happily barking at her.

"Isn't it cute?" she squealed. Minho examined the little puppy which had large dark eyes. Its muzzled snout was sniffing him and seemed to be cheerfully wagging its tail at him as well.

"I guess it is," he slowly said. Gayoon was about to put the puppy down but it jumped off and ran towards one of the shelves.

"What is he doing?" Minho frowned. The dog was searching for something and finally ran back to them. He was carrying something silver in his mouth and dropped it near Minho's foot. It was a coin.

For a moment, none of them spoke. The dog looked proud of itself, still wagging its tail.

"I like him now," Minho said while Gayoon facepalmed herself. 

Not another money lover! She thought in dismay.

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