Monster Musume Harem wo Tsukurou!

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Touring, Arrival Troubles, and Tiring Out

Chapter 5: Touring, Arrival Troubles, and Tiring Out

The entrance ceremony was no different from most Japanese ones. The only difference was that the one who spoke was the vice-principal, not the principal.

The entrance ceremony ends with only the vice-principal’s speech, and we moved to our classroom directly. Lucas, Triss, and I were coincidentally in the same class.…It’s coincidence, you know? It’s not opportunistic. Not this, anyways.

There are up to 8 classes, each with about 50 students. So, that means one grade generally is about 400 people. It’s five years to graduation, so that makes 2000 people total in attendance. It’s a mammoth of a school.

“I’m Langue, your homeroom teacher! For those taking martial arts courses, we’ll be together for a long time! Looking forward to it, hahahahaha!”

Our homeroom teacher turned out to be a hot-blooded muscleman. I’m bad with PE types……It’s hard to keep up with them.

“Alright, movin’ onto the curriculum! First, martial arts lessons are mandatory for first years! You can’t do anything if ya don’t have basic physical strength after all! Same goes for survival training!”

We’re doing martial arts at first too?…I’d thought survival would be possible, but was not expecting martial arts.

“Other classes are your choice! You’re free to choose your own classes, but if you don’t have enough units it’s expulsion without mercy! Pay attention to that!”

Studies like math or history aren’t things you’d understand with a skill, huh. I guess it’s like you’d make progress based on your efforts?

“For details, look at this handout! Now, school tour time!”

Langue-sensei opens the door and steps out, followed by the children scrambling to be first in line. Y’know, it feels like I’m mixed in with a bunch of middle schoolers…

“This is the training facility! Martial arts and magic practice is here!”

“This is the magic laboratory! Magic items and medicine are researched here! You’ll hear explosions here too!”

“This is a field! When tamers use monsters to fight, they usually do it here! The training facility has a barrier, and isn’t tall enough!”

“This is the auditorium! You came here for the entrance ceremony!”

“This is the library! Until you become an upperclassman, you can’t enter the censored book area!”

“The school tour ends with this! You have until the third bell to pick your classes! Watch the time carefully!”

“ ‘Oka~y!’ ”

Well, today’s class is over, so I guess I’ll search the library for evolving methods. I want to know about Magic Hands, Tame, and skills too.

I go to the library and ask the librarian for the book locations. In a library that you don’t know your way around, asking in person is quicker.

For the time being, I pick up two books that seem like they’d have the information I’m looking for. These are the books I took.

“Learn Magic from the Basics ~Master the Exam with One Book!~ ”


The last one feels strangely Japanese….Why is there a HOW TO book in a parallel world. I guess it doesn’t matter which world, but humans all think the same?

For now, I guess I’ll start with the easy-looking Tame book. It’s the “How To” guide, after all.

After reading the book from start to finish, I understood what it meant to tame.

* To tame a monster, weakening it followed by threatening it is the easiest method. For opponents relatively stronger than them, monsters will submit.

* It is not the case that all monsters are hostile, and some may become companions by themselves. There don’t seem to be a lot of that type.

* This also applies to people, but when a creature is killed a portion of its magic can be obtained. In case of monsters, when their magic exceeds a certain quantity, they may change forms and become stronger. This is called Rank Up.

* Monsters which understand human language, and monsters which resemble humans also exist. There is a precedence where they become more human after ranking up.

That’s about it. After finding out about precedence of evolving, I felt a little at ease. Monsters with human forms are called “Majin”, and are basically always strong. I wonder why the human form is strong….I’m curious, but next I guess I’ll read the book about magic.

The contents of the magic book were like this. Thank god the basics were written down.

* The origin of magic is this world’s energy. We absorb the energy flowing in the world, and convert it into magic in our bodies.

* People with large magic reserves are said to be people able to store large amounts of this world’s energy. People able to convert the energy also have quick magic restoration.

* For some reason, information about Magic Hands was also written in here. Magic Hands is the ability to move magic, so one is also able to transfer their own magic into people or monsters. If the person has a lot of magic, it seems they can also become a magic tank.

* About that. Magic is kind of like alcohol, where moderate amounts will strengthen the body and provide light feelings of ecstasy, but taking too much will make one feel bad and an overdose will lead to poisoning and death. Gotta be careful when managing Ruu and my magic…

It says the world’s energy, but I wonder what that is. I feel like I didn’t understand it very well. There is no way for me to understand, so I guess there’s no use crying over spilt milk, huh…

I finish reading the two books in about 1 hour. I just read the main points, so it didn’t take that much time. I didn’t think about it at first, but this country’s paper manufacturing technology is pretty developed. The textbooks were paper too. It doesn’t look like I’ll be able to do the normal setup of a paper-making business….There’s still time before dinner, so I guess I’ll go to see Ruu.

It happened when I went to the bestiary, and brought Ruu out. Several boys blocked my way. Their clothes had a lot of shiny accessories attached, so I’m guessing these are nobles.

“Hey you, is that thing yours?”

The fatty standing in the front talks to me. Thing, eh….How cliche.

“Yeah, and what about it?”

“This dragon is wasted on you. I will buy it off of you. Name your price.”

Ahh, as I thought. What a pain, seriously. I thought this would happen though.

“I refuse. Ask someone else.”

“What the hell, man! It should be an honor for that dragon to be used by Pig-sama!”

“Don’t be conceited, you!”

“Pig-sama is doing you a favor by paying money! Stop complaining and hand it over!”

Making Ruu go wild and threatening them would probably be the fastest method, but it’ll leave further consequences, huh….Running away from here is the best bet.

“I told you, didn’t I, I refuse. No matter how much money you offer, I’m not letting her go. Bye.”

Jumping on to Ruu, we lift off into the sky. Those guys are yelling out under us, but we’ll ignore them. We’ll have to settle the score with them eventually. Opposing nobility seems like a pain in the ass, but we’ll make do. If push comes to shove, we can just escape to another country too.

“Sorry it became a pain, Ruu. I’d like to avoid troubles.”


“Seriously. At the very least, I’d want one more companion. You want one too, don’t you?”


“Right!? Get stronger, and become a Majin quickly.”

“Guru” josei

Looks like Ruu also wants a companion, so the Taming class needs to start soon. There are probably people who don’t have monsters yet, after all.

“Ah, welcome back Tsuchio. Did you go to see Ruu?”

“Yep. We got caught up with some guy named Pig though.”

“Pig? What kind of person are they?”

“A pig-like noble. They barged up with, ‘Hand over Ruu’. ‘I’d use it better’, is what they said.”

“What the heck, Ruu-chan isn’t an object! That’s messed up!”

“Yeah, I said that and refused. Maybe it’ll lead to harassment from now on. Might be good to keep some distance, you know.”

“From you? It’s alright! After all, if you mess with one elf, you mess with all of them. They can’t mess with me that easily. Tsuchio-kun, that goes for my roommate too. Even if you’re nobility, you shouldn’t be able to mess with me that easily. ”

“Elves take care of their mates, huh.”

“In the past, there used to be elf slave-hunts by humans. Because of that, we couldn’t keep living if we didn’t watch out for one another….All elves hear that story from their parents.”

“Is that so?… … I’m human too, though? Aren’t you scared?”

“Tsuchio-kun, would you do bad things to me?”

“No way in hell I would.”

“Right? That’s why you’re not scary at all.”

“That’s not what….Well, it’s impossible for me to bully you, so is it fine like that?”

“Yup, it’s not like all humans are bad. Have you decided your classes? You don’t have that much time”

“It was until the third bell, right. Gotta decide soon.”

The handout says, ‘Please circle the classes you will take’. I don’t think I need math or the like. History…is a pass. Taming and Support Magic, required courses with everyone…and lastly Foreign Studies, I guess. I only know about this country, after all.

“I guess this is fine. What classes did you pick, Lucas?”

“Offensive Magic, Recovery Magic, Math, and Foreign Studies.”Tsuchio-kun picked…just three? We can only take Foreign Studies together…”

“We’ll be together for Martial Arts and Survival. Come to think of it, what types of magic are there?”

“Um, Offensive and Recovery with Support and Interference, I think. It changes with each person’s magic quality. Tsuchio-kun, you were support, right.”

“Isn’t there magic for barriers or defense?”

“In recovery magic, I feel like there is something like that. I’ve only studied a little bit about it, so I don’t know much more.”

“I see….Well, we’ll figure it out when we take classes. Let’s go turn it in.”

“You’re cutting it close, boys! From now on, turn things in earlier!”


“I’m sorry, Langue-sensei!”

We turned in the class selection handout right when the third bell began to ring. Barely made it.

“Well, it was in time so it’s ok!”

“Come to think of it, Langue-sensei. How is the schedule divided? It has to be made by today, right?”

“Look forward to it tomorrow! It’s already dinnertime! Hurry up and get going!”

Does that mean it’ll be handed out tomorrow? Well he’s saying it like that, so let’s hurry up and go eat dinner.

“Oh yeah! Almost forgot! Come in clothing you can move in tomorrow! Got it!?”

We heard Langue-sensei say that as we were leaving. Are we doing Martial Arts class?

The next day. After the usual morning walk with Ruu, when I walked with Triss and others to the classroom, I saw the blackboard had ‘Gather on the Field!’ written on it. When we went to the Field,

“Oh, you’re here! Everyone here?!”

“Um, with that it’s everyone.”

When everyone gathered, Langue-sensei spoke.

“Alright, from here on we’re gonna learn about Martial Arts, but….You all don’t have the physical endurance or muscles! So we’re gonna start with physical training! All hands follow me!”

Saying that Langue-sensei began running. Uh, what? So we should run together? I’ve got no stamina though, will I be alright…

“I have confidence in my stamina-dearimasu! Tsuchio-dono, here I go-dearimasu!”

“How long do you think we’ll run? How exciting!”

“Really? I’ve kinda got a bad feeling about this…”

There’s no point in stopping. If I don’t hurry up I’ll lose sight of them, so let’s run and catch up.

Then for two hours, we were made to run continuously. I thought I was going to die.

“Hahaha! How sad! If you’re worn out from just this, you can’t do anything!”


To not even be out of breath….He’ll chase you from behind, so even if you want to stop you can’t.

“Huff…huff……S-so tired…”

“As expected if you keep running, you become tired-dearimasu.”

Lucas and I sit down and collapse. My heart jumps slightly at Lucas, who looks strangely seductive as he pants and sweats. Why does Triss have so much physical strength….Because she’s a dwarf?

“That’s enough of running, next is practice swings! People who use weapons other than swords, follow me!”

About 20 people left with Langue-sensei to get wooden swords. Um, my knees are already shaking though….I can’t do anymore!

“Practice swings after this? I’m already at my limits~.”

“Seriously….Huh, where is Triss?”

After a while, Langue-sensei and the others returned with a big crate. Inside it was a bunch of swords and spears. Eh, metal? It’s not wood?

“Choose your partner, and take your stance! …Tuck your arms in, wrong hand!”

Taking a sword of suitable weight, I try grasping it lightly. It’s pretty heavy…

“Drop your center of gravity! You’re not stable!”

He hits my shoulder, and makes me lower my waist. Of course, it’s difficult to do things I’m not used to…

“Here I go! 1, 2, 3!”

Langue-sensei and I begin to spar. My arms feel heavy, and when I stand firm my legs shake….How long do we have to keep this up?…I wonder if I’m going to throw up….

Then for three hours, we continued to practice swinging. After practicing for about 30 minutes I felt the urge to throw up, and rushed to the restroom. I was then told to rest by the teacher, and took advantage of those words. Honestly, I didn’t think I could stand anymore.

Only a few people were able continue swinging until the end. Among those swinging stood Triss.

“You’re so cool, Triss~.To be able to keep swinging such a large hammer like that. Tsuchio-kun, are you feeling better?”

“Pretty much. But, Recovery Magic is kinda awesome, to be able to even recover stamina.”

“I haven’t really trained it very much, so it’s not that effective though. Was that enough?”

“Yeah, thanks Lucas.”

With Lucas’ recovery magic, I felt a lot better. Magic is awesome, huh.

“We’ll end here for today! The next class is in 5 days, but don’t slack off on your training!”


“Huh, sensei. Aren’t there other classes?”

“Nope. Ah, I’ve gotta pass out the schedule! Come to the classroom!”

According to the schedule handed out in the classroom, there was only one class per day. Eh, only one class per day?

“That’s right! Now don’t forget the classes you’re taking! Off with ya, if you don’t hurry up there won’t be any food left!”

I guess I’ll confirm my classes later. Let’s go grab some grub.

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