Monster Musume Harem wo Tsukurou!

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: The Taming Teacher was…that person!

Chapter 6: The Taming Teacher was…that person!

The second day was the Survival skills class. It looks like we learn about essential knowledge for when we camp or disasters occur. This will be pretty useful, so let’s take this seriously.

When class ends, to the library again for research. I’m thinking of researching further into Magic Hands today. There was a little bit written on the book about magic, but what was written was within expectations. I wonder if there isn’t a more detailed book….Let’s try asking the librarian.

“Excuuuuse me, is there a book about the Magic Hands skill?”

“Magic Hands, is it? The book I told you about before, wasn’t it noted on there?”

“I’d like one with more detail, though….Isn’t there one?”

“Just a moment, please. I’ll take a look.”

The slim, glasses-wearing man goes to the back of the circulation desk. The fact that it’s mentioned on the book of magic probably means it has to do with magic….I wonder if it is.

“If it’s this book, there’s more detail than last time.”

“Thank you, I’ll try reading it then.”

I sit down on the cafeteria-style bench, and open the book to the page concerning Magic Hand. At first the contents were the same as the book I saw last time, but after turning a few pages I saw new information. This is quite the interesting info. With this, maybe I can fight a little better….Let’s try a few of these things later with Ruu.

“Thanks for the book.”

“How was it, was it of any use?”

“Yes, there were things I didn’t know, and I learned a lot.”

“That’s good, please do your best in your studies”

I left the library, and headed straight for where Ruu was. I took Ruu out of the bestiary, and try things noted earlier on the book. Whoops, before that…

“Ruu, your body might feel a little sluggish after this, but can you bear with it?”

“Guru? Gururu”

Alright, I’ve gotten Ruu’s consent, so let’s do it!

“Fuu….I’ve gotten used to it, so I guess it’s about time to head back to the dorm. Ruu, you alright?”


Ruu is sprawled out on the ground. Looks like she’s really tired. Well, it’s my fault though….If I give her my MP, will she feel better? Let’s try it.…Now, how should I transfer it? Yeah, I haven’t actually done it before. It does seem to flow in my body though….Let’s investigate using Magic Hands.

I place my hand to my chest, and check the MP in me.…There. When you compare it with Ruu, I have considerably less, but it is accumulating under my belly. Below the navel, huh.

Ei-ya! I psyche myself up by shouting, and move the accumulated stuff. At first it doesn’t move easily, so I loosen it bit by bit, and once moveable I circulate it around my body. When a certain speed is attained, it started moving about in my body by itself.

“Ohh, I feel great! My body feels warm!”

So this is MP! To feel this energetic just by properly getting it to flow….Zen meditation or Qigong, might have an effect like this too, huh.

“Alright then, guess I’ll send some MP?”

I place my hands on Ruu’s back, concentrate MP into my hands, and imagine the MP flows out of them. When I do,


“Guru? Gururu!”

Power flows out of my body at once, and I unconsciously fall to my knees. In contrast, Ruu looks like she has become a little more energetic.

“This feels pretty rough….I don’t wanna do anything…”


I’m making an orz position on the ground, which Ruu finds strange. I’ve gotta hurry, or I’ll be late to dinner. I return Ruu to the bestiary, and for the time being go back to my room.

“I’m home–…”

“Welcome back~, you’re back lat-, what happened!? You look terrible!”

After seeing me, Lucas throws down the textbook he was reading, and runs over to me….Is it that bad?… .

“When I used a little bit of MP, I turned out like this. I, got no MP after all.”

“So that’s what it was….You’ll collapse when you use too much MP, so be careful m’kay. If you rest for a while, I think you’ll feel better.”

“Ahh, I’ll do that. My bad, for making you worry.”

I didn’t eat dinner that day, but wiped down my body and slept. I don’t mind not having a bath, but at least want a shower… .

And the next day, I finally attend the Tame class. Lucas is in math class. When I go to the assigned classroom, I see “All students to the field” on the blackboard. Not again!

When I got to the field, the woman from the exam was standing there. That person was a tamer huh…

“It looks like everyone is here. Then, let us begin. I am Sasha.”

Blunt as usual. Langue-sensei’s suffocating personality is bad too, but it’s awkward to be this curt.

“To become a Tamer, first one needs a familiar. There are individuals with familiars already, however today we will begin with capturing beasts. Everyone, you have weapons, correct?”

It said to ‘bring weapons’ after all. I borrowed the practice sword I used in the last martial arts class, and brought it.

“Then please follow me. You must not leave my side.”

Following the teacher, we leave the school from the back gate. Outside of the back side gate is a road. After following the road for a while, we arrive in front of a forest.

“You will tame a beast here. The forest is thinned out periodically, and there should not be a monster you are not able to deal with. There is still the possibility however, so you should move in groups.” Those already with familiars, are not required to enter.”

Well then, what to do. I’ve tamed Ruu, but that felt like an unfair method. It may be good to learn how to tame with normal methods here.

“To tame, you must first weaken the monster and then pour MP into it. Though weak, letting your guard down to these beasts is dangerous. Please be careful until the end.”

Alright then, time to begin. Whatever monsters are in there, I’m excited.

I walk through the forest alone. I wanted to go with someone, but when I turned around everyone had already been grouped up. Leaving only me… I’m not lonely at all.

The bushes rustle. Now, who’s behind door number 1!?

The beast makes a ‘pyon’ sound as it jumps in front of me. A gleaming light-blue body. A body round as the moon and blue as the clear sky. A ‘monster’ standard as standard gets, and it is!!!

“…” puru puru puru

“Whoooooo a slime!” (Lit: Slime kita!)

Awesome, it’s a slime! I’m as excited as the time I tamed Ruu! It’s not creepy like the ones in Dragon -uest, but rather cute. They say slimes feel like breasts, but I wonder about that…

“…” puru puru!

“This isn’t the time to be thinking. I have to do something about this guy.”

When I tried to draw my sword, the slime suddenly sprang at me! It straddles my leg, and starts to tackle me.…D’aww, what a cutie. My heart went ‘kyun’ watching it try its hardest to attack me! I’m gonna tame you!

For the time being, I’ve gotta weaken it. Because there is nucleus-like item in the middle of its body, it might die if I cut it. Guess I’ll bash it with my sword sheathed.


“…” Poooon

When I swing my scabbard from underneath, it hits the slime directly and sends it flying. It doesn’t move after it lands.…Err, did I go too far?

I slowly get near it, and poke it with the tip of my scabbard. It barely quivers, so it’s not dead yet. Gotta tame you before it’s too late.

I touch the slime, and pour MP into it. Carefully, in order not to give too much.

In an instant, MP spreads through its body. Um, what should I do now? I didn’t hear about anything after this.

For the time being I try letting go, and when I do it squirms back into a mandarin shape. You wanna fight? If it’s come to this, it’ll lose some volume but maybe I should cut off a bit. As I think that, and try to draw my sword,

“…!” suri suri

The slime nuzzles against me. Not like before when it was tackling me, but like a cat. Isn’t this, proof that the Taming was successful?

“You are my familiar. Ok?”

“…” puru puru

This ‘puru puru‘, I guess I can take it as an affirmative. Holding the slime, I meet its gaze. If it’s this size, I might be able to bring it to the dormitory. Let’s try asking the dorm mother.

“I’ve got to decide on a name, huh. Uuuuum…You’re a slime, so Lime. Your name is Lime.”

“…!” puru puru!

Looks like it likes the name. When you compare Lime with Ruu, its thoughts are simple and easy to understand. It might not be too smart yet.

“I’ve succeeded in Taming, so it’s okay to go back, right. I’m putting you down.”

Lowering the Lime to the ground, I return on the road I came from. Lime jumps with a ‘pyon pyon’ sound, and follows behind me. The distance between us steadily grows….It’s better if I carried her, huh.

“Hey, c’mere. Can’t you move any faster?”

Lime jumps into my chest. As in, changing into a liquid, and moving along the ground would be nice. What can a slime do? When I get back, I’ll look it up in the library.

It appears I’m the fastest done, since only Sasha-sensei is at the forest entrance.

“You’re the first, huh.… You tamed a slime?”

“That I did….Is a slime bad?”

“No, that’s not the case….I simply thought it was very fitting of you.”

“Fitting of me?”

“Please find out by yourself.”

What. What does that mean, fitting of me. It’s her after all, so it’s probably nothing good though…

“Or rather, you were a Tamer. You could have said so.”

“Was there a need to say? You would have found out soon enough.”

“Well yeah but…”

Sigh, I’m no good with this person after all. Let’s be healed by Lime’s softness.

After playing with Lime for a while, everyone came back one after another. There were caterpillars, moving grasses, and amongst other monsters, but no one brought back a slime. Is it a small fry like I thought?

“All, were you able to tame a monster? …It looks like there were no issues. Today’s class is over with this. Until the next class, please get to know your beasts.”

Already done, huh. Well, with a freshly tamed monster, I’m sure nobody know their right from left. You need a certain level of skinship.

“Hmph! What a stupid class, to have to keep pace with the plebeians!”

“““Yeah, yeah!!”””

The pig and his followers are making a ruckus. That guy, even after turning 13, to be unable to compromise….

“At this school, your social status prior to entrance does not matter. You know that much, don’t you? By agreeing to attend here, you have shown your consent to the rule.”

“I don’t know about such rules! Everyone should just listen to what I say!”

“Then that is insufficient knowledge on your part. If you do not agree with it, please leave this school.”

“… Tch!”

The pig clicks his tongue and withdraws. It appears that graduating from this school leads to that much of a successful career. The gateway to gainful employment, I see.

“Well then, I will return to the school. If you do not wish to die, please follow me.”

Looks like Sasha-sensei is a little miffed too. Her words are sharp. Good grief, can’t we all shut up and just take classes…

“Ruu, from today on this will be our companion. They’re called Lime, please treat them well.”

“…” puru puru…


Wai-, why are you growling. Can’t you tell Lime is scared.

“There are only two of you right now, so please don’t fight. Ruu, you’re the senpai and older sister, aren’t you? Make sure to teach her the ropes.”


As though the words ‘older sister’ had an effect, Ruu’s hostility disappeared. You’d get the feeling of ‘I want to protect Lime!’ too, huh.

“Mkay, I’m going to the library now. See ya later.”


“…!” puru puru! josei

I leave the bestiary, and head towards the library. What kind of monster is a slime, let’s find out!

– When Tsuchio has left the bestiary –

Ruu: “guru! gururu!”

Lime: “…!” puru puru! purururun!

Ruu: “guru….gurururu.”

Lime: “…” puru puru

Ruu: “guruu….gau!”

Lime: “…!” purun!

The two were arguing over something…

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