Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 870

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 870

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 870

Chapter 870

Stella pursed her lips. She went back to the homepage and recovered her chat


Then, her face darkened.

She wondered why Keegan had turned into a completely different person who could

guess how she felt at times. He would even know when she was hungry.

She thought that they had some kind of connection, but she was totally wrong!

Keegan unblocked his own number when he used her phone to take a picture of her

and Julian when he sat for the college entrance exam!

It turned out that he had been spying on her WhatsApp story these two months!

Keegan was way too good at pretending. He even told Stella not to unblock his

number too early when he transferred her money because he wanted to prove himself

to her.

‘Bullshit! He only said that because he knew I’d find out what he did if I unblocked


Stella clenched her teeth as she sent Keegan a middle finger emoticon. Then, she

blocked him again.

Keegan knew that he was exposed when he saw what Stella had sent him. He

immediately drafted a message, but it could not be delivered. That was when he knew

Stella blocked him again.

Keegan was speechless.

‘Why did I have to say that I miss her voice?’

Keegan wanted to text Stella to explain himself, but his phone rang. The Rivera

Chamber of Commerce president called him and asked when he would arrive.

Keegan did not feel like going to a business gathering like this, but the current

president was a good friend of his father. So, he felt it would be impolite for him not to

show up after the president invited him repeatedly. So, he just made it to the hotel of

that gathering.

“I’m already here. Coming up now.”

“Sure. I’ll send down someone to bring you up.”

After hanging up, Keegan transferred five hundred and twenty thousand dollars to

Stella with the remark: [I was wrong. Please forgive me.]

Stella wired him one cent: [Noted.]

Keegan chuckled as he put his phone away. Then, he got out of the car.

Stella was looking at her bank balance when she received a text message from an

unsaved number: [Do you want to work together?]

Stella was confused.

Then, she replied: [?]

That person texted back: [I’m Wendy Musk.]

Stella immediately blocked her number.

‘Wendy Musk… A good friend of Dahlia and Olivia. I doubt I can ever trust her.’

Olivia did not get any response after sending the text, so she gave Stella a call.

However, she found out that she was blocked.

She gritted her teeth in anger. ‘I’m too smart to make a careless mistake like this!’

Bella was the last one to arrive.

She wore a dress from Chanel’s latest collection, and her makeup looked glamorous.

She was holding a bag while she stood at the door as she said apologetically, “I’m

sorry for being late. I was caught in a traffic jam.”

Stuart waved his hand. “We just arrived anyway. Come on, grab a seat.’

Yolanda saw Bella’s bag, and she was green with envy.

She recognized that it was a limited-edition Hermes bag with just a glance. Its retail

price was nearly three million, and it was only exclusively sold to its premium


Bella’s was at the top of the industry, and her payroll was on a completely different

level from theirs. Yolanda was considered to be doing pretty well among the B and Clisters, but the most expensive handbag she owned was only five hundred thousand.

Not to mention that she only had one bag that cost that much. It was the exact bag

that she had brought to the dinner today.

She was so confident when she walked in there, and somebody even complimented

her bag. However, Bella’s arrival with her luxurious bag made hers look very cheap.

So, she felt unhappy and envious.

She swept her gaze across the room and found that the other actress’s bags were not

as expensive as hers, and she felt a lot better. In particular, Stella’s bag did not even

have a proper logo on it, and she almost burst out laughing after seeing it.

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