Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 871

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 871

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 871

Chapter 871

Stella was not affected by the fact that Olivia called her at all because she made

Olivia very mad at Cordelia’s birthday celebration. Olivia was only doing everything

Dahlia said because she could help her husband with his work.

However, not only did Olivia’s husband have a secret lover, but he also gave birth to

an illegitimate child with his lover. Olivia would never expect her bestie, Dahlia, to hide

everything from her despite knowing about it a long time ago. She just could not find a

reason not to hate Dahlia.

Stella figured that Olivia most probably had something to do about the accident during

the birthday celebration. She was not interested at all in what Olivia proposed to her.

Olivia was sharp and tactful. She managed to keep herself out of the firework accident

completely. It showed how cautious of a person she could be. Stella was worried that

Olivia would set her up if she were to associate herself with her. So, she blocked her

instantly because she did not want anything to do with her.

“Bella, your bag is so beautiful.’

An actress named Hailey Glover said. She acted as their roommate who also

happened to be in the same class as them. She could dance really well. Somebody

even said that she graduated from a professional dance academy.

Yolanda immediately chimed in, “Of course. It’s a Hermes premium member

exclusive. I’ve only seen it once on their fashion show.”

It was perfectly normal for actresses to pursue materialistic things. Not only that it

could feed their pride, but it could also be a method for sponsors to evaluate their

potential in the fashion industry. So, that was a very crucial way to attract luxury


It would be difficult for famous stars to secure a luxury endorsement if they were not

stylish enough. This is because the big brands did not want to risk losing their

influence in the fashion world by hiring a tacky person to be the face of their brands.

For example, Bella did not know how to dress when she just got famous. Her sense of

fashion was very strange, and she could not even rent a dress from high-end brands.

At that time, the trending searches on Facebook were:

#BellaWearingACheapDressOnRedCarpet, #

BellaClaimedThatStlyeCouldNotBeDetermindedByBrands, #

BellaSupportsLocalBrandOnRedCarpet, #…

Her fans praised her for what she did. They thought that their idol was a very noble

and humble person.

In fact, she only wore cheap dresses because she could not get any brand to sponsor

her. However, the PR team Vermont hired for her was very good at their job, and they

turned her disadvantage into an advantage.

But anybody who had a little knowledge of the fashion industry would know that not

only did foreign countries have high-end brands, but Hustuabourg did too. However,

actresses still preferred high-end brands from other countries because their popularity

and influence were simply impeccable.

Why did Bella stop wearing a dress from local brands the next year if she really did

want to promote them?

That was because she changed her styling team and began dressing better. Also, she

started to get more famous, and high-end brands held out the olive brand for her. In

simpler words, she stopped promoting local brands once she had other options.


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