Mr. Nelson Winning His Ex-wife's Heart

Chapter 376

Chapter 376

Chapter 376

However, just when Zuri thought she was safe for the question, her agent Sunny Foster called her.

Sunny’s voice almost collapsed, “My dear lady, what’s the matter with you and Orlando?”

Zuri was confused, “What’s going on?”

Sunny said, “Some reporters had taken the photo of you entKatharineg the same community where you lived in the same car with Orlando. And you haven’t come out yet. So they were reporting about that you two are together in the reality.”

Angela’s Library

“And something else such as you two having an amazing night in your room.”

These reporters were too bullshit. Zuri and Orlando were indeed sent into the villa complex together by an exclusive car from a sponsor, but they came directly to Edmund’s place without even entKatharineg Zuri’s house.

ALL the bullshit about having a hot and charming night? They were still dining now, okay?

Sunny added, “It’s all on the headline now, what should we do?”

The urban drama starred by Zuri and Orlando had just finished airing. Their perfect love in the drama had attracted countless fans. It is not bad news to hear the spread of such scandal at this time. They could even take the opportunity to hype it up.

But Zuri said firmly, “What should we do? It must be clarified as fast as we can.”

Colin Smith had already resented her for taking money from his mother. If she acquiesced in her relationship with Orlando for the sake of promoting the drama, wouldn’t Colin hate her even more?

Therefore, she has been refusing to have any scandal with anyone in the entertainment industry over the past few years. And because of this, she has offended many filmmakers and investors. If it won’t for these troubles, she might be the top star in the industry earlier.

This time, too, she had to clarify immediately.

Sunny had always been on her side before, but this time she wasn’t so sure, “Actually I think-“

Sunny was interrupted by Zuri before she could finish her words, “I don’t want to know what you think, I want you to follow my order.”

Sunny, She originally wanted to say that now this urban drama was going viral. The love affair between she and Orlando could win the support of tens of thousands of fans of the drama. This time, they could even give up some principles to do this for the promotion, but Zuri directly rejected it.

Like Sunny, Orlando’s agent also had the same idea. Orlando finally became popular thanks to this show. His agent really wanted to take advantage of the popularity of this show to promote his popularity to a new level.

The reason Orlando’s agent was willing to set up this love affair was because it was Zuri.

Let alone the other things, Zuri’s looks and her temperament were really outstanding. She was indescribably beautiful. By using Zuri’s already hard-earned popularity, it is enough for Orlando to join a higher Level.

But he didn’t expect Orlando to reject the proposal without hesitation and wanted to clarify the scandal with Zuri bluntly.

“She wasn’t my girl.”

“I don’t want my feelings to be tainted by the slightest interest.” Orlando made a solemn statement word for word, making his agent so angry that his agent hung up the phone.

Orlando and Zuri both received calls from their agents. Everyone could guess what happened from the general content of their calls. Yusuf took out his mobile phone and sighed after reading the trending on Instagram, “It’s obviously that this is a gathKatharineg of so many people. Don’t we all deserve reporting and saying?”

Enlighted by Yusuf’s words, a good idea came to Zuri’s mind.

She said to Yusuf excitedly, “Mr. Collins, please clarify for us.”


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