Mr. Nelson Winning His Ex-wife's Heart

Chapter 377

Chapter 377

Chapter 377

“Take a picture of our party and add your text just now. This clarification is absolutely perfect!”

“It’s a good idea.” Yusuf agreed to Zuri’s proposal with pressure Yusuf is still willing to help with this kind of effort.

“I have something to tell you.” Orlando got up, pulled Zuri aside and said sternly, “I want to add something else in my clarification myself.”

Zuri whispered, “Aren’t you going to take the opportunity to confess your love to Chelsea?”

Before Orlando could say anything, Zuri said kindly, “If you do this, firstly, your agent and the boss of the company will strangle you; and secondly, Edmund will kill you.”

Not to mention that Chelsea now has a titular boyfriend, Luka Pierce.

Orlando pursed his lips, then lowered his eyes and said sadly, “I really want to do this, but I also need to consider her feelings.”

“Since she returned to homeland, she has been on the trending again and again. I don’t want to push her into the spotlight again

He could ignore all the money in the entertainment industry, but he couldn’t ignore Chelsea’s feelings

Chelsea has just taken off in the screenwriting industry and has a bright future ahead. He couldn’t destroy her

But he didn’t want to suppress his emotions like this. He needed an outlet. If he couldn’t express it explicitly, he may do it indirectly, as long as she could understand him.

Zuri glanced at him meaningfully, and teased, “Yo, I didn’t know that you are so considerate.”

Orlando looked at her seriously and asked, “Do you also think that I’m too young to get into that relationship at all?”

“That’s not true.” Zuri denied his words. “I just think that, you and Luka would still have a chance without Edmund.”

“But you know, now that Edmund has also started to get her back. You and Luka have little chance of winning.” Zuri’s words were heart-wrenching but pertinent, “After all, she was the one who was once the precious of his life.. If Edmund can cherish her in the future-“

Zuri didn’t say the whole sentences, but it’s obvious to understand what she meant.

When Chelsea first returned to homeland, Zuri really supported Orlando and Luka. That’s because she felt that both of them were in love with Chelsea sincerely. Any one of them was stronger than Edmund, the heartless man.

At that time, Zuri also thought that Edmund and Chelsea would never get along with each other for the rest of their lives. After all, Chelsea made him quite disgraced when they divorced.

But she has never ever thought that Edmund would entangle Chelsea with a brazen temperament. His attitude was as humble as_ possible. Sometimes, even Zuri was moved by his detailed arrangement.

Orlando looked away and said unconvincingly, “No matter who would she eventually choose, I tried my best to pursue her, and I would have no regrets in the future.”

Zuri had to ask him, “Then how are you going to clarify?”

Orlando said, “I thought about a few lines. My dream lover, she is talented women. She is as gently as a flouting water. Her beautiful eyes could make people drown in her smiles. She is graceful, gentle and elegant.”

What Orlando said had nothing to do with Zuri at all. Because Zuri was indeed beautiful, sharply beautiful. She was neither even close to gentle, nor like flouting water at all. Besides, she was not gentle and elegant at all. So careful audiences could tell at a glance that Zuri was not the dream lover of him. Then, this would certainly help clarify the relationships between them.

With photo of everyone invited to the party posted by Yusuf, the scandal will be defeated.

Zuri pretended to be dissatisfied and protested, “That is to say, I don’t have any of the good characteristics you said, right?”


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