Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Dangerous Guy

He still got chills remembering the move this kid just made. His moves were smooth and flawless, like those peerless martial artists in movies.

Underworld, Gremory territory

Rias has just finished getting told off by her mother about her relationship with Ise. She was still in thought when an emergency call came from the academy. A red magical circle appeared beside her ear. Akeno's serious voice was heard :

"Buchou, Azazel-sensei summoned everybody for an emeregency meeting.

Issei and the rest were shocked. Is it the Khaos Brigade again?! Ise had a dark face. Why did problems never leave them alone?! Is it Cao Cao again?! Or Vali's team?

Akeno had a solemn voice:

"I don't clearly know but he only said that Kaichou got herself in really big trouble this time!


'Kaichou? How could the diligent president attract such trouble?'

Ise cried: "What happened to Kaicho?! Is she in danger?!

Kiba immediately got his sword on hand:

"Let's go back. We already finished anyway.

Rias sighed with a worried expression on her face as she used her teleportation magic:

"I hope she is okay.

Issei said with a confidant face:

"Don't worry, I am sure Saji will protect her!"

The next moment they appeared in the Occult Research Club. There were the rest of the Gremory Peerage, the Sitri Peerage with Red eyes and gloomy faces. Saji in particular seemed as if he was about to Implode. Seeing everyone's reaction, Rias looked at Sona who still had a complex face. Unwillingness and bitterness clearly appearing on her face.

Azazel was sitting in the desk, with a grave face:

"Rias, Ise-kun, Kiba-kun and Koneko-chan, welcome to you all."

Issei who sensed the terrible mood of the room exclaimed:

"What is wrong, Saji?"

Saji only kept his fierce gaze and didn't even respond.

"Oy, Saji! Saji?!

"Ise-kun, its better if you don't talk to Saji for now."

Rias also abstained from looking at the ashen face of her best friend. Staring at Saji and Sona he deeply sighed before announcing josei

"Now, let's start the emergency meeting. Earlier this day a man with an oriental-like attire appeared near Kuoh Academy, as soon as he appeared he made his way to the High school."

As he touched a button a projection of the man appeared.

A slightly tall man with a fit body, and an oriental-like robe fluttering in the wind. A turban was around his forehead like a bandana spiking his long hair up. He had the bearing of an ancient monarch, he looked in his twenties with his frame. His face was plain, yet one could see the great arrogance in the depth of his eyes. His slight smile seemed cruel and vicious. He looked like someone that shouldn't be forgotten easily, yet no one here had any idea about who he was. Rias looked deeply at the hologram:

"He doesn't seem ordinary."

Akeno nodded in acknowledgement. Azazel sighed as he annouced:

"This man will stay in this school for about a week, as an exchange student"

Issei was the first to ask:

"You mean the university, right?"

This simple question made the mood even worst as all the Sitri Peerage looked wronged. Azazel sighed looking at the ruined mood:

"Ise-kun actually he is your age"

"My age? Do you mean he will be in my class?! He looks way older!"

"Yes, he insisted, to be in this same class as you. He got actually really close to Matsuda and Motohama


Issei and Asia cried out in the same time. Then Issei said:

"Those stupid guys, these dude is obviously dangerous. I will tell them to…"

-Actually, Ise-kun he seems to genuinely care about them. And they seem to have a lot fun. He even calls them his borthers."

Rias and the rest of them has weird gazes.

'What is wrong with this guy?'

Issei eyes seemed upset:

"Those bastards, they actually replaced me !!!

"""That what you are upset about!!!"""

-The three brothers is our thing!

-Ise, let's come back to our meeting, shall we?

Rias who was already upset with Ise, shot him an intense glare:

"Okay! Buchoo!"

Said the Dragon with sweat on his back.

"Its actually an important point, those two people seemed important to him. Actually, it seems they are more important to him…"

Azazel let those words in the air confusing half the crowd. It was Souna:

"Finish your words, Sensei. They seem to hold more importance to him than the princess of the Sitri's house."

Hearing the well-hidden dread and anger in her best friend voice, Rias had to ask:

"What happened, Souna?"

She pushed her glasses against her face before narrating what happened. Issei was brimming with fury as he screamed, Kiba already had his hand on his sword, Xenovia was doing her best to contain herself:

"What is wrong with this guy's head! The student council is working so hard for the school. Yet he dares to talk to her in such tone! I will go settle it with him right now!!! Saji come with me!"

Yet Saji whose veins started appearing on his face as his Sacred Gear slowly appeared didn't respond.

"Yo, Saji! Are you going to let it go like that?!"

Meguri once again intervened:

"Ise-kun, we have been ordered to deliver him a formal apology.

-By whom? This is crazy!

"I was the one who ordered that."


Azazel resumed:

"Ise-kun, let me continue. I met with the guy. He wants to strike a deal with our alliance. He actually came as a friendly force. We don't know what he has to offer. But being in peace term with him would be already a huge gain from us."

Saji finally couldn't take it anymore and roared:

"In Peace? After what he said about Kaicho, about our Serafall-sama I would rather kill him and kill myself with him!!!"

Saji didn't report what happened to his Master but everyone knew that something was on his mind. Sona was triggered the moment Saji brought up her sister. Her calmed anger, began to appear again. Rias who considered Seraffall as a big sister figure was also enraged.

"Rossweiss-san you heard what he said? What did she even do to him?! And you tell us to apologize to him!"

Rossweiss also looked down. Issei looked at his angered tone, with compassion. It was exactly how he felt when he saw his master being insulted by Riser. Rias looked at the Valkyrie pale complexion and knew it must be bad.

"Saji, I am sorry for you, I wish I could tell you all better news. But I sincerely hope for this conflict to be over. If it gets any bigger than that and Leviathan get involved..."

Ise who was still oblivious:

"I know that Serafall-sama is overprotective but I bet we can teach him a lesson before she comes…

"No, Ise-kun, you didn't understand what I meant. If Leviathan attacks him, she will die."

The moment, Azazel announced that. Stone cold silence invaded the room. Even Saji had his eyes wide open, unwillingness invading his heart. Kiba was surprised beyond cognition. Rias was the first to react:

"Even if you are our adviser. I won't allow you to denigrate our-

It was Rossweiss who interrupted Rias:

"President, could Levia, no, could Sirzechs Lucifer-sama kill Azazel-sama with one strike?"

When he said that even the composed Souna opened his eyes wide as everyone looked meagnifully at Azazel who simply responded:

"I never felt that close to death since the ancient war."

He then gently nodded at Rossweiss who took a remote and played a video in the TV. It showed the whole scene. The scene when as light as a feather, Marek's hand landed on his chest, like it was the easiest thing in the world.

'What a frightening speed!' Such speed is simply godly and his movement were easy and swift like he was dealing with a fly. One could see that before his palm touched its target it was filled with a mysterious power. Then the moment before it landed the power disappeared as if taking mercy on Azazel's soul. What seemed like a simple pat on the chest was actually a meticulous threat saying:

'Be careful, I could take your life anytime I want.'

Saji drunk in frustration began to hit the ground with his fist:

"Dammit! So weak! I am so weak!"


Azazel screamed at him, Saji looked at him:

"You think what he has done is inconsiderate? But think about it too…Would you act the way you did with him, if Michael or Odin was there instead of him?"

All the peerage had a deep faces as they understood the underlying meaning of Azazel:

-Not all powerhouses are as easy going as the current Maous or Micheal or me. Actually the majority of them are prideful, arrogant and quick to trigger. The fact that he didn't kill you may have been considered as a kindness of him. I actually hate this kind of strong people.

They saw anger in Azazel's eyes:

-They are always who love war and destruction above everything else. The kind whose greed is endless, and sacrifices are meaningless.

He said as he remembered the Anciant War.

-Like the Old Maous faction.

-Indeed. Good observation Issei. Only this one want peace for now. So let's try our best for that.

Souna sighed deeply as she said respectfuly:

-You are indeed right…Sorry I have implicated you in all this. If this all-


Azael interrupted Souna and looked at Rias with a weird face, Rossweiss face became red.

"…this man seemed extremely eager to meet Ise, so I promised him

-WHAT?! Absolutely not! After what he was about to do to Sona!

Issei was nodding behind her. He absolutely didn't want to meet such a scary guy!

-Oh damn…You already got mad at this part.

Rias got suspicious when looking at Azazel's guilty face and Rossweiss red one:

-He is actually with Matsuda and Motohama, he took them to a Strip club and he invited Issei to join. He said it was his treat.

All the girls cried in sync with red faces:

'''"Absolutely Not!!!''''

And Issei jumped up:


Rias with a red face turned:


She then looked at Azazel reproachefully:

"What is wrong with this guy's head? Is he really as strong as you say! This pig actually wants to corrupt my Ise!"

Azazel chimed on:

"You should take it as a mission. To investigate that guy."

"Yes!! Buchoo!! Its to investiga-AAAH Aie aie!!

He stopped talking as she pinched his cheek, pouting:

"You know, you already see me naked all the time…

"This completely irrelevant Buchoo. Even if Buchoo oppai are the best. All the oppai have value in being seen!"

He said with a way too serious face. She sighed, and finally relented:

"Do what you want, come back early."

She knew this matter already surpassed her own decision scope. Yet, still she felt down about this.

"Buchoo. Are you sure?

-Those places…I heard…"

All the girls started chatting with worry and disgust.

'This man is definitely No good for Isse. But I still think the kind Ise wouldn't get along with this kind of person.'

Souna sighed:

"Making a teenager go to this kind of places. He really doesn't take account even laws."

In the dawn. Marek was standing proudly in front of a club. Mastuda and Motohama on his side with grins on their face. T

'hehe…I spent all day organizing that night.'

"Marek! Should we go already? To think all of hopes and dreams are behind that door!!

"Shut up! This Emperor still awaits some people!"

"This damn Ise! To think he is this late, he must be having fun with his club members! Damn it the more I think about it! The more I wanna leave him out of it, Matsuda!

"I couldn't agree more Motohama!"

He looked at those two boys warmly. He really liked spending up time with those two duchebags…It took his head out of the stress of running an Empire.

'Even if my plan concerning those little brats doesn't work. They could still make great drink buddies.'

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