Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Negociations

Standing at the top of an Empire, governing is extremely lonely. Apart from his wife and his mom, Marek actually didn't have any people he can trust in the Empire. He needed friends, but he also needs people who serves him right and to consider as brothers. He sighed as he looked at those two. When he read the Dxd novels, he always thought that Matsuda and Motohama were great dudes. They were the ones who resembled Ise the most. He had a little regret:

'They also deserve a shot at greatness'

But 'God' didn't give them any sacred gears or Longinus.

"Azazel-sensei are we there yet?! And why are you blindfolding me!

-Rias asked me to do that. She says if you knew the way, you would come all the time.

-As expected of Buchoo…She knows me so well, hehehe."

Finally, they arrived in front of Marek. When Azazel took out the blindfold, he saw the weirdly dressed youth, grinning at him:

"So this is Hyoudou Issei!"

His powerful voice shook the bodies of everyone. Yet Ise had a wary face.

'This dude is the on who said all those mean things to Kaicho'

Yet Marek approached him with a wide smile on his face:

"Hyoudou Issei, let's bond today!"

Then he turned around stood in front of the door as he stretched his arms :

"This Emperor has reserved this club and made them make the best preparations! Big or small, white or black, anything the mind wanders about is here! My friends welcome to paradise!!"

The doors opened up as multiple beautiful women in all kind of outfits were in two rows making way for them like kings. A butler was humbly bowing and all girls lustfully yelled:

"Welcome to: PARADISE!!"

Issei forgot about everything as blood started to fill his whole face:

"Yes…Indeed. I feel like I was born for this very moment"

Azazel had a difficult face as he looked at Ise:

'He is completely won over.'

Ise looked at Matsuda and Motohama as he yelled:

"MY BROTHERS, Marek-sama!


-Ise you are such a poet. Your words have moved me!

-Indeed! Let's thrive in the way of the SUKEBE!"

Azazel was tilting his head as he looked at Ise:

'It was indeed too much.'

Marek only nodded as he laughed:

"There is nothing greater than a man who is passionate about his desires! My brother, go and enjoy yourselves!

They saluted as they screamed:

"Yes, Marek-sama!!!"

And they entered 'Paradise'.

He grinned as he felt the demonic anger from nearby:

"Hahaha…The rest of the Gremory Peerage are NOT taking this well, are they, Azazel-kun?

-I couldn't make them go. If you could please forgive them.

-Well. That's completely understandable. After all nothing can stop a girl in love ! HAHAHA Well they shouldn't stay here. This no place for High school girls. After all its gentlemen's fun here!

-I am sure they will stop here."

This conversation was a blatant warning: 'Don't come ruin my fun'. The girls began to retreat begrudgingly. Azazel has light in his eyes:

'Woa he is not easy.'

He then turned around to the Bulter and said :

"Guide us to the private room, please. Have drinks come over and only drinks."

Azazel was a little astonished by his announcement.

"Please follow me."

As they advanced, they saw the perverted trio having the fun of their lives as Marek didn't even dare spare the women a look. Azazel couldn't help but ask:

"You won't join in the fun, too?

Marek replied:

-What? Are you crazy? If my wives knew I was with strippers, they would kick my ass!"

Azazel looked at him, with his lips twitching:

'What a shameless bastard! He is okay with throwing Ise-kun under the bus. But he won't get in trouble himself!'

"NO! Actually! Wait! You have a wife? Are you sure you are seventeen?

-Emperors get married early! Deal with it!"

'He gets really riled up when somebody mentions his age'

They sat up and his face changed up. It was not the prideful Saiyan face nor the happy go lucky face. No, it was a face with a small smile on it. The same face he wore when he entered the Db World: josei

-Well, Azazel-kun let's talk, business shall we?

Azazel also wore a serious face:

"Could you tell me what do you want from us?

-What I want from you, is not much. You will even consider it trivial.

He heightened his senses, this old fox aura of his made him feel wary.

-However, the information that I am willing to give is not something even your stupid Slash Dog Team wouldn't find.

When he mentioned the Slash Dog Team a hint of disdain could be heard in his voice. He never liked character who don't pursue women but actually get them to fall in love with them. He liked DxD because the main character always knows what he wants and actively fight for the affection of his women. This kind of person who just 'gets' it for being 'himself' make him want to tear him apart.

'Even, Prince Vegeta himself had to curb his character to please Bulma, who the fuck do you think you are?! Do you think woman are that easy? Damn, handsome guys!'

Azazel understood it immediately, but continued to ask:

"What is it?"

"It's the Khaos Brigade. I know the masterminds behind it. I am not talking about the girl who wants to go home. For even the current factions of the Khaos Brigade are manageable to certain extent because their goals are understandable."

He felt an ominous premonition when he heard Marek's declaration:

'Dammit! This exactly what I have been dreading!'

"Once I tell you who are those people and what they have been up to, you will freak out"

Marek kept snickering but Azazel was irritated:

"Don't fool around! Tell me what you know?"

"And what that brings me? Azazel-kun? I don't care the least about the well-being of the 7 billion humans that live here. I don't care about your Grigori, our the Four Satans. So why would I help you, Azazel-kun?

He sighed as he understood the underlying meaning of his words:

"What do you want?

He only smiled slightly as he drunk from a cup of wine.

-I want my Empire to prosper, Azazel-kun. It has been destroyed by war before my existence. The previous Emperors were only weak humans who passed all their lives rotting in their own filth. I want it back and quick, and want it to have the magic of Grauzauberer, and the architertural beauty of the Underworld.

Azazel veins were about to pop out :

« Are you sick in the head ? Nobody could give you that for mere information."

He smiled as he put his cup down:

"hehehe…Well that's a shame. Here I tought an immediate treat on the Underworld was a good enough reason. You could lose your job, Azazel-kun"

"What?!! Are you with them?

-With them? They wish! If I was with them, they wouldn't need to hide like Rats!

-Who will do that?!

-hehehe…Azazel-kun, during the fight between Ise-kun and Sairaorg you should invite much more VIP's than you thought. Let's talk business then. HAHAHAHA

'This kind of people…Its always this kind of people that ruin everything'

-Calm down, Azazel-kun. I actually only needyou to build normal cites for now. My Empire is as big as the European Continent. I will need 30 bustling cities. I still have a thought about how the Imperial Capital should be tho.

-How many times do we have before the attack?

-Well from the Sairaorg Battle, I would say probably 2 weeks to 1 month.

-What?! That short?! Nobody could build that in time!

-Don't try to trick me. The devils could do that. And also, my Empire's time flow is different from yours. 1 hour is 7 hours back home. That should be plenty of time for you.

He sighed surprised at how this conversation kept going only one way:

"I should go meet that old man Mephisto.

-I heard he hates being ordered around.

-Is there anything you don't know?

-Hehehe…We will see in time my friend. I think the devils could actually build the cities. I only need teachers from him. His Lavinia Reni seems good enough. Himejima Akeno too, but I don't think she have it in her to leave Issei.

-I thought you disliked the Slash/Dog Team.

-Only Ikuse Tobio.

'What? What did Tobio do to you?'

-I don't like his face.

'What? Is that enough to hate someone? '

-His stupid handsome face.

'Damn! Its like Ise with Kiba all over again. But I don't think this one could warm up to him at all!'

-How he gets all those girls into him gets on my nerves.

'But you are ok, with Issei, Who is worse than him!! Oy, you are a person stronger than a Maou, shouldn't you have deeper grounds for grudge!'

-If I ever see him, I will kill him. So don't bring him close to me.

'I believe it, I entirely believe he will do that!'

Azazel processed that into his brain before saying:

"Are you actually into Lavinia Reni or Himejima Suzaku?

Marek sneered:

"Hmph! They wish! This Emperor is completely out of their league! I need to be measured you know!"

'More like, your wives are reigning so hard you can't get new women! Such a shameless person actually exists!'

"But yes, indeed those two particularly bother me. I was planning on pairing them with Matsuda and Motohama."

He was immediately triggered:

"What?! Are you crazy? They are obviously worlds apart!"

He drunk his wine before continuing:

"When I will be done with them. All the women in all the faction will be dreaming about them."

He stood up wide eyed:

"You mean…"

He said as he looked at the stupid duo, oblivious to destiny they were about to embark too.

"Indeed…So you see, your horndog of an apprentice is ruining actual marriage alliances!

-How could you even pin that down on him! There is other girls that could be perfec-

-It totally his fault! And I don't want your rejects. If I am gonna set them up with someone, its going to be perfect or it won't happen! Those two were perfect, they had great lineage, enough authority to reign them well and take care of their daily lives.

Hearing what he said he understood what he wanted for them.

'He wanted a Rias Gremory for each of them, huh…'

He sighed:

"So from the beginning when you approached them….

-Azazel-kun, I have an Empire to rule, Billions of people waiting for a revolution. Even if I like to have fun, I prefer to not waste my time."

'…Such a young person with such heavy responsibilities…Yet he is so composed, his decision making is impeccable and extremely strategic. Even without his power, in term of capabilities he is one notch above all the other younger generation.'

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