Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 58

Chapter 58: Decision

Supreme council.

The Supreme Council had quite the distinguished guests. Schneizel was standing, presenting the country's plans of reconstruction. The plans for inside trade, for economic growth, the strategic location for each city. He then proceeded to point out, all the flaws in the devil's way of planification and logistics.

Baffling the present Seekveira and her Father, who were escorted by Motohama. Seekveira asked Motohama:

"Motohama-san, what is this person's position in the Empire?"

Motohama had pride all over his face. One because he gets to accompany what he believes is the most beautiful girl he ever saw, two because he gets to brag about his country, he had excitement all over his face:

"This is our Great Third Vizir, Schneizel El Britania, his intellect is said to rival our First Vizir Lelouch Vi Britania!"

Lord Agares narrowed his eyes:

'He rivals that monster of a First Vizir, indeed. His every world and every gesture contain unparalleled grace.'

He then grinned widely at Seekveira and her Father:

"He also owns 'lots' of Mecha…Super cool ones at that!"

The Father-Daughter combo immediately had sparkling eyes!


Seekveira in her excitement forgot about her bearings and took his arm:

"Really! That's sounds so great! You must have so much fun!"

Motohama who suddenly got all flustered, seeing the usual stone cold Seekveira turn into the entousiastic and excited girl:

'Dammit! How much cuter can she get? Thank you Schneizel-sama for bestowing upon me this sacred mission!

Motohama made a profound face:

"I have been playing with them, indeed. My Bro, Suzaku lend me his Mecha all the time. His name is the 'Lancelot'."

Seekveira made big eyes as she repeated:

"Lance…lot!! You wouldn't expect Mecha to have such a name!"

Cornelia by the side, had her lips twitching:

'Since when did Suzaku lent you the Lancelot?! You shameless kid!'

Euphemia had bright smile as she looked at the both of them:

'I will need to talk to Suzaku about this later, we cannot embarrass Motohama-san after all'


Out of nowhere!

A man with a an extremely familiar get up appeared in the middle of the council. Motohama and Seekveira and Lord Agares who were seasoned fighters didn't even know where he came from. The man in the grey cloak, and white hood exuded a mysterious aura , like he was there but not at the same time.

His face was covered by the shade of the hood, but one could still see a little frustration on his lips.

Just when they thought they were surprised enough!

Behind him appeared another hooded person. From the silhouette, one could see that this one was a woman. Yet both of them exuded the same a fleeting aura.

Cornelia who was a seasoned war hero could feel the threat just by their posture:

'This organization, what a band of monsters, did that man create?'

Schneizel had a solemn face. Lelouch had an even more serious one.

For now, before the 'named ones' and the Zoldyck Family comes back from training, the missions of the order where under Yoruichi Shihouin's supervision.

Under her command, the order took over the network of the Killing God organization that span over the whole continent in less than two days. All the members of the Brotherhood already having advanced Shunpo skills, it was a piece of cake.

Yet, Yoruichi Shihouin being officially 'an outside aid' cannot take major decision without the Supreme Council's approval.

But all of that is just, 'on paper'. Yoruichi, after all is deeply trusted by his majesty, and a potential Empress.

Making, their presence here even more ominous, and in the presence of 'outside forces' too.

Lelouch had a really bad feeling about this, Cornelia too.

Schneizel eyes narrowed as he thought back to the last Supreme Council meeting they had, and the 'hypothesis' he made to the council.

He bowed lightly before the Supreme Council:

"Your Highnesses, The Mentor sent me here with alarming news."

Lelouch nodded, indicating to him to continue speaking:

"After, 'The Web' was implanted. We detected a person heading with a Great Carriage in the west direction. The Carriage is reported to be so majestic, so luxurious, and so beautiful that even Emperors wouldn't be able to afford it."

Lelouch face turned gradually ugly as 'the worst hypothesis' formulated by Schneizel turned out to be true.

"Wherever the Carriage passes, all the road opens up, wherever masses it passes up, all people bow. Wherever castle it stops at, all the Rulers come greet them with a resigned smile"

One could see deep rage and resentment in his voice as he continued 'praising' the carriage, one could even see little sparks of Supreme Haki starting to appear around him. Seekveira gulped down as even Motohama next to her was getting riled up!

The tension was at its max!

Euphemia had a solemn face:

"The Saharos Empire"

Cornelia sighed:

"So it was true, after all…"

"Those bastards…If they make it here, it will be over. We will be going to war way too early!"

Schneizel sighed:

"They are probably here for 'that item' and more importantly they are here to probe his majesty. They are like Britania, too content with their own power."

"They will never think a simple probe would start a war both sides are in no way near ready to have."

The hooded woman for the first time spoke:

"Indeed, if his majesty even sees 'them' on his territory, he would probably lose it."

Cornelia asked:

"And do you have any idea about 'who' they sent there?"

A light smile appeared on the hooded man's face, like a Lion looking at his prey:

"The Fifth Sentence, Tephania Rosenkranz. Her description in the Killing God archives is quite new."


Lelouch punched the desk in his rage.

"They are sending a Star Buster to our Empire! This way beyond a simple probe! This a blatant threat!"

Seekveira and her father, hearing the world 'Star Buster' were rooted on the spot.

'Star buster…

Star Buster…


What does actually mean?

That means that this person is so strong that she could destroy a whole STAR! Not a Planet! A FREAKING STAR!

Seekveira felt her heart turn cold, Lord Agares also tried his best to calm down. But 'The Bigger issue' here is that 'the vizirs' are not concerned about the actual power of this person!

They are actually concerned about the political side of things.

In Other words !

STAR Buster an existence that would obliterate GOD himself is 'nothing' in their eyes!!

The worried Seekveira saw a hand on hers, she then looked up to find Motohama looking at her with worry:

"Princess Agares, do not worry. Nothing will happen to you two…I swear it on my Saiyan Pride!!" josei

Seekveira Agares felt a sense security coming from his confident words.

The man in the hood then continued:

"She is accompanied by the 9th Sentence and the 14th Sentence. The Mentor is asking for permission to engage, before she gets here."

Lelouch eyes narrowed:

"If she comes here, the stakes will only continue to skyrocket. His Majesty should receive the news, only afterwards. For now the training of the Named ones is a top priority."

Schneizel agreed:

"The Brotherehood is made in the goal of being the hidden dagger of the Empire before declaring war on the Continent. It is exactly for this kind of operations they are made for."

Euphemia spoke:

"I have no qualms about it. Her, making it here, will only create useless causalities for both parties."

Cornelia narrowed her eyes:

"The question is 'could' Yoruichi do it? And could the rest of the order take care of the other two?"

The White hooded man smirked:

"With all my respect, Princess Cornelia. There is no one in this world that the order can't kill. Her being stronger than us, only make it a harder challenge, that's all…"

His murderous aura, tainted by 5000 thousand killing emanated from him.

"Actually, their filthy treacherous blood, will make a great baptism for the Brotherhood."

The confidence of the killer overwhelmed the whole room. Everyone felt goosebumps on their body. Feeling an illusions hand on their throat. The Girl behind him smiled lightly approving what he said.

The both looked like the perfect partners one ferocious and the other subtle.

Seekveira never felt this kind of coldness even from monsters, from rogue devils, from the Khaos Brigade or even from Maous.

'Who the hell are those people?!'

Lord Agares also titled his head in worry:

'Talking about killing beings that outclasses God, with this kind of confidence…'

'And the worst, is that it doesn't even feel like they are bragging. They are saying like it is the most natural thing in the world.'

Lelouch narrowed his eyes:

'So those are the two most likely candidates to inherit the 'Bayek' and 'Aya' title…They look quite ready to me. Being in front of them, is like facing Zeno and Silva Zoldyck all over again.'

He, then, sighed deeply:

"Let, the Members vote. For the decision, to execute 'The Fifth, the Ninth, and the Fourteenth Sentence of the Saharos Empire' in their way here. Where do you all stand?"

Euphemia was the first to raise her hand, determination in her eyes:

"I approve."

Cornelia nodded in approval of her sister's resolve:

'Maybe, I should have given her more responsibilities back then. Circumstances make the people, after all. As one of the Heads of the Empire, she became much more resolute in her decision making.'

C.C also approved.


"As long as it's not linked to our Empire, yet…I am all for it."

Lelouch sighed:

"It seems there is a general consensus. I am also up for this solution. The Supreme Council's decision is made, tell Yoruichi Shiouhin to-."

I overrule that decision!"

The door opened up, a gorgeous woman with short dark blue hair entered. The Gorgeous Caftan, only accentuated her Imperial Beauty.

Her deep yellow eyes, her imperial demeanor, the deep pride in her face, everything about her seemed majestic.

That was the face of someone who has been at the top of a country for a long time.

The person who is still in their Emperor's mind until now.

The Person he admired the most growing up.

The person he looked up the most.

The last person they wanted to see here.

Appeared before them. When neither the Empresses nor the Emperor was there!!

"I, Linaealla Vega, Princess of the Atlas Empire, overrule the council's decision!!"

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