Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 59

Chapter 59: Linaella Vega's Dark Kindness.

"I overrule that decision!"

The door opened up, a gorgeous woman with short dark blue hair entered. The Gorgeous Caftan, only accentuated her Imperial Beauty.

Her deep yellow eyes, her imperial demeanor, the deep pride in her face, everything about her seemed majestic.

That was the face of someone who has been at the top of a country for a long time.

The person who is till their Emperor's mind until now.

The Person he admired the most growing up.

The person he looked up the most.

The last person they wanted to see here.

Appeared before them. When neither the Empresses nor the Emperor was there!!

"I, Linaealla Vega, Princess of the Atlas Empire, overrule the council's decision!!"

Schneizel made an ugly face for the first time in his life:

"So, you finally made your move, huh…"

Schneizel was the only one who was not surprised.

Lelouch looked deeply in her eyes, anger and resentment in his heart:

'He loves you so much. He pains your betrayal every day. And yet, here you are! Pulling the same shit again!!'

The Supreme Council could be overruled by a member of the Imperial Family.

A rule. An ironclad rule.

Marek didn't strip her of that right at all.

Precisely, because he wanted to know her intention.

Because he wanted to give her a second chance.

A second chance even a Saint wouldn't give, even her blood sister Shahrazad wouldn't give, he did. Yet

She used it to bring the people he hates the most in the world into his House!!!

The Members of the Brotherhood didn't know about Linaealla Vega.

Marek didn't tell them, again, trying to protect her!

They didn't know they were in the presence of the person who took the lives of their loved ones!!!

But Motohama knew…He knew…Who she was and what she did…

Azazel and Ise told him. Veins started appearing on his forehead, as even a tinge of yellow gold started appearing on his hair!!! His black pupils started showing signs of color change!

This is was enough rage! He was feeling enough rage to push him on the edge of becoming a Super Saiyan!!!

If he was strong enough, he would have already become a Super Saiyan by now!!

Cornelia's memory flew back to the night of her reunion, with her sister. For a moment, she saw this mighty man, look like the loneliest person in the world. She knew this expression too much:

'Heartache…A pain you feel only after losing the people one holds dear.'

Euphemia who, as a high executive knew about everything, was actually the one who kept a clearer head:

"Your Majesty. It's an honor to be graced by your presence. Please take a seat."

Linaella looked deeply into her eyes, an enchanting smile on her face, she marched and took place in the top seat. The place reserved for the emperor or any member of the Imperial Family.

She narrowed locked eyes with every person present here, finally lending her gaze on the Agares Family:

"Tell them to get out of her. This is matters pertains to the Empire and Empire alone."

Motohama was grazing his teeth. He felt like he was to implode at any moment. Euphemia made a head sign to the Agares Family, with an apologetic face on.

The Agares Family, who knew they've already heard much more than what they were supposed to, felt actually relieved by leaving. Seekveira cast a worried gaze at Motohama, as she left but the man was way in too deep in his anger, to even notice her.

Her smile remained as she finally spoke:

"Well…Looks like that Brother of mine has gathered quite line up...."

She then looked deeply at Lelouch:

"You must be, Lelouch Vi Britania. The First Vizir of the Empire."

"Tephania Rosenkranz is this princess's honored guest. Trying to harm her is unacceptable."

Schneizel returned her deep gaze:

"Are you aware of the consequences of what you are doing, 'your majesty'?"

The hooded man had an inquiring gaze as he knelled:

"Pardon, my rudeness, your Imperial Majesty…But are you really welcoming filthy traitors into the Imperial Mansion?"

The woman also kneeling:

"Isn't that too much?"

Linaella snickered:

"And getting hung up on a Millennial old feud isn't 'way too much' in your taste?"

"Betrayal is still betrayal, no matter how much time passed."

"Is it? Or are you simply pinning down your failure on others?"


Lelouch for the first time spoke, his tone was stone cold, completely devoid of any feelings.

It felt like he was back to being the Zero who destroyed everything in his way!

He looked deeply at her:

"Petty plays and words politics are useless."

"You already came here and showed your position to the Empire. Why don't you at least respect us enough to state your mind."

Linaella showed a little surprise on her face before going to her precedent smile:

"Let's lay cards on the table, then."

She leaned forward, her magnificent body on display:

" You all already know, what I did and who I am. You may all think that I did 'it' for power, but Marek, he already knows."

"The only reason I did that is because I didn't want him to rule this Empire. I have tried every other way to get the right to the throne but It didn't work…"

"No matter how much of a fool the previous Emperor was, he at least stuck to his guns when it came to succession."

Cornelia clenched her fists tightly:

"So you decided, that rather than 'seeing' him take the throne, you would destroy the Empire itself."

Like it was nothing, she nodded:


The two assassins all felt extreme rage, barely able to retain their Supreme Haki!

Euphemia sighed, still being even calmer than Schneizel:

"And why would you do that?"

She responded:

"You probably won't believe me. But I did it Peace. Peace in the Astaroth Continent."

Schneizel had a surprised face:


Lina continued:

"Malé inheriting the throne, would be the fuse that will plunge this part of the continent in a never-ending war."

"Destroying much more lives, much more people that the simple County sized, Cobrosia Empire."

"I simply chose the less costly alternative."

She sighed:

"Malé may have been stupid and weak, but he had a trait that all Great Emperors of the Vega Dynasty had."

"An extremely subtle one to notice, that only rage and grow when the person accesses the Throne"

"This despicable trait plunged this continent into despair again and again. Creating Heaven Defying countries, Bloodied wars and interminable massacres."

"The number of lives that this dynasty took already far exceeds the 10 Billions, are for the bigger part because of this 'Trait'."

"This trait is a trait I also have been born with, as well as Shahrazad and Kosem."

Lelouch narrowed his eyes as he got an idea of what she has been referring too.

Her smile turned into a devilish one as she noticed the weird faces of the council:

"It seems you don't believe me…Let's play a guessing game. You are free to stop me when I get it wrong."

"Let me guess…Did you ever feel that 'Marek's behavior was abnormal, sometime bordering on insanity?"

Lelouch eyes grow as big as apples. The two assassins also began to enter a deep reflection:

"He would lose control of himself, every time someone dared to even belittle his nation, sometimes even losing sights of his interests."

This time, it was Euphemia's turn to be shocked on the spot.

"He would show incomparable devotion to all his people, a devotion bordering on the psychotic."

Cornelia who was about to talk had her words stop in her throat.

Relishing in the reaction of each of one of them, she continued:

"He would do crazy gestures and treat them as natural, or even as a pleasure. Stuff no one in his right mind would do, no matter how much someone would love his nation."

All the descriptions she said were true, like she was with them the whole time!

"This trait is a secret, only a few people know in the Vega Dynasty. Hell, even the last Emperor didn't know about it."

"It's name is 'The Dark Kindness'."

She had a solemn and saddened gaze:

"Emperors with this kind of trait, tend to gather more and more people to their cause. Their subordinates are all ferocious, and inherits this kind of dangerous character. "

"The Empire becomes as united as a rock, completely impossible to break and devours everything in it's way like an unstoppable storm."

Her hate and disdain in her tone was blatant:

" This evil character that only considers 'it's people' as the center of everything and discards all 'other entities' as 'insignificant'."

She then looked up, as if reminiscing about dear childhood memories:

"In this exceptional generation of the Imperial Family. There was not one but 4 Brillant People!"

"Something that never happened in Millenials! Malé with his iron will and his trait."

"Kosem with her incredible martial talent, Shahrazad with her natural authority and charisma and finally."

"Me, the missing piece who can make everything work thoroughly."

Euphemia opened her eyes widely:

"That means, the Combrosia Empire wasn't destroyed because it was getting weaker but…!"

Linealla nodded with a mocking smile

"The Hilarious part, was that in that stupid court, filled to the brim by self-proclaimed 'Great genrals' and 'Deep rooted nobles'…I was the only one to actually see it…"

"If this generation of the Imperial Family took the reins of the Empire, with Kosem and Shahrazad already deeply in love with Malé. This Empire would rise up like a storm on the Continent"

She had a pained face:

"The Vega Dynasty would, then, strike again."

"A disaster on this part of the continent would be inevitable. Wars, death, agony…The Monstrosities that accompanied this dynasty would reappear again"

Then, disgust appeared on her face:

"Just the thought of it made me sick. If that's what serving a Great Emperor means, then I would rather kill him!"

"To think all my efforts gave the opposite result! I actually created such a monster!"

"That strength, that scheming mind, he is already a calamity waiting to unleash it's hell on this continent!"

Lelouch felt a deep heartache in his heart, as he made a deep realization. He never thought he would feel like that again:

"It seems, there is no turning back, from this situation."

"For you are the same as him."

She had a pained smile that wasn't one, like she was wallowing in the tragedy of her life:

"You are right. Him and I are the two most identical people in this Dynasty."

"This same trait, that made him forgive me, that gave me this opportunity is also the same trait I inherited."

She smiled purely, like an angel blessing the world.:

"I care about people. All people living in this continent."

Her smile then turned into storming anger! Reminiscing all the people present there of a certain Monarch:

"And I would destroy anyone who would plunge it in further war!!"

"This my form of 'Dark Kindness'!"

Euphemia was already at the point of tears:

"He never intended for it to end like this…"

But those words only furthered her rage:

"What if he keeps forgiving of me? What if he keeps giving me chances to redeem myself?!

"He is, at the end, only another bloodthirsty member of this cursed Dynasty!"

"Someone who will keep destroying everything and everyone that blocks his path!!"

Schneizel looked at her meaningfully:

"Your way of speaking. It sounds like indoctrination; it seems you are a part of a much bigger organization."

"You aren't alone. There are other people who possess 'that Dark Kindness' of yours."

She laughed lightly:

"Yes, you are right."

"Bastards of the Dynasty, long lost relatives, this dynasty have been going on for Millenials after all."

"We all serve the same purpose, maintaining peace on the continent. To redeem the sins of our Ancestors!"

Schneizel snickered:

"Aren't you just used by the strongest forces as guard dogs for their Hegemony?"

But she snickered back:

"And do you think that disturbs me in the slightest?"

"Maintaining the old order is what preserves peace, change in powers is what brings wars."

" Even if we are used by them, so be it. Our goal is still the same. Peace."

Her eyes then turned insane, completely despotic:

"So, even if I fail again and again…I will keep trying to kill him! We will protect the peace of this continent! This is our duty!!"

"You hear me! Marek! I know that you will see the recordings of this!

"I will keep coming after you! Again and Again! Until one of us dies!!"

The two Assassins already unleashed their En, but nothing could stop her!!

Lelouch took off his lenses, his Geass appearing in his eyes: josei

"Do you think you are invincible?!! Even if I can't kill you there is plenty of things I can do!!"

Cornelia looked at the ominous Geass of her Borther, with a complicated face.

'Is that really the right answer?'

Euphemia felt shiver down her spine, this geass was what caused her to unleash a massacre on the world.

Yet, one person stopped him, the person who always does, when he is about to make a mistake:

"Lelouch! Stop! Do you think if 'that man' wanted wouldn't he have already used something like that on her?!!"

Lelouch eyes opened up in realization, a powerless feeling crushing his heart. C.C took his hand, calming him down:

"If she only was a traitor, who cones and fight for her benefits. Talking to her would still hold a meaning."

"But She is like Marriane and Charles. A crazy person who only lives for her delusional ideals, abandoning even their relatives in the process."

"She is simply irredeemable. Like you once did. It's his Majesty who has to understand that."

Linaella looked at C.C with a provocative smile, before standing up:

"I look forward, at how you are going to handle this situation~"

Watching the door locked down. Lelouch flew into a blind rage punching against the table as hard as he could:


"What is the right answer in this kind of situation!! Do we really have to kill her?"

Lelouch already considered Marek as one of the closest person to him. He vowed to return his kindness, a hundred-fold.

Yet, here he is, in the same position he was, once in…Yet, there is nothing he could do.

Cornelia tilted her head, her heart already heavy from this whole situation:

"Let's forget about that, for now. That man entrusted you with his Empire. If the Fifth Sentence comes now and faces the Emperor, she will die."

"Actually her death might not even be enough to quench his anger. Now that we know how his character works, it's becoming a much more dangerous situation."

The man in the hood spoke, anger still engrained in his voice:

"We could still proceed with killing Thephania. His majesty would understand. Now, that I know these things. Even if I die, I will take that bitch with me to the grave."

The woman also nodded with determination plastered over the appearing part of her face.

Euphemia had worry over her face:

"Isn't that too much? You, too are this Empire's precious people. Loosing you would grieve his majesty."

The Hooded lady smiled elegantly at Euphemia:

"Second Vizir Euphemia, the Empress didn't overestimate your kindness, and I am grateful for it. But do not think that our response is 'too much'."

"In the order, we are of the more moderate ones."

The Man smiled ironically:

"This woman is lucky that we are the ones here. If it was Altair or Kassandra in our place, no matter, how much of a princess she is, how much her majesty loves her, her head would be rolling by now."

Euphemia sighed deeply acknowledging their response.

Schneizel sighed:

"Too bad, we can't proceed with the mission."

The man had an inquiring gaze directed at Schneizel. He continued:

"His Majesty gave her this authority for a purpose. He already knows how vicious she can be, yet he did it anyway."

"No matter what she does, he was prepared to endure the consequences of this decision."

C.C agreed:

"In this case, what we have to do is clear."

Lelouch had a difficult face as he looked at the both of them:

"The assassination order is withdrawn, for now. Take the tape and bring it to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. He will be the one to decide what step to take next.

"Be it Peace or Total War."

They both ultimately acknowledged the good sense of the decision as they disappeared as mysteriously as they appeared.

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