Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Black kitten and Green Monkey.

Atlas Empire, top of Lantern Mountain.

The Emperor sat looking down on the Imperial City with a thoughtful gaze. The Lantern Mountain was the place he spent all his childhood on…Training where no one could see him struggle.

This place was a calming haven, he would go too, every time he felt clustered by his life.

The breeze was going past him as his previously melancholic face turned into a smile:

"Stop trying to sneak up on me. Yoruichi."

Behind him a cute black cat climbed on his lap and purred as it slowly lied down. Marek slowly caressed it's back, a small smile on his lips:

"What are you doing here, black kitty?"

She responded:

"Don't you know the famous quote?"

Marek laughed lightly:

"You have this quote in your world too…"

She meowed while moving her cute head. His smile got a little wider:

"There are two refuges from the miseries of life: Music and…


"You've tried the first one for 3 hours…Let's try the second one!"

Marek continued to pat her back:

"I think he only meant real cats…"

The kitty used it's sharp claws to scratch his skin without avail:

"I am real cat!! And I thought you liked my cat form!"

Marek laughed joyfully:

"Oh I am sorry! You are real cat alright!"

"Actually, there isn't a thing about you that isn't cat like!"

The cute kitten began purring again on his lap:

"I could have done it, you know?"

"The assassination."

He brushed her tail with affection as he responded:

"Even if I wanted it to be done like that…I wouldn't have sent you."

The cat has obvious questions in it's eyes:

"You don't have any enmity with this knight. I wouldn't force you to kill someone like that. You are not my subject."

The cat seemed to pout a little:

"So why did you train me then…"

Marek had clear eyes as he patted here head and caressed her little face:

"Isn't in it obvious? It's because I want you to be safe."

The cat purred as the tired Emperor seemed to have a rare moment of clarity, making her slightly embarrassed:

"No matter what I say, you will still help Urahara and Ichigo…Because that's who you are…"

"Naughty but still dependable."

Marek seemed to be on a roll and Yoruichi who was never comfortable with emotional intimacy was getting more and more embarrassed. Yet somehow, she still felt happy.

After ten years of training, she subconsciously depended on his opinion.

He grinned again:

"What's wrong with you? Why are you getting so silent?"

The cat suddenly got up on it's paws with a big pout:

"You are not my subject...What does that supposed to mean?"

Marek had a weird face, as he didn't understand the question. Suddenly she transformed, totally taking him by surprise!

"What are you doing, woman?! I told you to never do that again!!"

But her pissed off face completely contrasted with her naked disposition, she was still on fours as she approached the Emperor:

"Marek Vega…What I am to you?"

The Emperor who finally understood the meaning began stuttering as he evaded her gaze. Yoruichi got even more aggressive:

"Still acting like a kid when it comes this, huh…"

"But I won't relent."

"...Not this time."

'I need an answer before I go back.'

She continued to charge as the Emperor got back. Until he finally gave in:

"O..Okay!! I understand!! Just…! Stop getting closer!!"

She narrowed her eyes as her felines gaze pierced right through him.

He took her arms and avoiding eye contact, he spoke:

"I like you…"

"You are someone precious to me…"

To his words, he didn't hear an answer.

He looked at her, only to find her grinning, a victorious air on her mocking face!

"Puchi-! I can't believe you would actually do it!"

"Such an embarrassing thing to say!"

The Emperor felt his head was about to burst:

"The hell! You practically forced it out of my mouth!!"

She then turned away, her naked silhouette fusing with the darkness:

"Sorry~ !"

"Unlike the previous ones, this wasn't a battle I could afford to lose~"

The Emperor who understood what she meant with her tone, took off his Blue King Piece and opened a portal for her.

"The Brotherhood will miss you…"

She smiled naughtily:

"Only the Brotherhood?"

"Are you going to keep forcing out words out of my mouth?"

"You should have never borrowed a cat~ If you didn't want to spoil it~ Mister Emperor~"

He laughed out lightly:

"Fine! I will miss you, Black Kitty."

As she entered through the portal:

"When everything is over. I will come back to you, my cute Green Monkey~"

Those where the last words she left before disappearing.

Marek was left, alone on his desolate cliff, all smiles, as he dearly remembered every moment, he spent with her, he finally let out in the wind:

"It's true."

"Cats do heal people from misery." josei

The day after, Supreme Council.

The always serious atmosphere of the council was strained as a weird scene was going on. Shahrazad, by the Emperor side was giggling, as was C.C.

Every other present was making an uncomfortable face.

The Emperor, on his side, had his heart pounding as he cursed in his mind:

'Dammit…Yesterday, Yoruichi…And Now this?'

He looked again at the kneeling woman, looking at him with beast like eyes, like he was the most delicious prey in the world and spoke again:

"So, you want to serve me?"

The gorgeous fuchsia haired woman had a challenging smile on her face as she responded:

"With all my being, I will!"

The words sound like a genuine allegiance, yet somehow it felt like something completely different. Her eyes were not that of a knight taking an oath but those of a war goddess locking at a coveted land.

The mighty Emperor, actually felt a little scared…

He turned to his First Vizir:

"Was it you who did this ?"

Lelouch only turned his head avoiding eye contact! He then turned to Schneizel only to find him already doing the same thing. Euphemia was looking down, fidgeting, with red cheeks.

Cornelia, this woman was already someone who didn't make him indifferent.

She was actually on the list of the women Tarek loved in his past live he gave to Shahrazad, along the likes of Erza, Mira and Yoruichi…

She was even described as 'First crush'.

So Shahrazad who knew her cute Marek's situation the best was having a blast.

'It will get him off what happened yesterday'

She thought.

Obviously shaken, the Emperor took a deep breath:

"Are you sure? You've been a Britanian Heroine all your life…"

But his care and understanding only made her burning desire grow more!

"I already left this life behind me. I want to return to the battlefield where my place is…"

"...And this time for a cause, I truly believe in!"

Looking at her brave and determined face, Marek got a little flustered before he regained his composure:

"Sigh, Then welcome…I am honored to have you as my subject."

She had a womanly smile as she responded:

"I hope you will treat me as well, as you treat your other retainers~"

Once again he felt like he was some kind of tasty meat when she looked at him.

"I will…Count on it. I already have a great position for you in mind. But for now, you will be my Fourth Vizir."

Lelouch sighed in his heart:

'Is everything for you, some kind of conquest…Cornelia…?'

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