Multiverse Conquest: Rise of the Saiyan Empire

Chapter 66

Chapter 66: Peace? Really?!

Cornelia took place by her sister's side.

The Emperor had a smile in his face as he declared the start of the council.

He used his King Piece as screens of same extremely familiar world kept appearing.

Massacres were daily on this world, deeply divided factions at each other throats, hatred and vengeance looming in the air, the horns of war already on everyone's door…

Love, hate and Tragedy intertwined in the never-ending cycle of slaughter!

Euphemia had a melancholic face:

"Such a tragic world."

Lelouch sighed:

"That's what happens when you give authority to military freaks."

"It's like giving apes pipes and cans, and expecting them to suddenly act like gentlemen."

Schneizel's eyes narrowed:

"This world has a huge misconception about authority. Power shouldn't be given to the strongest, but to the one who should wield it, the best."

Lelouch nodded:

"You are right…Even if Suzaku or Kallen are strong, their strength is only in wars. I will never give them the power to rule, just because they are strong."

"This is crazy, this stuff has been going on for generations.

Stupid decisions have been made, over and over again, by unfit rulers one after another and yet….

Everyone is searching for the answer to peace, and no one could actually understand the problem."

Cornelia titled her head:

"You are expecting too much."

"Would you expect a sword to solve a problem in any other way except cutting?"

Euphemia was also appalled:

"This what happens when you teach kids how to wield a knife before they could even read a book. They can only receive orders and nod…"

"To a person who tries their best to rule, but isn't qualified too."

Lelouch had a little disdain:

"And they suddenly find themselves with lunatics so entranced by their own misery and tragedy so insensible to life and death, that they think about crazy plans like…" josei

…Getting the world in a illusion."

Lelouch continued to rant:

"What the hell?"

"That man had 40 years of time,"

" Alone in a cave, thinking about the Shinobi World and…

"… this the only solution he could come up with !!"

"Guess what pal? Not every single thing in the world is solvable with Shinobi techniques!!"

Marek laughed lightly:

"First Vizir, you seem a little riled up…I wouldn't want you to have problems with Uchiha Madara."

Lelouch sighed:

"I understand your intentions, your majesty. He may fail as a thinker."

"But there is absolutely nothing to say about him as a fighter, he is a literal War God…"

"As far as I am concerned, his charisma is only second to yours. But come on!

The issues in this world are so blindingly evident!"

Marek amused, nodded:

"I agree."

Schneizel who was in charge of exposition spoke:

"There are three principal issues that are getting in the way of peace."

"The first one…Is the Shinobi system in itself…and the usage of Chakra in general. Chakra as conceptualized by the Rikudo Sennin, is like elemental magic. It's first and principal use should in no way be focused on fighting."

"The Shinobi system makes the Shinobi, only warheads completely dependent on their Daimyos and countries to survive."

Cornelia smiled:

"Even if you have strength, if you don't know how to forge, how to farm for food, or how to build. You will be a starving homeless person, anyway."

Lelouch sighed again, his hand on his forehead:

"I mean it's water, earth, fire, thunder and wind…Why the hell would be the first use of such energy in warfare?"

"People may debate whether the Rikudo Sennin was at fault for sharing it, but for me the fault doesn't lie within him at all. Its use is perfectly self-explanatory."

Schneizel nodded:

"He probably shared it to remediate to the second principal issue…"

"The extreme lack of resources. Four countries out of Five are at least in danger of starvation and poverty. And even the countries who would somehow keep together, feel the impending resource disaster as they population grow…So…"

Euphemia had a glint of rage in her tone:

"So, they use wars…to gain some small territories and most importantly to 'reduce' their population. Creating endless tragedies."

Schneizel agreed with Euphemia as he continued:

"The third issue and the most evident one is the love-child of the two previous ones."

Marek smirked:

"Konoha and The Country of Fire."

"How ironic? The ones who barks the most about peace are the principal reason for war!"

"They will also be the ones to start it! No matter how much that old bastard doesn't want to!"

"A country hogging approximatively 60 percent of the world resources. A heritage they had from Hashirama and Madara."

Lelouch sighed:

"Sadly, they don't understand the basics of international relations."

"If you hold on to something precious, you better have enough strength to protect it. If not, just let it go…"

Marek nodded:

"If the Land of Fire actually compromised, when they saw their strength decline…"

"At least World Wars, could have been avoided."

" But no, they only fought harder…I bet seeing the Three Sanins grow gave that old Hiruzen some wings!"

Cornelia added:

"They are in this weird position, when their strength is not as vehement as before. But is at least a tier or two stronger than the other Four…"

Schneizel remarked:

"To hold so much resources, they would need to be at least like Britannia, capable of taking on the combined strength of the other super forces."

" Lack of focus on trade, industrial revolution, economic growth and good platforms for safe development, only makes the focus on Resources repartition greater."

Lelouch snickered:

"It's not like the Land of Fire were even doing great things with this much wealth."

"Like Pigs they are consuming it, again and again…Their population growing in those '20 years' of peace, accustomed to an absurdly high standard of life."

"The land of Fire who hogged 'too' much resources will see it's population skyrocket. And like a vicious cycle, her own population will become too big and they would still need to go to war. Such an amateurish mistake."

Schneizel tilted his head in desolation:

"This world is already difficult to manage for capable people…Let alone killing machines who have only known blood since childhood."

"Peace in these conditions is unattainable."

Marek smiled wickedly:

"But those are not our problems, are they?"

Schneizel had his scheming smile on:

"No. Those are actually the reasons we chose this world first."

"For all the reasons, I exposed, this world is easy to conquer for us. Without even need for wars, or any military intervention."

Lelouch also had the same smile:

"It's a rare low-cost High return kind of situation!"

His smile continued to grow:

"Let's show them what actual peace looks like!"

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