My Angel system

Chapter 35 Dream Or Vision

Chapter 35 Dream Or Vision

Ella was still in the class with Silvia who had refused to leave her alone. When she had said that he wanted Ella to teach her, she meant that she wanted her to teach her about everything people did that she never got to do or still hadn't done as a wonder warrior after all that was one of the reasons she was here.

Ella had agreed to teach Silvia about being a normal girl, she felt like if she didn't then she would end up making more troubles for her to deal with as she had done in the previous few hours.

She started with the basics, telling Silvia about how a girl should behave, things they should do and shouldn't do.

She had gone from that to explain girl feelings, a normal girl should know this but for some reason, she felt like the girl in front of her didn't show any feelings at all.

"So do you have feelings for the boy?" Silvia asked after Ella had finished with her explanation.

"Luis? No!" Ella said with her face almost going red.

"Then why were you looking at him like this that?" Silvia asked. "You talked about the way a boy looks at a girl if he likes her, doesn't that also work the other way round?"

Ella slapped her face, how did she even get herself in such a mess, right it started from the roommate thing.

"Looking at someone doesn't exactly mean that you have something for the person."

"Then perhaps I assume you had something against him."

"No!" Ella said slamming her fist on the table. "I just think he's…. Special." She said.


Ella nodded and then returned to her lesson.


Luis had put Dylan's hand over his shoulder and was making his way to the school clinic with a Dylan who could barely walk, he seemed to be partially knocked out as he kept groaning on the way.

Luis had dealt with the way year two students without any injuries he had just simply knocked them out so he didn't have to worry about them.

When Luis got to the clinic there was nobody there apart from a lady who was dressed in a white coat who appeared to be looking for something when she saw Luis enter with Dylan hanging over his shoulder and quickly rushed over to help put him on a bed that was by the side.

'Just yesterday and someone's already injured.' She thought.

"What happened to him?"josei

Luis scratched his head as he tried to come up with what to say, he couldn't say he got beaten by a year two student, or else he would have to go into details of what happened. His story of beating three second-year students, one who was the same level as him and the others who were just a little below him, and there were would be a lot of questions if asked if he was able to prove it with their bodies. Luis just didn't want to draw attention to himself.

"We were sparring when I accidentally hurt him." This was what he could come up with.

The nurse proceeded to have a few checks on Dylan's body, her face looked calm now that she knew that there was nothing critical done on Dylan.

"Luckily for you, nothing serious had happened to him, I would have loved to help him speed up his recovery but in this case, I think it's best if I allow his body to do it naturally," Serene explained.

Serene was the blond-haired school nurse who had gotten the special ability to help human bodies recover from any injury faster, although she had another ability that would have been good for fighting she had decided to help in another way.

"Thank you ma'am."

"You are welcome," Serene said. "You should get going now."

Luis had walked up to the door before he stopped.

'What am I even going to do now?'

He turned to Serene who had now taken her seat and was watching him carefully.

"Do you mind if I stay here?" He asked nicely.

"Don't you have a class to get to?"

"No, we are just having normal classes this first week."

"Ok, you can sit on the bed beside him but be quiet." She said placing her finger on her lips.

While watching Luis walk to the bed she had something on her mind.

'What type of person would like to stay here without any good reason? Doesn't he have friends or is the boy really that special to him that he can't leave him?'

Luis took his seat on the soft bed and proceeded to do something he had wanted to do since.

Checking his system.

[ You are now level 09 ]

[ Two stat points granted ]

[ 110/1000 EXP to next level up ]

Luis was bummed by the number of exp which was required for his next level up, it wouldn't have been much of a problem if he was at home where he could go out to kill demons but while he was here, he couldn't do that, this was a big blow to his progress.

Luis had noticed after knocking the first second-year student out that he had gotten sixty exp, he didn't expect the system to reward him for beating people but it did which meant that if he was to kill them he would get a hundred exp, just like with the demons but that wasn't something he would just do.

After looking at his physical status for a while he decided to place his stat points in strength and agility, he wanted to get stronger but that didn't he would leave his agility to trail behind.

[ Physical Status ]

[ Strength: 15 ]

[ Stamina: 10 ]

[ Agility: 10 ]

With this part of the messages done Luis moved on to the part which he was excited about.

[ Earth ability unlocked ]

[ Earth ability level: 1 ]

[ Earth ability points 3/20 ]

[ Earth points 50/50 ]

[ Earth skill: Earth control ]

Luis had managed to unlock his earth ability with the little fight he had earlier but the same couldn't be said for the water ability which he couldn't find any specific way to block especially when combined with the earth ability.

'That's a strong ability.' Luis thought as he remembered the large serpent made of water which he had seen at the former Crockel Academy the day it got burnt down, he just couldn't believe that was the work of one person.

Luis was starting to understand his system a little bit more now, he had unlocked the skill bar, but the inventory and shop were still locked, so he decided to check out the skill bar.

[ Normal skills ]

[ Aura vision ]

[ ???? ]

[ ???? ]

The only skill he could see in his normal skills was aura vision which was unlocked, the rest were all grayed out.

[ Ability related skills ]

[ Fire ability ]

[ Fireball ]

[ ???? ]

[ ???? ]

[ Earth ability ]

[ Earth control ]

[ ???? ]

[ ???? ]

This was the same thing for his ability skills he was only allowed to see the ones that were unlocked.

Luis had been heard yawning come from Dylan which signaled he was waking up.

Dylan slowly opened his eyes and the first person he could see was Luis.

"I'm sorry Luis." He said with a weak fading voice.

"It's okay."

Serene came over to do a few more checks on Dylan and finally gave them the ok sign that they were free to go.

They both left heading for their dorm rooms, Dylan remained quiet so far which Luis liked but he had some questions which he wanted to ask Luis and he wasn't actually the best at keeping his thoughts to himself.

"How did you do it?" He finally asked.

"Do what?" Luis said a little confused by his question.

"Don't pretend, I saw how you beat all of them."

Luis couldn't just tell him about his system which had helped him in getting strong, Dylan would find that crazy.

"I just get angry when my friends get hurt."

Dylan wanted to say something but quickly closed his mouth to change his words.

"Thank you." He said with a smile.

Dylan had seen Luis take out the second-year students he knew he wasn't angry when he fought them and had beat the trio without even getting hurt himself, it was clear that Luis wasn't being honest with him.

'Just who are you, Luis?'


Luis was on a battlefield filled with dead bodies scattered everywhere, everybody was dead and most especially he recognized Tammy's body lying on the floor lifeless.


He wanted to rush over to her body but he was stopped by a huge fireball which hit him on the chest and sent him flying and crashing on the ground, he was really hurt and blood was pouring from his mouth now, he was half dead.

'Is this how it all ends?'

He tried to get up with the help of his sword but that wasn't working because almost all his life force was gone.

While looking forward he expected the demons to come to finish him off but what he saw next was a pair of green eyes coming towards him and then the whole body came into view, it was the woman he had seen in his dream once.

"I knew it would be too much for you." She said with a sad voice.

"What do you mean?" Luis asked spitting out blood. "Who are you? Why have you decided not to help us?"

"I'm sorry Luis but telling you who I am will just hurt you more." She said. "And I didn't help because I couldn't."

With that said she began to vanish.

"I hope you find the peace that you couldn't find on earth." She said and then she was gone, Luis had seen a drop of tear fall from her eyes before she vanished.

Luis didn't know what to do as four figures were now approaching him.

"Nooooo!!!" He let out a mighty scream as he dug his sword deeper on the ground and he got up.

The four demons released humongous fireballs each and they were sent flying towards Luis.

Luis responded by raising a humongous wall of earth but that was useless as the fireballs destroyed the earth wall and continued moving forward.

Luis was about to be burnt to a crisp by the flames but before that could happen he sprung up from his bed sweating profusely.

"What was that?" He said. "It all seemed…. real."


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